The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Looking Back -- January through April 2008

Here are a few highlights from my 2008 photo album!

Meeting CPS editor Pokey Bolton at the NETA meeting in Columbus!

A late-in-the-season snow and ice storm brought frustrations, but great photos!

Dying eggs with our friends Mark and Jan at Easter! (Followed by an annual viewing of "Life of Brian.")

Spring has sprung!

My kitchen was repainted, thanks to my friend, the enterprising Kate! (which has nothing to do with the springy paint above)

I thoroughly enjoyed coordinating WKAR's "Rolling" event, focusing on those using wheelchairs. Our community advisor was Judy Winter, my longtime friend, Winter Ramblings blog guru and author!

Mark, Jan, Rick and I went on a raptor-spotting excursion and saw some amazing hawks and eagles!
I enjoyed fun times with great friends!

Don't forget, the blogaversary drawing ends at midnight -- December 31! On New Year's day, I'll draw the winner!


  1. a great pictorial review - I look forward to your photos of the rest of the year (I'm guessing 2 more sets).


  2. Nice memories. Those eggs were so pretty!

  3. Happy blogaversary again. Nice flash back. Mine is coming up soon...

  4. love the photo retrospective! Also, while Mom was here for the Holiday, I toured her through your blog. I knew she'd love it and she did. Especially The Gypsy! (be sure to tell him).
    So, when we set up her PC in the next week or so, we'll mark this spot as a favorite - thanks!
    Holiday hugs to you and yours!

  5. I loved the eggs too. Seem hard to remember that things like that are happening again. Good though! Spring will come.

  6. Oh, I'm going to enjoy this year-end review. It was fun to see moments -- like those Easter eggs & raptor spotting -- from the time before I had discovered you!

  7. I know I've enjoyed discovering your blog and also look forward to seeing what great adventures you've been up to. I think I might be coming up on my 1 year, too, now that I think about it. Will have to investigate that.

  8. What a great year you had! So glad you have shared with us this year too. Its so great being able to see all the wonderful times that you had and look forward to seeing more of them this year!

  9. And you know how very much it meant to me to work with you on the important Rolling Event. A subject/population dear to my heart, and a true full-circle moment.


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