The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, October 24, 2008

Going Crazy

I am going to bite the bullet and spend the next half-hour trying to upload an Autumn Image.

Yippee! It worked! This is from Uncle John's Cider Mill, St. Johns, Michigan.

This bug is making me crazy -- I really don't want anyone around me because I'm contagious, but I'm also frustrated that in all this "lovely free time" I don't have the energy to whip out the art supplies.

I did finish some things for a swap and some scarves -- straggling in the ends. I'll post those when I'm back. And I finished one very funny book ("What Would Barbra Do?" -- a most comic look at movie musicals and highly recommended for anyone who enjoys them. She can psychoanalyze Sound of Music better than anyone, I think!

Now I'm reading "A Careful Use of Compliments" (Alexander McCall Smith's newest Isobel Dalhousie novel. I hesitate to call them mysteries, though there is usually something mysterious in each one.

No cooking. Even I don't want to eat my germs.

Thanks for hanging in and please check in -- the good news is that my chest xray was OK, so it's not pneumonia, but after five days of a fever, still coughing and etc., I'm actually ready to go back to work. (Alert the media.)

I'll check in on you as soon as I can. If there aren't a lot of photos, I may be able to do it from home!


  1. Hang in there girlfriend. If your sense of humor is returning, you are getting better. LOL

  2. It sounds like it has not been any easy autumn for your head and chest. I hope you're feeling better soon! (and back to high bandwidth internet access!)

  3. hope you have a big bout of recovery.


  4. oh goodness! goodness! i hadn't been here in so long i didn't even know you were sick sweet heart! poor girl and a chest xray too! awww you could use some chicken soup. broth only. steaming hot and flavorful. i'll bring some right over.

    i have much catching up to do but i came right over when i saw this. i will be thinking about you this weekend and hoping you will be better by monday. i hate that when i am too sick to have fun :(

  5. I hope you are feeling better soon! I know you had to have been very sick to be wanting to go back to work now. :)

  6. Woa! Poor sicky poo friend. I wish I could slip some hot chicken soup through C drive!!

  7. Nice photo - glad you got it uploaded! Hope you're feeling better!

  8. I am very sorry to read, that you habve been ill with a flu....hopefully you are better now!!! Thanks goodness that the chest xray was okay.
    Are you really ready to go back to work?????
    Five days of fever is a rather long time!!!
    Let me know how you feel!
    I wish you all the best and a good start at work

  9. Wow! I had a lot of catching up to do. It's been ages since I visited your blog. I do hope you are feeling much better now. I loved all the autumn photos. (I have fallen in love with white pumpkins.) Your stone angel photos is gorgeous! Such a strong masculine looking face - unusual in the stone angel department. That piano-playing skeleton is a hoot!

  10. Great photo. I hope you are so much better by now. People are sick here in southeast Texas, it's everywhere.

  11. Bless your heart! You just got over that other crud and then to get this too. I am getting my flu shot next week so I hope I can avoid this horrible illness.
    Going to e-mail you this morning and check on you.


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