The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday and Weekend Wrap!

Today is Rick’s birthday! (It's time to contemplate aging...)

We’ll celebrate this evening cooking out after his 50-mile (or so) bike ride with some of his bike buddies and the kids! I guarantee the food will taste better than his toes!

Happy Birthday!

Belated birthday greetings to my friend Nancy in Colorado. Nancy lived next door to me as a child and her family moved to Montana when I was five and she was four.

Amazingly, we have remained good friends over the years! (This was due, in no small part, to our mothers – I remember getting scrawled postcards from Disneyland from a Nancy who didn’t even know how to write when I was about six; I think her mom helped with that!)

Nancy would often give me books for my birthday as a child -- now we share knitting projects and other fun things! (I wonder if she can still shinny up a tree...!) Happy Birthday "Oldest" Friend!!!

Nancy’s birthday was July 4. The gift is going out in the mail as soon as I find the right box!

And, belated greetings to Bonnie, who was the best thing to enter our family ever! (Here she is with Cousin David and their son, Joe.)

She married my cousin David and is a great mom to Heather and Joe and a terrific cook to boot! Bonnie was July 6. I’m delivering her gift en route to vacation!

This past weekend I enjoyed good times with Rick and the kids but also going to my pal Jane Rosemont’s preview of her upcoming sale. Jane is a terrific photographer and she was getting rid of supplies she won’t be using. (This is SO how I get in trouble!)

I got this gi-normous bag of paper – I mean TONS of glorious papers. Scrapbook 12x12s, beautiful art papers (some quite expensive), lots of pretties of every type, along with some very cool ribbon/fibers.
I loved this sheer ribbon with Asian-style print.

I bought six of the tin shrines. Some frames. A little guy for pencils or whatever. The birds nests were free, and so were tons of already-cleaned sardine tins, ready for “shrining.”

And the button box was wonderful. Lots of buttons, charms, rescued earrings (fittings removed, thank you very much!).

Now I need to sort them!

After that I headed to Trader Joe’s with Kate where I saw glorious flowers!

I settled on buying the sunflowers!

I love weekends!


  1. Hope everyone has/had a great birthday! Keeping you and your friend in contact must have been really difficult for your mothers. I have a friend I grew up with (I am 2 years older than her). She has been in my life since before I could remember (thanks to our parents being friends) and I can't imagine life with out her. Cheers to "old" friends!

    I love all the papers, buttons and flowers. Especially the sunflowers! Beautiful!

  2. Nuts! Wish I could go to Jane's sale. Is FBC still going strong?
    Also, I just wanted to say that Stimpy was a beautiful cat and you can see in his eyes that he was a keeper. ah...cats we have known.

  3. I love the pictures of your childhood. What a treasure! And, the photos of the flowers are pretty snazzy.


  4. It is unbelievable, I have got nearly the same button box like you, looks the same....really!!!
    I will do a picture of it in one of my next posts.
    Would you like this cat panel??? I have got another one, without my quilting and the buttons of course.
    It is lovely to have long time friends....
    Have wonderful 10 days
    take care!

  5. I'm a little late but hope the birthday was fun and happy and filled with cake and ice cream.

    The photos of you and your friend were so cute. I have a friend in FL and we've known each other since we were nine years old (that's more than 55 years!!) and still stay in touch. She's more like a sister than a friend since we're both only childs.

    Loved all the goodies you got and those flowers look so pretty. TJ's always has lots of flowers right inside the door....just like they're greeting you.

  6. Jeanie, I am so jealous of your good finds! I would have been in trouble at that sale, too!

    Love the pics of you and your friend. I have a friend that I've known since we were 5. Which has now been almost 43 years! Those are special friends, indeed!

  7. You are so lucky to still be in touch with your childhood friend! And I love all the goodies you got. Great pictures!

  8. What wonderful friends you have! I have a friend who I grew up with too. Yous sure did score with all the wonderful papers and ephemera you got from your friend. I can see some wonderful art coming from that loot!!!!

  9. what a fabulous group of photos yo have posted! the ones of you and your friend really make me smile. how wonderful to have friends that have known you a lifetime. it means so much doesn't it? TJ's is such a great place for flowers and those colors are truly vibrant! the treasures you found...well i can only say go for it! a bargain is a bargain is a bargain. and i hate it when i don't buy and then regret it don't you?



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