The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Gypsy's mom is out with the flu. I've been off work since Tuesday (and away from high-speed!) and so I haven't been able to visit blogs (which is driving me nuts, not only because I'm so behind, but because that's about the only thing I have the energy to do).

So, hopefully, I'll be able to add new posts soon (it takes about 30 minutes to upload one photo on this computer!) and get to visit all of you soon.

Stay healthy!


  1. Take care, hon. Just keep following that prescription I sent you. Rest and a good book!!

  2. Please get well in time for next week's Girl Nite!!!
    Hugs! -Judy

  3. I'm so sorry. Get well soon Jeanie~

  4. My grandmother's cure for the flu was to put a hat on the bedpost and drink rum toddies until you see two hats; then you go to sleep and feel better in the morning. I hope you feel better soon - no matter what remecy you use.


  5. So sorry you're sick! Take care and get well soon!

  6. I sure feel your pain Jeanie. I am home sick with sinus and ear stuff today. I hope you getting to feeling better soon. You sure have had a round of it this fall.

  7. Sorry to hear this. But if misery loves company I have draining sinuses and a sore throat. Something must be going around. ugh.
    Get well soon!

  8. I haven't visited blogs for a while also and now I have to learn you were ill. Hope you are feeling much better by now!
    Best wishes,


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