The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Only Five Dollars!

Last summer, during one of my junking runs, I came across this wicker rack -- three shelves and a little cupboard.

It was pretty ragged, but with good bones. And after a sanding and a bit of paint, it cleaned up rather well.

Oh, you notice the not-so-well-painted parts? A victim of cold weather (I don't have adequate ventilation for indoor painting) and running out of paint.

Good enough for now. Next summer, a second coat of paint!

I love it because it gives me another spot to keep the people I love around me when I'm being creative! (Not to mention memories from my past -- who IS that little girl?)

I have a "few of my favorite things" on this shelf...

The box in the center with the doll head sticking out is my lucky win from Sandra Everston's drawing a couple of months ago. The box was received in a swap, while the tin came from my Canada visit and reflects two of my favorites, Fred and Ginger.

This shelf has a box I made to hold my ATCs, and a tin of the Queen I simply love, along with those photos I mentioned!

Isn't this a great portrait! She was so young!

Not the best photo, but this was my first cigar box. I loved the lion graphic so I covered it a good deal -- but not that part!

So, all in all, a good five dollars spent! (Oh, and that little cupboard is a great spot for holding lots of things!


  1. Great find. Just call it "Shabby Chic" everyone will think it is intentional. The bed in our guest room hasn't beem painted since I moved into a "Big girl bed" many many years ago so it is chipped in places. I just call it Shabby Chic! :) I love all your pics!

  2. Blessings and thanks for your visits and kind words
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  3. I agree the shelf has a lovely "shabby chic" look.

  4. It's a wonderful setting for your treasures - it has a vintage look that I like; maybe you'll decide not to paint it after all.


  5. Oh my goodness, you got all that loveliness for five dollars! You are a shopping genius!


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