The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Something Spooky in the 'Hood

I was taking my walk and for whatever unknown reason decided to walk up a street I generally don't. I suspect it was because it was such a beautiful day, I wanted to spread things out a bit.

Sometimes we're supposed to do what wasn't expected, simply because we're meant to find something.
And what a delight -- from far away I noted something spooky on the lawn!
As I approached, I discovered it was a "cemetery" with some unusual residents!
I don't know this neighbor.

I think I should -- there's a lot of creativity going on in that house!

Halloween is coming! Boo!


  1. ha! Could well be my sister's yard.

  2. I suspect you will know your neighbor soon after walking on his lawn to get these pictures!

  3. Haha! We've got a neighbor like that too!

  4. What a hoot, Jeanie. I'm inspired to do a little walking around and exploring now myself.

  5. This is one place I'd definitely go trick-or-treating! So creative and fun!

  6. How funny. You have some creative neighbors.

  7. our neighborhood is sooooo full of this kind of stuff...but the handmade tombstones get an A plus for creativity !

  8. What a great find when you weren't expecting it. We just don't do Halloween so well over here. Fab.

  9. What fun to pass by these homes that went all out for Halloween!

  10. I have my yard all decorated too. Got some headstones too. I am having a Halloween party friday night, costumes and all! I do Love me some Halloween!

  11. How fun! I wonder if they go all out for other holidays as well. You should knock on the door and say hi!

  12. now this family has the hallowe'en spirit!!!

  13. Some of those are too funny...J. Bird that squawked ont too many...!
    I'm glad you made it to my cat post...I knew you'd like it!

  14. oopss.....
    It looks very scary ;(
    I am afraid ....
    Kareltje =^.^=

  15. BOO! What fun...someone is having fun aren't they? : )

  16. They certainly got into the "spirit" of Halloween


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