The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Three New Friends!

Here are three of my new friends, born at Joanne's this past weekend and nurtured and polished back at home!

Zoe is a wild child -- I'd like to think she is me with a better figure! Except I have arms.
Fran is sweet, gentle, quiet -- but with a spark of magic!

Elizabeth is very serious. People put her in charge to get things done, because they know she'll do them right!

I have two more new friends who are still primping! You'll see them soon!

Incidentally, all the "girl's" faces, their wings and Fran and Elizabeth's clothes (and Zoe's body template) are from Joanne, who sells absolutely terrific collage sheets on CD, perfect for paper dolls and other collage projects. She also has some super backgrounds (I think there were over 100 images) perfect for everything from ATCs to larger projects. Check out Ad Libitum and send her an e-mail if you are interested in seeing more. As of over-the-weekend, her website was under reconstruction!


  1. jeanie....these are so cute and I know how much fun they are to'll have a whole family of dolls before you know it !!

  2. They're totally charming! And what fun they must have been to make! I'm looking forward to seeing your entire community (there's a cat in there somewhere, right?).

  3. I think all 3 sound like you... except of course, with arms!

  4. All terrific but the Wild Child!!!! Awesome. She even has your HAIR. LOL

  5. You are a paper doll whiz and have obviously found one of many callings. Are you going to take one to Paris and photograph her, like they do with Flat Stanleys?


  6. Gorgeous!!! I love them all, but I think Elizabeth is my fav. These all turned out just wonderful.

  7. Gorgeous!!! I love them all, but I think Elizabeth is my fav. These all turned out just wonderful.

  8. These dolls are.... dolls! What fun to create too - I can just picture you at work.
    Now what? Are they going to be parts of larger art work? Or strung in doll trees?

  9. Elizabeth,who gets things done! love it. I'll have to check out the sight; I am intrigued by these little characters. and oh, the stories you've started about them!


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