The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Good Time was Had by All! (Pie recipe included!)

On Sunday night, Rick said to me, "What I'd really like for my birthday is after my bike ride (there was no question as to whether or not he would participate in the weekly 50-mile-ish bike ride!), my bike buddies could come over for a burger!" (And, of course, have me and the kids there!)

Marshall the troops!

As the guest list grew from about 8 to up to 16, more pasta salad was needed -- Kevin came through!

Greg prepped the burgers!

The riders returned -- burgers on the grill!

Don't forget the chips!

We had birthday pie and cupcakes -- the cupcakes got the candles!

Rick managed to have some wind left in him, even after the ride!

The group shot (most of them!) -- unfortunately, something was amiss with the camera and this was the best of three. (Possibly shooting in the dark?!)

The presents and pix with us, after the crowd left.

And a good time was had by all!

Rick's Birthday Blueberry Pie
(or the way-easy pie, but don't expect it to hold its shape!)

In graham cracker crust put 5 c. blueberries.

Mix: 1 c. sour cream (lowfat is fine)
3/4 c. sugar
1 1/2 t. vanilla
1/4 (or so) tsp. lemon juice and zest

Stir and pour over berries.

Top with:
(I fudge the quantities on this:)

1/2 - 3/4 c. oatmeal
2 T. brown sugar (Heaped and packed -- no mean feat)
1 T. flour (I heap it)
2-3 T. melted butter

Mix and pour over top.

Back 40 minutes at 375. (Put baking sheet under)

More likely to hold shape when refrigerated, but good either way!)


  1. Seems like you all had a great day!
    It's good to see that Greg obviously is well and had a great time, too.

    Belated birthday wishes for Rick!
    And thanks for sharing the pics and the recipe. I think I'll try that one out when my son and hub get back home from Corsica.


  2. Wow looks like you all had a great time and the food looks awsome!

    I will have to try the recipe. It looks fantastic.

  3. what a great birthday celebration !!!

  4. What a cool birthday celebration; it looks like it was fun for everyone.


  5. Happy Late Birthday to Rick! Looks like he had a grand time. Love all the pics but espiecally the one of you and Rick!

  6. It's okay that the pie doesn't hold its shape, if I eat it, I won't hold my shape either! It looks like a great party - and yummy!

  7. It looks wonderful! I am going to try this recipe.

  8. dang what a great party you throw! love the pie recipe...we have blueberries coming out of our ears which is heavenly! i adore that photo of you and rick together :) i am way off my visiting sorry for not coming to see these posts sooner my dear.


  9. Wow now I see what you look like, you are beautiful.
    Looks like you all had the best time and that pie -well I am drooling xxx

  10. Thanks again for sharing the recipe Jeanie!


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