The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mail Call Rocks! (part 2)

In my last post I talked about Relyn's terrific swap and a wonderful card I received from Joanne.

Today, the "Wizard of Oz" tag book from Karla! She did the great covers with a wee pull-out tag of Toto (who bears a striking resemblance to her "Twinkle") and a wonderful lollipop (courtesy of the Lollipop Guild, perhaps?).

We were each to submit 6 tags and receive six, plus a book cover designed by Karla on the Wizard of Oz theme.

She went to great pains to make everyone's book delightful with a good mix of tags. This one is from Jane Palmer.

This one came from The Little White Attic.

And this was by Karla, too! I love how so far every tag represents something different -- a witch, the fair, Dorothy!

Now, here's another Dorothy -- but Karla didn't include it in her collection. It's one of mine -- I didn't take pix of my tags, which were all different and I sent the best to the swap, but here was one of mine that I kept and added to have a "complete set."

Who could have an Oz book without Toto? This was by Evelyn Howard.

And of course we have the Flying Monkeys and with as interpreted by Jingle.

Finally, Debra Gahas sent us all down the yellow brick road!

It was a wonderful swap! Thanks, Karla -- and thanks to all whose terrific tags I received!


  1. I'm off to BE the wizard!
    I've been writing today and cleaning like crazy.

    Now I need to do something, make something, something tangible so I'll wizard away at my work table and see what happens. And just as I suspected, you have provided the ideal inspiration! These tags are awesome and such fun, each with a different perspective on what piece of the classic story to tell.

    ciao for now, hugs, Oh

  2. such creativity! i feel like a slug...

  3. Great tags (of course, it's hard to miss with this theme).

  4. So charming! And fabulous! Love how all these different voices come together and make the story -- great project!

  5. They are all fantastic!! Love them!

  6. Now look who is in a great swap! This one is terrific. Love your tags - I know you'll treasure them.

  7. How fun! That movie still leaves such a mark.

  8. What a fun swap! Love each one of them.

  9. Hi Jeanie!
    I was the lucky recipient of one of your tags - it is awesome ~
    Wasn't this such a fun swap?
    Thank you so much!

  10. Oh I love them and your host did a great job with the cool little covers as well. I'm having an Oz thing just now as well. I think it's the red shoes influencing me.

  11. Such fun seeing your great art mail...fab tag swap!

  12. Fun tags. I especially like the one at the top and of course, the ominous birds are my fav.


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