The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No Fur or Foam for Me!

Art festival weekend -- it should be my favorite time of year. It wears thin! Or did this past weekend! I really shouldn't complain -- it was gorgeous weather -- in fact, really warm weather! Good for some, not-so-good for a reason you'll see in a minute!

This past weekend WKAR had a booth at the festival. This meant more or less being tied down! (I did get away for our Cork Poppers wine tasting -- more on that in the next post.)

It also meant -- especially because I got to leave early for that -- I didn't get out to much of the cool art, except for what I passed by!

But the booth was a hit. We had Word Girl, PBS' newest powerhouse series (vocabulary for kids).

We had lots of calls about Word Girl before the event. Some of the kids waited for a long while to get a hug!

Our other featured guest was "Cat in the Hat" who attracted a lot of adults who remembered the wonderful stories, including MSU University President Lou Anna Simon!

The kids loved "Cat," too, who got right down on the ground to meet them eye to eye!

It was beastly hot, no pun intended for that cat with a huge hat and furry costume and a superhero dressed in padded fleece and a big head. It is almost impossible to explain how hard the young women who portrayed these characters worked and how hot and exhausted they were.

But they were indeed a hit! Especially with me!

My view of the festival -- I saw some crowds...especially at the Main Music Stage.

Got to see wonderful Root Doctor lead Freddie Cunningham sing the blues on my way to lunch...

...and did end up with a very quick stop at one of my favorite pottery booths, colorful glazes by Alice Ham.

My favorite site of the day? This "invention" -- the doggie stroller. It's a bit of a "pet" peeve of mine that so many people bring their dogs on such warm days when water isn't easily available and the cement is so terribly hot. This woman got it right!

And then it was off to wine. But that's the story for another day!

(NOTE: Over at my book blog, Chopsticks and String, my take on the novel "Sarah's Key" is still up. Coming soon -- a more arty look at Paris, setting for that novel!)


  1. Cat in the Hat and Word Girl do look a little overdressed for the heatwave we caught this weekend. But what fun for all who came by your booth! A shame you weren't able to look around more; working an event is never quite the same as attending it. Sounds like a good thing you had Cork Poppers afterwards!

  2. Too bad you had to work too much to get to enjoy more art. I had a friend who used to pick up money in a character costume at a mall and she really got to hate the uncomfortable, smelly, hot (even in an air conditioned mall) thing.

  3. Ah the live of an event planner - we never get to partake in the whole thing! It looks like you made the most of it. I always thought those doggie strollers were a bit ridiculous but I hadn't thought about the hot pavement - good point!

  4. You and the Cat! Looks like a frame worthy shot to me!!! What fun!

  5. This looks like a fun event -but time consuming and busy for those organizing (like you!)

    I agree with you about little dogs at events like those. People here in Naples take them to the art fairs all the time and it's really scary. We also see those dog strollers here a lot - including in the malls!

  6. You actually look refreshingly cool and very happy, Jeanie! Looks like a crowded event.

  7. Well at least the sun was shining!

  8. Oh I so wish I could have gone this year. It's always a good time, and I haven't been so much to tire of it. I love the Seuss characters! What a great addition! Was Bob there is year?

  9. Sorry you didn't get to take in more of the art, but it still looked like fun. I would have hated being inside those costumes on such a warm day. I love that doggy stroller - I need one for Jasper.

  10. Playing catch
    up today and
    have enjoyed
    strolling the
    art fair with
    you, saying hi
    to Harry and
    tipping my bike
    helmet to you
    and your hubby
    for the Ride of
    Silence. My
    hubby met a friend
    for his first road
    ride this morning,
    so this really hits
    home....Hope you
    are enjoying some
    great weather this
    weekend, J!
    xx Suzanne

  11. Fun pics of this event Jeanie thanks for sharing...I bet the people in those costumes were roasting and that is such a shame!

    We got a pic of an elderly lady with her doggie in a stroller in Switzerland...pretty cute I must confess!

    Happy Long Weekend to you and yours!

  12. we have a dog stroller just like that, but in blue. when i'm really in the mood to walk, i let sophie walk as long as she can, and when she's all tired out, i put her in the stroller and we keep walking.....

    in florida it was it holds her and all my camera equipment, along with a beach blanket and water bottles etc.

    yippee for dog strollers. those who have them often have elderly dogs or are just simply nice to their pets when they want to have them with them all the time instead of leaving them at home :)

  13. Yeah,couldn't do those hot costumes for sure! I'm too hot-natured in regular clothes, not to mention claustrophobia! Too bad you missed most of the art. That would have been frustrating, so near and yet so far!

  14. It does look like a fun event. I would have wanted my picture with the Cat in the Hat too.


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