The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, May 30, 2008

Show and Tell Sunday!

This is the first time I’ve participated on Show and Tell Sunday, which features all sorts of bloggers showing and telling about a specific topic.

For more great sites featuring today’s topic, storage, you can go Little Pink Studio.

For me, storage is a big deal because I have a lot of stuff. In the basement are tons and tons of those big plastic bins everyone has filled with Christmas, Easter and Halloween stuff. Nothing glamorous, but when the sewer backed up, I didn’t lose a lot of stuff.

I thought I’d show how I use some of my other storage strategies…

We’ll start in the kitchen. I love having sets of silverware with bright handles and I only have two drawers, so they go into colorful flowerpots!

My grandma’s old Depression glass jar is great for tea.
In the art space, I use an overabundance of mugs and mason jars for brushes, pens, pencils, scissors, skewers – you name it. Here are a couple of them, along with a painted tin can I like! Behind, you'll tea tins -- I use those for buttons and repurposed jewelry.
(The rest of those pesky pens and brushes are on a lazysusan wedged behind the bulletin board.)

I put small leftover yarn balls in a clear plastic jug from the dollar store. It’s easy to dig in and grab what I want for tag embellishments.

A smaller apothecary jar from the dollar store works for end-of-the-spool ribbons.
The container on the left of the shelf is a metal carrier, which was my favorite purchase at the Artiscape silent auction. It has about eight compartments and I stack ephemera in there, along with other items that don’t really work anywhere else. I love it. (The theme is Casablanca, and the artist did a terrific job!)

And everyone probably has these for embellishments and small supplies.

I put my “currently in use” embellishments in muffin trays.

I have envied Pam Garrison’s closet. Mine isn’t nearly so tidy, and doesn’t merit photographing, but there are a couple of things to see here.

I love the eight-slot hanging sweater dividers for storing smaller papers, booklets, thematic items. The danger is if you overload. I found the Martha Stewart line (K-Mart) to be particularly strong. It’s easy to categorize your items. (Trust me -- this is more organized than it looks, but posting all this reminds me it really is time to revamp it a bit!)

My other favorite storage trick is for paper. I do lots of collage and often buy very oversized sheets, or have odd lengths. I use a pant/skirt hanger and just clip the papers together, then hang them up. They stay pretty fresh that way, and it’s easy to get to them. I’m going in to redo this closet this summer and will probably change to divide the hangers by color.

One of my favorite ways to store tall rolls of paper is in tall wastebaskets and baskets. Some of the tall colorful metal outdoor vases (Target) work, too.

Then there are the ever-popular clear shoe boxes. They're everywhere (some labeled, some not -- but I did buy a labelmaker this week, so by Sunday, who knows?)

Do check out others Show and Tell Sunday ideas! I know I will!


  1. another view of the studio...good! i love seeing what you have done to be as prolifically creative as you are. i went over to little pink studio and i might just get some pictures for this would be fun and maybe i would actually be motivated to get more organized rather than make more mess. hope you're vaing a good weekend jeanie XO

  2. Love that you have as much stuff as I do. Corraling it all is a never ending process. Fun taking a peek! Have a fab day!!!

  3. It's always good to see how others organize their stuff. You have some good ideas. I'm forever trying to get my stuff under control!

  4. I love seeing how others organize and keep their crafty supplies. I am constantly battling mine, lol!!


  5. It is always great to see other's ideas on storage. Living in a small house I am constantly battling clutter and trying to stay organized...

    Hope you have a great week!

  6. You have alot of stuff and some great storage. Love the glas containers.

  7. thanks for showing and telling...what a fun walk through your "space" !!!

  8. I love seeing your organizational ideas. I'm always trying to beat my studio into submission.


  9. I sure do love all the great ways you have stored your art supplys. You are definetly more organized than I am.

  10. I loved seeing your space! Very timely too, as I am cleaning my studio today.

  11. Jeanie - thanks for the tour. The cherry bowl you asked about is one of six, cute as can be and is from Garden Ridge! Probably $1 each but were given to me! I cycle them in and out of the kitchen. My shelves look just about like yours but my camera batteries pooped out and i couldn't take pictures. Loved looking at all your stuff. Nancy

  12. Good idea with the hanger! Blessings... polly

  13. Thanks for sharing your very tidy storage solutions. What a clever idea for using a pant clothes hanger for those weird sized sheets of paper. I'm definitely gonna do that!!

    Angelic Accents

  14. Great storage, I love jars for craft rooms, that way you can see everything :)

  15. Awesome storage! I love how you have your large sheets of paper stored! Very clever. And I LOVE the silverware in the flower pots! BRILLIANT!!! :-)

  16. It looks like it works! soo much fun seeing everyone's spaces!
    Have a great day!


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