The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Welcome to a Ghoultide Gathering!

Welcome to a town where the buildings may look intriguing.

All the more so, when you look into the window and see colorful cut outs and strange things that remind you goblins and ghosties are nearby.

This is a Ghoultide Gathering, where your hosts are large and often frightening creatures!

You will find yourself beckoned into places that may seem forbidding.

And centurians stand guard! Yes, there is a smile -- but the eyes tell another story!

The windows seem covered with dust -- and are those cobwebs? Or are the curtains tattered and worn after years of haunting?

Some of the hosts are a tad skeletal.

Others, seem a tad pale and ghoulish!

But when you enter, you may see a dancing witch kick up her heels.

Is a bit of flamenco in store?

Step over to the cemetery -- do you recognize any of its guests?

You may be asked to go on a hayride -- but be very careful. You never know when a goblin might pop out!

Set a spell. But not too long. The goblins come out at night!

(These photos are from A Ghoultide Gathering, held October 2 in Northville, MI. Some of the finest folk artists in the country descended upon this historical village, showing and selling their all-Halloween ware. No photos were allowed within, but you can see more RIGHT HERE. They were shooting official photos -- not sure if they are up there yet, but some from last year are.

And above is my purchase -- a black cat, already at the top of the Halloween tree! It's by Allen W. Cunningham and you can see more of his work here or here.

This event is organized by my friend Stephanie Rawson (our dancing witch) and she and her husband V.J. (our ghoulish greeter) are also known as The Whimsical Whittler. You can see my posts on their Christmas creatures by checking out the blog topic list at the right and clicking on Whimsical Whittler.)


  1. A Halloween tree! Wow.

    The scenes are so perfect, it looks like someone scattered the beautiful leaves just for the occasion. :)

  2. I would love to see that Halloween tree that this cat adorns.

  3. Love the tree topper and all the decoration in this little town. I wish there was something like this near my home. Now I am off to visit the links.

  4. I'm back. I must show my husband The Whimsical Whittler, he also whittles and I have several Santas made by my husband.

  5. Hi Jeanie,

    So glad I dropped in. I can hardly concentrate on anything these days but I am so happy I didn't miss out on this fun post. Halloween is just the funnest.


  6. This looks very fun. I love seeing what talented folds can create.

  7. love your black cat star! It looks like a great event; I'll have to put it on my calendar for next year.

  8. Very cool and unique! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Looks like fun! Love this time of year.

  10. What a lovely place! ha! What fun!

  11. oh what fun. i want to go there! great pictures. have a fun and very silly weekend.

  12. What fun! Your black cat star is the perfect touch for your Halloween tree.

  13. OMG!!!! I WISH I COULD HAVE BEEN THERE!!!!! I'm so jealous! SO JEALOUS!

    Ok, I've calmed myself. This is sooo cool! Wow I wish people did this kind of stuff in my area! Oh Jeanie! I'm so excited that you were able to attend!

    I want to go next year!

  14. those scarecrow pumpkin heads are amazing !!! WOW

  15. I love this and I wish we did Halloween the same here but alas no. Great photos and it looks like a lot of fun.


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