The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pink Saturday -- Pink in the Yarn Shop!

If you visit often, you know I can't resist yarn, and here are a few images from my trip to the yarn shop this week.

(OK, that's more lavender and purple, but it looks pretty with the pink ones.)

Don't forget to stop by and enter my One World, One Heart drawing. It's a couple of posts down!


  1. That is SO pretty, and I half expect that sleeping kitty to hop up and start batting it! ;-) I love all of those beautiful pinks and the other lovely colors as well. I wish I could knit! I admire anyone who can. :-)

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  2. I love these artsy close up shots. You've captured a lot of color and detail here! Good work!

  3. I want to crawl into that top photo...yummy !!!

  4. Oh I wish I knew how to knit...I love all of the pretty textured yarns...I wear them all the time..but need to learn to make my own!

    I am participating but didnt get my name in on time...shame on me!! Come visit me!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Happy Pink Day! Lovely post. Denise

  6. Yarn...ohmygosh, I could have a garage full and still not be happy! Thanks for letting me know that I'm not the only one who loves the stuff!

  7. I love all your yarn. Happy pink Saturday

  8. What yummy yarn! I'll bet it's as soft as it looks.

    Happy Pink Saturday! Lana

  9. Beautiful yarn, so soft & pretty! Some day I fully intend to knit real things again. These days, I'm limited to making washcloths, mostly out of bamboo boucle; it's pretty, too, but not nearly so much fun.

  10. Love your yarn pictures!!!!!! Also, loved the story of you and your friend going to yarn shops and exchanging Christmas presents! Fun!

  11. Oh, I adore those colors! Especially that last batch. Yummy!

  12. Great textures as well as colors.


  13. Yarn has certainly come a long way! I would love to spend some time in that yarn shop.

    Happy Pink Saturday.


  14. I knit some, but am not really accomplished..but crocheting.. yes!!. Thay yarn would be lovely worked into a lacy throw or afghan..I just love it. A belated Happy Pink Saturday and have a lovely week..

  15. Hi Jeanie!
    Wonderful post as I am starting to crochet again after years of neglect! I do want to learn how to knit as well but I'll have to wait on that for a while.

    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Deanna :)

  16. Lovely yarn colors. Making something gorgeous I'm sure.

    Adorable kitty as your dashboard.

    Nice to meet you.

  17. Beautiful yarns!!! I wish I could knit!

    My name is Renee Yu and I am the designer behind the label 'giraffe&rabbit'. The pair of cupcake earrings being given away by Kathleen on Handmade Heavenlies were actually made by me - she bought them from me a while ago. Now that we have had a personal fallout, she has taken the pictures from my Etsy listing and is giving these earrings away pretending they were made by her. I saw this today when somebody showed me and now I feel like crying.

    If you do not believe me, please do check my Etsy store -

    Please be very careful of this lady. While I do not mind her re-gifting out these earrings, I would have liked to have been asked, and also to receive credit on her blog. This is really upsetting and hurtful and I just want to stop her hurting anybody else.

    Have a good day guys - I'm so sorry if I spoiled it with bad news!


  18. Such luscious colors! Very pretty, so warm and inviting! Happy Belated Pink Saturday!


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