The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, October 22, 2010

Mail Call Rocks! (Part 1)

I love mail. I love "expected" mail that delivers beyond the hoped for and unexpected mail that delivers a smile along with it.

I have both this past week. First, the unexpected mail!

This is from Joanne, who is so talented. This wonderful postcard is now sitting on my mantle.

The other was a terrific swap I have been enjoying tremendously, hosted by Relyn.

She asked us questions and matched us up with a partner for an autumn swap. The rules were to include something we made, a gently used book and other things that reflected autumn and what we thought the other might enjoy based on their blogs and any new correspondence we might develop.

Well, my swap partner was Marilyn from Delights of the Heart. I have to say that contributing this swap was like shopping for myself.

Marilyn is the Marmalady -- and like me, she loves tea. In fact, she loves it so much, she has her own tea company, named Marmalady's! And as you can see, they also have jam which was to-die-for-yummy.

My package was wonderful -- a fabulously scented candle, a snowman ornament she made, the Barefoot in Paris journal and some wonderful antique floss. Marilyn, I learned, also has an orange boy, and there was a giftie for Gypsy from Joey, his favorite toy!

But that's not where the similarities end. We learned we were reading the same book at the same time ("The Help"). We have an oldest-kid who has been to art school. When in Paris, which we both love, both Marilyn and I enjoyed the company of Tara Bradford. We're both doing art shows in November. Believe me, the similarities didn't stop there. That's just a few.

I think Relyn did a good job!

(Next time: The Wizard of Oz tag book swap!)


  1. Such wonderful connections.

    I heard you on my way home on the pledge drive on the radio! :)

  2. How exciting! It's so wonderful when you meet someone that has the same likes. It makes the world feel a little less lonely.

    I can't wait for the Wizard of Oz tag book swap! Oz is my favorite! Have you ever seen Wicked the musical?

  3. That exchange of both gifts and new friendship was so extra special. I am looking forward to many exchanges in the future. Now guess what? You won one of my charms in my give away this week. How fun! For a "Strong Woman".

  4. Lovely treasure! And, as Ruth said, such wonderful connections. Seems to me I've heard it said, you reap what you sow... can't think of anyone more deserving. Hope things are beginning to settle down for you... might be seeing light at this end as well... xoxo

  5. Wow, amazing similarities! And cherry amaretto jam? Oh my, that sounds amazing.

  6. I love Marilyn. She is so calm and generous. Having a meet-up with her at least once a year is one of the highlights of my Oregon visits. And YES! Her jams are soooo good.

  7. This sounds like great fun! And I hope you love The Help as much as I did. It's one of the few books I actually remember!i

  8. Glad you like the postcard. How incredibly cool that you found a friend with your swap - and got such amazing goodies.

  9. Love hearing about the swaps - so much thoughtfulness and ingeniousness. (egads, and to think how much time I spend within corporate walls while all this cool stuff is going on!) It's wonderful. And cherry amaretto jam? sounds lush and luscious.

    Very much looking forward to Wizard of Oz tags!
    Always tons of ideas in your pictures and writings!

  10. What a terrific package. So perfect for you. And, I am SO GLAD you guys had such a good time.

  11. I have yet to make it over to the little tea shop, but it is on my list. Cherry Amaretto? YUM!

  12. You lucky girl! First, Joanne's postcard, which is a treasure, then this delightful and yummy package.

  13. It's so great when you hook up so well with a crafty friend. I have crafty friend Amanda and we are so similar we're always laughing at our spookiness. Looking forward to seeing the Oz tags.

  14. Great fun and aren't connections from blogland the best!


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