The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday at the Ditch with Harry

OK, it wasn't really Sunday. But I couldn't resist riffing on "Sunday in the Park with George"!

Time to visit my favorite heron, Harry!

I haven't seen him for a bit -- since we last visited the ditch, the leaves have come out and things are looking green and lush.

They should. We've had a ton of rain!

Harry is so muted that he blends into the reeds behind him.

But he was there, fishing...

... and preening...

...and just enjoying the May evening.

And so was I!

Spring really might be landing! It's about time!


  1. Great photos of Harry and red-heads always look fabulous in green ;-) Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4

  2. Great photos! Esp that one of you at the end! We had a beautiful week of weather last week. I drive by a lake on my way to work and it was just beautiful - it was like glass! I am so ready to move, but I will sort of miss driving by that lake on mornings like the ones we had last week. But soon enough I will be going ot my parents cabin on the weekends and hopefully we'll have lots of glass-like lake mornings. Those are my favorite!

  3. It looks like Harry enjoyed the photo session as much as you did, even "posing" in a couple of the pictures.

  4. Harry looks like he is a swell guy! He photographs so beautifully. HAppy Sunday. Anne

  5. Lovely photos of the season that has been so long in coming. Love you dressed in green.

  6. You look beautiful and spring-like. The photos of Harry are lovely.

  7. It's always good to see old friends -- love these pictures, every sighting of spring. Hope you enjoyed our gorgeous weekend!

  8. Harry seems happy in his habitat.

  9. http://kerrylee.orgTuesday, May 24, 2011

    Spring? What's that? We had two nice days, and then wham!!! 50 degrees again. grrrrrrrr
    Glad you have some, anyway. Harry is a doll!!

  10. His silver-gray feathers are so beautiful, and he is very graceful. As are you. I love your green pashmina (?)! My red-haired sister's granddaughter was married a couple of Saturdays ago, and my sister wore a shantung silk suit that same green. When I laid eyes on her I went into a state of color ecstasy! :-)

  11. Harry is gorgeous - and I love the way he fits so perfectly in his habitat. That's nature at work, isn't it?

    And you look stunning in that color green!

  12. Wonderful pics of your feathered friend Jeanie...the reflection pics make me wonder WHERE DOES THE SKY END!


  13. Beautiful picture of you in the gorgeous green! And Harry is darling too! XX ~ Katie

  14. I always enjoy seeing your Harry the Heron pictures! We need some more rain here, although not accompanied by any stormy weather! You look so pretty, always so photogenic!


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