The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, June 15, 2009

Bon Voyage!

I'm off to Paris! Today at 9:30 p.m., my Air France (gulp) plane takes off and soon I'll be halfway across the world!

I'm not sure how often or if I'll be able to post but I'm going to try. The photos, I think, will have to wait!

My only sadness is leaving Rick behind, but the Gypsy will be in good hands!

I'm staying with my college friend, Jerry. Tomorrow I'll have a map that shows where we are. As for an itinerary, we're playing it pretty loose -- the two scheduled events are meeting with Tara (Paris Parfait) on Saturday to visit Vanves flea market and for dinner -- I'm very excited about that!

And, on Sunday, we'll do a road trip to Normandy and the beaches. Seeing this during the month of D-Day's 65th anniversary is truly something I've looked forward to for a very long while.

Musee d'Orsay and the impressionists (and a trip to Monet's Giverny -- see Linda's great post on Monet here at The Task at Hand) are two must-do's as are the Eifel Tower and Notre Dame.

Other than that, I'm just ready to discover whatever happens to be in my path -- a gallery at the Louvre? Parks and gardens? Shakespeare and Company (a long-awaited dream, as well, and one Oh said was a must!). Montmartre or the Latin Quarter? Lots of cafes for sure!

I have my ugly shoes, fun things to take to Jerry and Tara (leaving room for the home-trip!), a travel journal, my camera and I'm good to go!

Check back in a few days -- hopefully I'll have something new up!


  1. Have a wonderful vacation! (And we'll be looking forward to pictures, whenever you're ready to post them.)

  2. I hope you have a wonderful time! I'm looking forward to your posts - and of course, pictures!

  3. Safe travels- and Bon Voyage! xoJ

  4. Safe journey. Look forward to hearing of all your adventures.

  5. safe travels to you sweetie !

  6. I'm looking forward to when you can post and please give Tara a hug. I've not been hanging out at her blog lately and I miss it. Bon Voyage

  7. I figured you were leaving in the day time and that I was too late to say goodbye and have fun! I'm so happy for you that you get to do this. It should be a wonderful time.

  8. Have a fabulous trip- can't wait to hear (and see) the details.

  9. Have a great trip!!! I'm gonna get some ugly shoes, too, so I can walk all over Paris one day.

  10. Have a wonderful journey! Can't wait to see all your photos. Visit the Rothschilds for me while your there. I'm feeling a little lost without them.

  11. Well well, I see I have some catching up to do. Happily, it will be in Paris!


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