The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Refuge from the Storm

Who should live in this little house currently hanging in my kitchen?

What about this guy?

My colleague Barb found him alongside the road while walking her dogs after the storm. She sat down and waited for MummyBird to return, to no avail. She's currently feeding him some glop the wild bird people said was good (or better than people food.)

The one of him eating is not pleasing Blogger. I may try to add it later, but here is a fuzzy on of him waiting for dinner!

I know I've shown this one before, from the Birds and Bonnet swap, but it seemed like a good time to post a robin collage!

I hope this little guy makes it. It would be nice to see something good come from the storm.


  1. I'm crossing my fingers for the storm-tossed little guy. You have some great photos of him.


  2. Oh I hope he does well and gets strong!

  3. I hope the weet little guy makes it!

    Thanks for your comments! We've been very busy lately. I'm ready to mellow out a bit!

  4. Hi there-
    When I read the first sentence and saw the bird house I thought, some lucky little bird. And so it is. I hope s/he comes thru okay.

  5. Well Jeanie I hope this little one will lift your spirits! What a precious special delivery! Seems we are all getting these prize packages from the heavens!!Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my Special delivery!! hugs Anna

  6. Oh,he is wonderful we are all pulling for him!
    Sandra Evertson

  7. I hope that little birdie pulls through! Such a sweet thing of your frind to do. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog! I appreciate you :) Hope you have a really great day.

  8. What a tweety,,,I hope he makes it too. Those were great photos.

  9. I'm always happy to see a little robin collage!

  10. That poor little bird...oh how I hope he does okay !!!

    {and the music camp....way cool !!}

  11. I hope the little guy makes it. Do you know what kind of bird it is?

  12. Oh I shall keep my fingers crossed that this little bird makes it! Lovely house...

  13. well how cool is this? i come over here after being away for an entire week and i see a Robin collage! and sweet baby birds being rescued and sent to the best home for lost bird souls ever! that is one nice birdhouse. i would live there any day!
    robin waving hello here!


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