The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Let's Play Cards!

Seems as though whenever I get art time these days, it's for cards. I'm restocking my inventory at Creative Wellness, a wellness center here that offers massage therapy and other services -- and has a nice little shop.

They wanted some get well cards...

...Birth cards...

...and some general ones.

Those that don't go there will go into my winter sale.

So, these are just a few. More to come as I hope to get some creative time over the holiday! Or, maybe -- if it's nice and sunny -- I'll just spend it on the beach!


  1. Once again I say: Frame Them!!

    They are Works of Art.

  2. SO much fun to see what you create Jeanie...these cards are lovely!

  3. These are lovely, Jeanie. I love that Ben-Hur Allspice... how on earth did somebody make that connection? So glad to hear that you're building relationships with local businesses -- sounds like you're being discovered!

  4. That's what I seem to make the most of lately too. Typically because I NEED the cards to send out:)

    Love the images and your style!


  5. What a great talent you have. Each of your cards is very special and unique.

  6. I love these. I am sure they will sell and will want more from you. You really are talented.

  7. They're beautiful, and so special, being hand made. I didn't know you sold cards at Creative Wellness! (well maybe you said so before and I forgot)

    I wonder if Mackerel Sky would sell your beauties ... ?

  8. These are all so PRETTY, Jeanie! That last one is such fun. I like your variety of image, enhancement and play with textures--each card has its own story! Well done :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

  9. These cards are delightful! I love the mix in each. Cheery...and "old" in a modern way:). Well, it makes sense to me!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I think you've found your creative niche with these wonderful cards, good buddy. Keep it up! xoxo

  12. Beautiful cards! And I love your new background, too!

  13. Just lovely :) I was especially drawn to the baby card - no surprise!

    Small works of art, they are!

  14. That first card cracked me up. Wherever did you find a picture of a cat with that bandaid wrapped around his head? So cute!

  15. These are sooooo cute. And yeah, you gotta love a great card. Oh the Beach? I'm green. Sounds lovely.



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