The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Halloween Party!

I am the Marmelade Gypsy. Welcome to our holiday home. (Mummy did a pretty crappy job with this photo of me, but I wasn't helping. I don't particularly like wearing hats. In fact, all of the photos in this post are pretty lousy -- but come back another day, because she's posting Autumn Images all month, and they're better!)

If you would love to visit many other holiday homes and see other Halloween festivities, visit A Fanciful Twist and the creative and magical Ms. Vanessa will feature a whole list on her blogroll!

Mummy doesn't have as many Halloween decorations as Christmas, but she does her best. We'll start in the family room. This is the window I like to look out of. She has so much junk on the window seat, I can't sit there right now, and stuff on the window sills, too, so we can't open the window. This means I can't terrorize the birds.

Will this madness never end?

This is the family room and here is our fireplace mantle. (Our friend Cheryl did the lion photograph and the old mandolin belonged to Mummy's grandpa!)

Here are some of her favorites!

(She's always pressing leaves and flowers; this was mounted on art paper and framed. The photo is lousy. Honest, she's not REALLY that bad a photographer.)

The door to the garage has a floral arrangement. (Who puts a floral arrangement on the door to the garage? Oh yeah, the lady who puts hats on the Gypsy's head.)

And here is our happy hearth.

And right above my bowl is one of the bird houses she made last spring. It says "Eek." Not unlike the bats we think might live in the attic above the garage. No one knows, but there's something screechy up there.

This is the living room. We have Halloween lights over the window. We like lights.

And on the other window, Mummy took a lot of the ATCs she received in swaps that were related to Halloween or fall and strung them on ribbon as a garland.

Here's one by Rosemary. She knows the power of cats!

And one by Shelley (with a cat!!! Mummy's friends understand!)

And one by Beth. (No cat, but cute!)

And one by Jane F. The glittery stuff doesn't show too well on the photo, but it's pretty!

This is the ATC tree Beth made. It has some of the ones that didn't fit on the banner.

OK, over here we have the bookcase.

Mom likes clutter.

She likes ghosts, too! She thinks one might live in our house. (I think it could be bats.)

Let's look at the china cabinet. Lots of stuff on the top.

Mom got these kitties from her friends. They know she likes cats! (Who doesn't -- know, that is.)

The little book case hold a nice kitty witch... and candy corn. Anno says candy corn is the devil's food!

We have a black Halloween tree, too. But that photo is really bad. So, check in later -- it may be reshot as an autumn image!

And just because it's Halloween time, here are a couple of the ATCs Mummy made. They pop up everywhere!

Please stop by again! And look for Halloween ATCs and Autumn Images throughout the month and into next!

Mummy is now going to go and hang her head in photographic humiliation -- but hopefully, you at least can see the potential and fun we have in our holiday home. Except for the hats.


  1. You are SO festive! I love your decorations.

  2. Wonderful Halloweenie Deco that your Mom has up, Marmelade! Love them all and the ATC ribbon is awesome. But you tell her that my ATC does have a catty in it,,the little girl is holding one in her arms! How could I not have a cat in a Halloween ATC,,that wouldn't be right! You and Mom have a great week-end. Tell her I did her Meme tag too.

  3. Wow! You have such wonderful decorations. I've hardly even thought about Halloween this year. Must get busy. xo

  4. Looks like a lot of decortaions to me! What must Christmas be like!!!
    Like your banner idea!
    Meow to Marmelade!

  5. What a GREAT Halloween house! I am inspired to go home and get the "Fall" decoration box out of the basement - which I have been too lazy to do thus far this year.
    Thanks, Gypsy, for a tour of your spooky house - it was fun!

  6. What darling decorations! Happy Halloween!

  7. Why do I get the impression Halloween is one of your favorite holidays. This is all so wonderful and oh so fun fun.

  8. Wow you are all decked out for Halloweens- I love the idea of pressing of flowers and leaves, but I think you're the first person I know that actually does it.

  9. I am laughing, laughing, laughing at TMG's narration! Wonderful stuff.
    And your ATCs!!!!! Your fun is spilling over here into my place which I will now attempt to decorate - in fact, what on earth have I been doing?
    Off to start with the pumpkin on the front porch. (love the decoration on the garage door and TMG's comment on that, too! still laughing with delight!)

  10. Lovely decorations. I adore the vintage goodies! I also adore the ATC cards. I make those too! They're addicting aren't they! *winks*
    I'm Blog Hopping from Vanessa's "A Fanciful Twist" Party <{:O)
    Stop by my place too... I'm having a couple of give-aways!
    Have a bootiful day!
    Be Enchanted!

  11. Very lovely decorations!! And the cat is just splendid with the hat on!!! Mommy did a great job!!!!!~~

    Happy Halloween!

  12. nice cat ! she looks a lot like my Red of our 7 cats...

    greetings from Belgium

  13. Happy Halloween!

    Love your witch cat!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  14. Bootiful and spooktakular is all that you share.
    Love Jeanne

  15. Cute kitty, and wonderful artist trading cards... aren't they fun!
    Happy Haunting,

  16. Hope you don't mind a late night fly-by...I'm partying right through the witching hour!

    I enjoyed your BOO-tiful post <|:^)

  17. Thanks for the tour Marmalade Gypsy. It was lovely. Your mum did a great job decorating.

    Happy nightmares,
    Daydreamer :)

  18. Enjoyed your party with all the cool cats.

  19. I just fell in love with sweet marmelade!!!! Great sorty. I lvoed all the pictures and your ATC's!!

    Happy Halloween

  20. Love your cats!! Happy Halloween!

  21. It is wonderful here!! You have marvelous treasures!!! Cackle cackle!!

  22. Lots of wonderful cuteness!


  23. I am a cat person so I enjoyed the
    story being told by your cat Marmelade! Wonderful decorations!
    Happy Halloween!

  24. Love the cute little witch kitty!
    Happy Halloween!

  25. Everything looks awesome..! Your Halloween decorations are absolutely gorgeous.

  26. Happy Halloween, I loved the show and tell around your house, wonderfully described lol. And hey the photos are great!!!
    Marmalade loves fab in hat The Cat in a Hat :-)

  27. I so enjoyed the tour of the Halloween lovelies! Mr. Gypsy is such a wonderful narrator and tour guide!

    What a great idea for the ATC banner! Well, all the decorations are great!

  28. I LOVE the pressed leaf! Gorgeous!

  29. Lovely decorations. But really, you expect me to believe that your cat doesn't just jump up in the window and knock down the decorations!? If so, then your cat needs to come teach my cats some manners because boy, oh, boy, those decorations would be toast if my felines had anything to say about it. It really cramps my decorating style.


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