The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, September 28, 2008

While Rick Rides, I work!

Rick is beating the pavement on a 200-mile bike ride in Southern Ohio this weekend...

I'm doing cottage clean-up -- the last visit of the year.

It's profoundly quiet here this weekend. I started this working at the Alpine Oven having dinner last night -- partly because they have Wifi. (And the pizza isn't bad.) Apparently the turn off the wifi at the county park by my cottage after a certain time. Now I'm at a little cyber cafe uptown, after hitting the farm market.

The trees aren't nearly so rosy as I'd hoped they'd be, although I know it's about two weeks too early, so I shouldn't be surprised.

Along the way, I saw some bright shocks of red along the highway, so I suppose it's just a matter or time.

And I've noticed bits and branches on my walk in the woods.

Another beautiful sunset last night -- I know my photos of sunsets all look the same. But I can tell the difference.

I'm a bit melancholy -- the last visit to the lake of the summer. The Gypsy is good company, though. And soon I'll be off to the most excellent dollar store. I did find a grand pumpkin at the farm market... I'm just enjoying the quiet of fall.

Later this weekend, I'll say a seasonal farewell to my neighbors who top 90 and 100. That's always melancholy, too.

And between doing my closing tasks, I'll have some fun. I'm nearly done with another scarf and another project to begin; I brought some ATCs and three books. It wouldn't kill me to spray paint my new wicker shelf here, rather than at home where it'll be more difficult!

So, I'm off. But one other thing -- on Becca's Write on Wednesday prompts she often offers an "extra credit" writing challenge. I've posted this week's on my graphics test blog, Chopsticks and String -- so if you want to read it, just stop by!


  1. A lovely, descriptive post. It is too bad you can't visit your cottage during cold weather. No heat? I have often thought it would be so romanatic to be at the cottage for New Year's Eve, and revel in a peaceful, quiet changing of time.

  2. I know your sorrow when you close up the place for the winter. While ours doesn't have to be so "winterized," we still have to do some minor things. Although, since we've already put everything away before Gustov, there's a lot less to to--if anything! But still, it makes the heart pitter patter as your drive off. We're heading to Riverside in mid October to close her up. But, we do have a friend who stays there at least once a month and that helps tremendously. Enjoy your quietness with Gyp. xo

  3. Must be bittersweet, the last summery weekend at the cottage. Can't wait to see the photos of the leaves. And I love pumpkins! Good for your husband for continuing his bike rides. Guess he heard Lance Armstrong is racing again in next year's Tour de France, supposedly with Astana? Although Astana's star rider isn't too happy about that. :)

  4. I love the look of your blog with room for photos, large size and text right along, side by side. Is this your creation?
    Here's to the next season.

  5. Sounds like you had a weekend with many facets in a wonderful surrounding!

    At this time of year with the leave changing I always remember what my Mom said about the trees that just have splashes of red, orange color on them: It is like fairies just touched their wands to that part of the tree and it changed color.

    Have a good week.

  6. I always leave The Lake with some regret, and only because I promise myself soon to return. I will miss your posts from your cottage, and look forward to them again next summer.

    Until then, I'll just have to be content with your gorgeous artworks, knitting projects, delicious recipes, thoughtful writing, and, of course, the indomitable Gypsy. Sigh.

  7. Next weekend I'm closing up my summer place as well. Its sad doing it while I'm there because I remember how much I enjoy going but once it done, I'm glad because I don't have to worry about it anymore.

  8. I know you will miss the cottage during the winter. Your so lucky to have such a great place to escape to in the months you do go.
    Just think it will be waiting on your first visit in the spring!

  9. Guess it's too cold on the lake in the winter? But it sounds like it was a great last weekend there.


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