The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Write on Wednesday: Life In General

Today the wonderful Becca offered us a beautiful post at Write on Wednesday...
...and this prompt:

So tell me, what are the areas closest to your heart?What aspects of your life in general do you find yourself sharing in writing? Do you enjoy reading/writing personal essays? Who are some of your favorite essayists?

I doubt it comes as a surprise to anyone who reads the Marmelade Gypsy that the area closest to my heart is my family (my three guys below, as well as my relatives!) and friends.
(That includes the Gypsy!)

I love writing about the things I enjoy doing with all of them -- and the places we love to share. The Lake comes to mind...

And all the things related to it -- like farm markets...
...and sunsets.
I love writing about the things that I'm passionate about, like art and creativity...


And cooking.

And I much prefer writing an essay or opinion piece related to these things than something longer or more plot-oriented. Perhaps that's why I fell so comfortably into blogland. I'm able to share family, friends and home with new people.

I like recounting stories of my youth...

And my parents, aunts and uncles and grandparents.

I will venture into things that make me sad, make me think, or (dare I say it) philosophize (Is that a word?)...

And nostalgia.

And sometimes, I simply wonder...

I enjoy reading essayists. (And I don't know if this category covers humorists or personal short story writers) Anne Lamott comes to mind as one whose work I genuinely love. Calvin Trillin is a favorite. Anna Quindlen. I know there are more!

Becca also offered us an extra credit. I won't bore you with my list -- once I make it. But perhaps you would like to try this one yourself. Couldn't we all use the boost of confidence?

Extra Credit (from The Right to Write): In your journal, list 50 things you’re proud of about yourself…what does this list tell you about the things you value most?


  1. beautiful post....and those old pictures are FABULOUS !

    and that snow....
    after a foot of it, then it becomes effing sneaux

  2. Fantastic post as always! I love reading your Write on Wednesdays! The old pictures are amazing and I love the photo of Gypsy!

  3. I also enjoyed this post, and I have to say that Rick looks so tiny next to your other two guys!

  4. Pictures with your WOW entry - lovely. And may I say some very handsome guys! And since I haven't eaten (except a stupid salad), everything culinary looked simply delicious. Your joy shows in all of them!

  5. I love your photo essays - they definitely convey all the things closest to your heart, and in such a beautiful way :)


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