The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, September 26, 2008

20 Little Things That Inspire Me for Autumn

A stop at The Inspired Room inspired me to add my "20 Little Things That Inspire Me for Autumn." Stop by that site and visit some of the others participating!

1. The glorious splashes of gold, red, orange and brown that greet me on a walk through the woods or a drive through the country.

2. It’s the best time of year for farm markets, with pumpkins, squash and divine apples. The last of the season’s bounty!

3. Halloween masks – scary or funny!

4. Pumpkins –solid, painted, orange, white, real or fake!

5. And carving them, too!

6. Autumn food – sweet potatoes, pot pie, apple crisps, and soups. Turkey breasts and cornish hens and roasting chickens, done on the grill!

7. Visiting the cider mill.

8. The lake is quieter – the boats have been put away, and the days are lovely and still.

9. Cool nights, crisp days.

10. Falling leaves. (Especially in someone else's yard!)

11. Wearing warmer clothes – the return of the sweater, jeans, fleecy fabrics, and deeper colors.

12. Halloween decorations – Big headed pumpkin people, spooky trees with cute decorations, pumpkins and black cats everywhere!

13. Flannel sheets! So warm and toasty as I huddle with the Gypster each morning, listening to his purr and avoiding getting up till the last possible minute!

14. Yarn in autumnal colors. For that matter, any yarn feels better when it’s cooler!

15. Thanksgiving is nearly here – time for dinner with friends and family, using my Johnson Bros. “His Majesty” plates and setting a pretty table.

16. The smells of autumn – cinnamon, spice. The autumn fragrances are among the few that don’t set off my allergies! And yes, on occasion, I am able to smell burning leaves and that just seems so fallish to me!

17. Halloween costumes on animals. (I know, many of you will take exception to this, but it simply makes me laugh – and believe me, the cat doesn’t let it go on for long!)

18. Autumn art – I adore making Halloween and Thanksgiving ATCs!

19. Snuggling under quilts – a little heavier than the summer blanket, not so heavy as the winter ones!

20. The giant-sized Harvest Moon I seem to see only in October.

Do stop by The Inspired Home to see more fall inspirations!


  1. I have to agree with EVERYTHING you like too! Oh, that kitty. That is just too sweet. I want so badly to put some pumpkins out, but it is still hot here. They will rot by two weeks' time. Yuk. I LOVE those white pumpkins!!! I had one last year. Oh, I can't wait. Thanks for getting me excited this morning about fall coming SOON!!! Have a great weekend friend! xo

  2. Autumn is my very favorite time of year and I'm waiting very impatiently for it to arrive where I live! I love your list and all the photos.

  3. I love all that you share.
    Love you
    Have a glorious weekend.
    Love Jeanne

  4. Poor Stimpy! LOL That is too funny. Beautiful Post

  5. Fall is just the best time of the year. No douobt about it. People really seem happier in the Autumn than any other time, I think.

  6. I love this season of Autumn.. the cooler temperatures,the great fall colors of the leaves; the smells of wonderful food cooking; everyone seems to be filled with more energy;and looking forward to the holidays..

    I love your blog header, your cat is beautiful... I would love to own a cat as pretty as this one..and the cat wearing a white cap on it's head is priceless...
    Thanks for sharing your great post with us..
    Hugs, Baba

  7. Fall is my favorite time of the year. In Alabama, seems some years we go straight from summer to winter with little of the lovely moderate fall temperatures.This year we are already enjoying some autumn weather. Hope the trend continues.

    Stimpy looked very thrilled with the hat, lol! Enjoyed reading your list and the photos.

  8. What a great list and all things I love too...
    especially your kitty! How cute is that? Last year we got (after Halloween) cute little collar thingees for the cats and a T shirt for Kipper. Grace tried it on them and they seemed to put up with it...we will see if they do on Halloween! At least long enough for a picture!


  9. I loved this, cause I love fall and your pix are great. The only one I adamantly disagree with is the joy of flannel sheets - how can you be a 50 something woman and like flannel? Man, I'd be tearing it off me as the sweat rolled down my face!

  10. I always enjoy your photos and your fall selection is great. I certainly agree with your list. And, I have to admit I am very fond of Halloween costumes on animals.


  11. this was fun! i love the photo of your walk down the golden lane. it looks so welcoming! thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. i don't go in much for halloween but i just adore the gypsy in that hat! the warm clothes and good books.
    happy fall to you dear jeanie


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