The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shutter Sisters: Suddenly a Heart Appears

Recently I have been enchanted by the photographs that RobinBird has posted on Bird Tweets as part of Shutter Sisters' Love Thursday.

Each image reflects the theme as interpreted by the blogger and you can see many beautiful images by the links at Shutter Sisters.

This week's prompt: Suddenly a Heart Appears.

When Rick and I were at Myrtle Beach this summer, I was fascinated by the hard, damp sand that so beautifully held my finger-writing, until it was washed away by a wave. Of course I couldn't resist.

I hope that before a crashing wave took our heart to sea, someone passed by -- and suddenly, a heart appeared.


  1. How romantic. I do hope that your heart was shared by many before nature did her work.

  2. nice to meet you~ the beach writing is the best! HLT

  3. Well, the idea of the waves washing a heart out to sea, brushing past someone is incredibly romantic and intriguing.


  4. So romantic! Happy Love Thursday to you both!

  5. you made your own heart and i bet someone who loves Love Thursday saw it too ;) always the sweet friend jeanie. it's the little things.


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