The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Little Glum Today

I'm feeling a little glum today, and I don't quite know why. Maybe just tired, or physical therapied-out.
I received lovely mail late last week from Tina at Garden Goose -- a print that I won in her drawing.
And Friday I'll be headed to the cottage in Northern Michigan. I'm dying to sit on my beach again and just read my book (The Mitfords) and relax.
We'll celebrate my next door neighbor's 100th birthday. That's a HUGE big deal! I've never known anyone who made it to 100 before!

I might be a little glum about the tree, although it did provide some fascinating photo ops. Take a look at these photos of the split. It's almost like abstract art.

Sorry -- there's nothing worse than a mopey blogger!

So, here's a recipe to make us feel better! Shelley said she misplaced this one, so I'll share it here!

Quickie Margaritas

In large pitcher combine:

2 cans frozen limeade concentrate
1 ½- 1 ¾ c. tequila
Seven up or Sprite (to top of pitcher)

Sir to mix.

It may lack the subtlety of a really terrific margarita, but for a big group, it's quick, easy and not quite so pricey! Ole!


  1. Oh , I have been glum feeling alot lately. So ready to sale a house that I could scream, ready for some rain here, hate working summers,,and the list goes on and on.
    Love the Margarita recipes. Hang on Girlfriend, Friday is coming soon.

  2. Hello,
    Thanks for stopping by for a visit.Hope your feeling better soon, I love the ocean , that is a great place to spend some time...I will be going for awhile with my family this summer can't wait. Please stop by again Pinkie Denise

  3. Hi Jeanie!
    Oh Steph Is just the sweetest ever! I am so glad she sent you my way. Where do you live in Michigan? Where in N. Mich are you going?

    I am so glad that my sweet big ole baby Punkin (all 20 lbs of him) could make you smile. I have a very sweet story...maybe this will help make your day so glum...if you will indulge me...

    6 yrs ago we had another large orange/white tabby called Prancer...WE LOVED HIM DEARLY...he got very ill and we had to put him down after 14 years with us. It was dh and I had him when we first got married. Anyway, 9 months later we were ready for more and adopted Tiger and Chloe from the Michigan Humane Soc. Due to conflicts in our schedule, but I believe it was a GOD thing...Chloe did not get fixed and we got to take them both home. 2 weeks after we had them, my hubby said Chloe looks pregnant. In denial I said NO WAY! We ended up taking them to our vet to make sure they were both okay..and guess what...she WAS PREGNANT...1 month later...I got to see her first born, which was PUNKIN...I just knew it was a sign that he was ours...she had 2 other black kitties who found loving homes with our neighbors. He is the gentlest, biggest, most lovable kitty ever!

    Sorry for the long story...but it is such a happy story for my family and we LOVE our babies!

    You come by and visit any time you want to see

    Have a blessed day and cheer up!

  4. You have every right to be mopey. The storms were awful (I really lucked out and have no tree damage) and it's sad to see a tree fall or break. Hope things are better today.


  5. Hi Jeanie,
    Thanks for coming to visit!
    Its always fun to meet other michigan bloggers!
    Where in Michigan are you?
    And where is your up north cottage?
    I live up north!

    That maragrita recipe sounds yummy!
    I will have to jot it down and give it a try!

    Hugz, Dolly

  6. Have fun at the cottage.
    Enjoy your celebration with your neighbor.
    Love Jeanne

  7. Hey Buddy! sorry to hear about your glum state. I can relate. I have just been trying to power through it....with the help of medicine through! Sorry to hear about your tree....that is always a heartbreak. one big one in our front year died this year and the village is coming to cut it down......

    Hey, thanks for visiting and leaving the thoughts about 42nd Street. I don't know much about Busby Berkley, but I want to see more of his "stuff" because you are right, those dance scenes were truly visionary!

    Feel some art, read a book....

    AND HAVE FUN IN MICHIGAN! think of me, cause you will be doing exactly what I would like to be doing!!!!

  8. Hi Jeanie....I am in Canton, which is about 10 minutes east of Ann Arbor. Where are you?

    Hope your day is going better!


  9. This is instant messaging by way of blog!!! Do I have your email? Mine is

    anyway, I just ordered that Busby Berkely collection of dances from our library!!!!

    THANK YOU!! That will be a total blast!

  10. I am so sorry that you are feeling glum - YOU brightened my day with your sweet comments on my blog - and I wanted to stop by and thank you. Do something kind for yourself today... you deserve it. AND tomorrow's another day! ;-)

  11. I hope you feel perkier soon. I can't believe the woman in that photo will be 100. She looks fabulous. Is that the woman that has the beautiful garden? Going to the beach will probably help your spirits. I leave for the beach in a week and a half, and I can't wait.

  12. Gotta love margaritas and how fantastic that your neighbour is 100...very special!
    Hope you are over your blues. sending hugs your way xxx


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