The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, January 30, 2009

Introducing Dissent Decree

I'm most fortunate to have a number of talented and gifted friends. One of the best photographers I know is Michael Maurer Smith. Not only does he have the wise good sense to be married to my friend Kate, he's just too darned talented.

I posted this photo a few weeks ago -- Mike at his art reception. Those are paintings there, not photographs. Yes, the man does a lot.

And if you visit his "work site" (Beyond Appearance), you'll see he's a fine designer, too.

But Mike has recently launched a blog -- Dissent Decree. It is more of a writing and opinion blog. If you were to visit today, I'd be sure to check out his 10 steps to a good photograph, his commentary on the state of photojournalism, and his visit to Biggby coffee.

Stop by Dissent Decree when you have a chance. And check out Beyond Appearance, too!


  1. I will come back later and check out these links - have to dash to an appt.

  2. I visited Dissent Decree and will go back when I have more time. I'm currently taking a "get to know your digital SLR camera" class and thinkj it's serendipity that you suggeswted this blog.


  3. Thanks for the new links! Is this digital TV thing driving you crazy yet?!

  4. Hi Jeanie - I bookmarked his page after reading the photo post. Good stuff. Thanks for the introduction.

  5. Of course I followed your links, and I was glad I did. Lots of thoughtful and interesting material to consider over there. Thanks so much!

  6. Hi Jeannie! I am so sorry I have been so slack in blogging! How are you! I see that you have been busy.. I am loving all Portland has to offer, but my Gypsy blood is simmering! ha.I am going to do a goveaway for OWOH but haven't posted a pic yet!

  7. I watched your links and they are great...I even listened to the music on "You tube" on the WKAR site .
    And I like your friend from Canada very much...she looks very sympathical.
    I will watch Mike`s blog tomorrow, when I have got the time for it...Perhaps even I will become a good photographer after reading his blog.
    By the way...thank you very much for your birthday greetings....Yes, I had a wonderful day...only becoming one year older wasn`t so wonderful...*lol*

  8. He looks like a fun sort of person. I love people with more than one thing going for them!!!

  9. My gosh! I landed on his site and left a comment - without realizing he is a friend of yours. Talk about serendipity. I must have seen a link around somewhere, but I really don't know.

    What I do know is that there was a gold mine of stimulating thought-nuggets there, and a good bit of insight into all things image -inary!


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