The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, September 29, 2008

Back Home!

A new week – and I’m antsy as can be. I want to be home nesting. Creating. Cleaning. Bringing out Halloween!

We made it back from the lake yesterday – Gypsy was bellowing like Ethel Merman for awhile (I forgot his carsick pills, though he did calm down after a bit.) When I named him Gypsy for the celebrated Broadway show, I wasn’t really thinking of Ethel! (He was such a tease… and, as a foundling, truly a Gypsy!).

It seemed to take forever to put things away this time. The house is a mess – half Halloween decorations coming up, about a quarter of toss-about… And all that yarn!

This is a short week – on Thursday I head to Niagara on the Lake, Ontario to see two shows at Shaw Festival (“Wonderful Town” and “Follies In Concert”) and hang out with my forever-friend Suzanne at yarn shops, antique stores and places that are “cute” (which Rick so thoughtfully calls “old lady shops”).


  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog for Pink Saturday. Gypsy is a fine looking cat. Take care.

  2. Jeanie,
    I confess, there is some mess in my closet, lol. And Gypsy is adorable, I love him. You are one busy lady, I hope you have tons of fun at your "old lady shops" : )

  3. Wow, you have a busy life, Jeanie! Enjoy your upcoming trip!

  4. Hello,

    I love this cat!
    Is it a boy?
    ~ Gabriela ~

  5. oooooohhhhh, Old lady stores!!! I love em!!! I am sure you will have a blast!!!

    Loved your ABBA story! I am on a total ABBA kick now. I listened to the soundtrack for Mama Mia for 8 hours straight at work today! Now I have to hunt up my ABBA greatest hits CD so I can listen to the real thing!

  6. It took me hours to read and watch all your last posts...the interesting texts and wonderful are very busy writing that all....
    I love !!!! the pretty chairs on the beach....can you send me one.????????????????????????????????
    Or two????.....*lol*
    The Halloween decoration is very funny. In Germany we haven`t celebrated Halloween in former times, first for about 10 years it becomes more and more popular, but a lot of people don`t like it, because Halloween is the same day like an important relious day here.
    My husband and I we will go on a short holiday to Switzerland from Thursday until Sunday.On Friday there is a holiday in Germany because of the reunion of West Germany and the former DDR.
    We will stay at the Lake Lugano, that`s not far from the Lake Maggiore. The countryside there is absolutly marvellous, I will show pictures of it in my blog when we are back.
    Enjoy your trip !
    Best wishes,

  7. Boo hiss to Rick--old lady shops! Ha! Gyp is just adorable. Bella does that too in the beginning. I keep her covered (like a bird) and she settles down. Glad you made it home safe and getting a little decorating done! xo

  8. Awh,,Gypsy looks happy to be home. And lots of yarn balls for him to play with too. Lucky you to get to have a short week and then go have a fun time with your friend!
    Can't wait to see all the pics from the fun time.

  9. Jeanie, you are inspiring in how you enjoy life and all it has to offer. Wishing you and your friend "good hunting".

  10. Home is always a wonderful place to be.


  11. Love keeping up with you this way! It's always a treat to check out what's new. Thanks for all the kudos. We've GOT to get together soon!

  12. OK..this is weird. Somehow I got posted as "mom"?? This is Jane so I'll try again.

  13. Love and hugs to you darling one.
    Thanks for your visits and kind words.
    Love you

  14. how was the bike ride? love the halloween spirit!

  15. Have fun at Niagra! I'll be at Round Top, TX ..... hope we get lots of our favorite STUFF!!!


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