The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, May 30, 2008

What's Up with the Weekend?

It’s our intention to go to the Lansing Lugnuts baseball game tonight.

It’s the weather’s intent to rain.

We’ll see who wins!

Tomorrow my twisted sister in all things creative, the multi-talented Ms. Gina, is coming to town and we’re going to hang out! Gina works for a marketing company that distributes just about every craft and art supply known to humankind and can do just about every craft included in their line. So, you can imagine, we’ll be having fun!

I’m also going to play a bit with some of the images from The Vintage Workshop collections. Thanks to Beth and Karla’s Birds and Bonnets swap, I was the lucky winner of a gift certificate. (Thanks to the Vintage Workshop for donating these!)

These are a few images from the collections I chose – you really should check out the huge variety available at The Vintage Workshop. Prices are reasonable, you can get them in different formats – on a downloadable sheet or downloadable collection that you can size to your work, or on disk.

(I chose several foodie collections to add graphics to my cookbook pages!)

I leave you with my executive assistant. He had a lot to say last night, between being very playful indeed.

("What do you mean, stop playing on the desk? I'm just doing my job -- cuteness!")

What are you doing this weekend? Hope it's a nice one. Don't forget to stop by Sunday for my storage ideas and a link to even more!


  1. I hope the weather cooperates and you get to see the game. And I won't tell you to have fun tomorrow because I think that's a forgone conclusion! I wish I could pick your friend's brain on some of the craft products.

    Your assistant is very cute! I have two assistants almost like yours. They talk to me all the time.

  2. adorable assistant! mr. gypsy is cool. not like the bad cats here that try to rob avalon of it's baby birds. he knows his place is at the desk and the kitchen sink in an apron. this weekend i am going to garden, clean house and on your inspiration begin getting my art room ready for a project or two. keep us posted on your organizing tips!
    your friend, bird tweet robin from down the road

  3. Go Gypsy Boy! Ha! ... Tripp is staying at a different house until I leave . He loves my friend and is very happy there. I miss him tho....but I go over and see him a lot!

  4. Lansing Lugnuts. I love the name. Hope you got to go. Gypsy looks like a great my two are. What would life be without them?

  5. What fun! My sis will be visiting tomorrow as well! Love the executive assistant!

  6. Did you make it to the ballgame? I hope so. And, I'm sure you had a great time with your friend. Be the way, Gypsy obviously takes his assis tant dut ies very seriously.


  7. What beautiful images -- thanks for sharing! Hope you had a great weekend.




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