The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pink Poinsettias

It's Pink Saturday, and as we wrap up the holiday season, here are some lovely poinsettias -- pink, of course! (Don't forget to visit How Sweet the Sound for more Pink Posts!)

Happy New Year!


  1. Your pink poinsettias are beautiful...I had some just like those & a few different shades of pinks in my flower shop this year!
    Happy New Year!!

  2. Loving the pink!

    Hey Jeanie, I've changed the name of my blog to something a little more intriguing and catchy inspired by you and other friends who have cute or catchy names. Trying to drum up business. Jane F's blog was so boring.

    When you get a chance can you edit it on your blog. It's now called "Jane in the Jungle" hopefully not to be confused with the fairly risque blog using "of".

    When are you free to get together?

  3. Happy New Year? Does this mean no more posts for the next week??? Warm weather in Cleveland today - was just thinking of growing flowers from seed and getting started on that.

  4. i love pink poinsettias-these are gorgeous!! happy pink saturday and new year!

  5. Aren't they beautiful? Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. Beautiful! I love the pink ones, too.

    Your holidays photos were so lovely...looks like you had some wonderful times with friends and family, and that's what it's all about!

    Happy New Year, Jeanie!

  7. The pink poinsettias are beautiful! I'm still babying a white poinsettia from last year - it looks as good as the new poinsettia from this year!

  8. WOW!! those PINK Poinsettias are just beautiful...Happy PINK Saturday to you...hugs and smiles Gloria

  9. The flowers are gorgeous! Happy PS and New Year !

  10. I just wrote to see if she'd be upset if I set up a Purple Friday. I think I'll do some pink saturdays also, but not today, although my post could work for that too. I just didn't know about it before!!!!! Thanks,

  11. Happy Pink Saturday, Jeanie.

    Poinsettias are my favorite. My father grew them when I was a child. They hold a special place in my heart.

  12. I saw some of these in Atlanta. They are absolutely gorgeous. I didn't want to bring any home but now I wish I did! They are brilliant! Happy happy!

  13. Hello Jeanie; Happy Pink Saturday

    Oh my what gorgeous Poinsettias love the pale Pink. so so pretty.

    Have a great weekend.


  14. Lovely poinsettias. I only got red ones this year.

  15. I like the coloring of the pink poinsettias.


  16. Gosh I do love seeing fields of poinsettias - they are breathtaking!

  17. I love the pink poinsettias! Happy New Year. I had a great Christmas. Thank you.

  18. Pink poinsettias are my favorite. These are beautiful pictures.

  19. These are SO pretty! Best wishes for a perfectly PINK New Year!


  20. Beautiful flowers, happy belated pink Saturday.


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