The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, October 17, 2008

Empty Bowls

Today's Autumn Image is Autumn Food! Specifically, another image from the fundraiser for the Eric RicStar Winter Music Camp last year at VanAtta's Nursery.

A photo from a fundraiser is appropriate for this post. I am involved (as a participant or planner) with a lot of fundraisers. Some are tasty (Wine tasting party for the MSU Museum); some are fun (Ebersole Center -- below with Ebby, the bear!)

Some are wearing. Like pledge breaks.

And some just make sense.

I'll write more about the Kids' Art Auction (proceeds buy supplies for Lansing School District teachers), but today it's Empty Bowls.

This is a fundraiser for the Mid-Michigan Food Bank and held once a year. People pay their $20 (only $20!) and are given the opportunity to select a bowl handcrafted by the Potters Guild or Clayworks, a potter's group.

There are zillions of bowls.

Every bowl is lovely.

After you get your bowl, you have dinner. You are served a piece of bread (donated by area bakeries...)

Then you are given a cup of water and a small bowl of soup. Bob Page, WKAR's former manager, is one of the most steadfast volunteers. I see him here every year, dishing out soup.

While you eat, area musicians perform.

Then you enjoy dinner with a good friend! I came with Judy of Winter Ramblings, but if you don't know anyone, the long tables are filled with friendly people!

I don't know of many more appropriate fundraisers -- you get the sense of what it's like when you have only a bowl of soup and slice of bread for dinner (so Judy and I went out for tea and dessert after).

And, you get to take home a fabulous bowl.

May I add a plug for any food bank anywhere? Pretty much nationwide, they are all hurting this year. Who knows -- the way things are going for lots of us in this economy, we may need them. While and when you can, remember them. Have your guests bring a can or box or bag of food to a holiday party in lieu of a hostess gift; collect from friends and neighbors, or offer a cash donation.

It feels great to help.


  1. This is a wonderful, timely post. (Makes me suspect you are very, very good at your job.)Thanks for the reminder!

  2. It's a good thing I'm getting my bangs cut this weekend in Chicago!!! Had a wonderful time with you, as always, good buddy! For a great cause...Have a super weekend!

  3. good reminder of a good cause.


  4. Great cause - very inspirational! I loved all those bowls - especially the green ones!

  5. What a fabulous fundraiser idea. I looks like you had great success. I would definitely be there if I was geographically desirable. Sadly, I not.

  6. Yikes! I've been tagged twice for this one but eventually I'll get around to to actually doing both of them. I'm in the middle of planning my Prayer Bead Workshop at Peoples Church and pulling together the So Many Divas, So Little Time musical revue at Riverwalk. I may be able to breath after that. Wait! No! I have the Mason Christmas Craft Sale after that. I promise I'll put it on a list and get it done before the snow flies.

  7. How Wonderful and I just love the new blog banner, a cute freckled nose kitty!

  8. Sounds like a great time for a very good cause! Great photos - especially of you and the bear and Judy! xo

  9. Wow this is such a wonderful idea, I love it... as you say worth having soup and bread for the bowls!


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