The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, May 16, 2008

Public TV Pick of the Week

Have you noticed the PTV pick of the week has been lacking lately? It’s not because of lack of programming – it’s because there are too many! Here are a few of my favorites coming up this week.

Sunday night is part three (and the conclusion) of Cranford with the incomparable Dame Judi Dench on Masterpiece. Last week, I cried like a baby! You can join in on this – the ladies of Cranford, a small Victorian village – are an endearingly nosey lot, and there is plenty of matchmaking, love, and small town intrigue to make you smile and perhaps shed a tear or two.

Monday night – if you are into politics (or even if you’re not!) – don’t miss part two of FDR on American Experience. You needn’t see part one to appreciate this powerful, well written and directed biography of the president who led us through World War II.
On Wednesday, Depression: Out of the Shadows focuses on a disease that rivals all others in its burden on society, yet is remarkably under-diagnosed and under-treated. A thought-provoking 90-minute documentary is followed by a half-hour discussion moderated by Jane Pauley, who has had her own issues with the disease.
I will be hanging out at our community art fair in what they indicate will be rain and cold explaining digital television to people. Since to me this whole digital television mess is worse than a bad case of zits, I’m not much looking forward to it. Having said that, if the skies clear, I should get a bit of shopping and inspiration to even things out!

I leave you with my executive home office assistant at his place. Hopefully, I’ll have time to finish the art space this weekend and post it next week!


  1. I have just loved Cranford! A great series :)

    And thanks for the reminder about the special on depression. I'll tape that for sure.

    Today was beautiful, wasn't it? Hope it lasts through your festival tomorrow. I'm going on school choir trip to Cedar Point - so, nice weather would be appreciated in Sandusky!

  2. I must have been asleep because I missed the first two episoodes of Cranston....and it sounds like something I would have enjoyed.

    I hope the weather clears up for you this weekend. We're expecting 102º!! I'll gladly exchange mine for yours!

  3. I hope the weather co-operates and you get to have fun and shop. I don't understand digital and don't care to learn about it; it's all magic to me anyway (look, Dame Judi Densh is in my living room :D). By the way, your assistant seems to be doing an excellent job.


  4. i am excited to see your spiffed out art space. that Cranford show has been all over the internet with followers.. alas i do not have television but if i did i think i would truly enjoy this. your assistant seems to be trying to nudge you along on your task :)
    your friend, bird tweet robin from down the road

  5. Love your gorgeous assistant! I have no time to watch TV...can't remember the last time I movies but NOT taking time to sit at the TV..perhaps I better stop blogging!

  6. I missed Cranford. I think in all my hurry to get the domestic things done, that one kept slipping by. But I know that PBS is good at re-broadcasting them.

  7. wow...

    the depression segment would be so interesting !

    and your home assistant looks very professional in that shot !

  8. I watched the Cranford series and cried every week. It was bummer theater. I was so hoping one of the older ladies would find happiness. ugh.
    I also watched the Roosevelt program. So interesting. It must have been such a struggle to appear to walk. They were an interesting couple.

  9. I watched the Cranford series and cried every week. It was bummer theater. I was so hoping one of the older ladies would find happiness. ugh.
    I also watched the Roosevelt program. So interesting. It must have been such a struggle to appear to walk. They were an interesting couple.

  10. Mr Marmelade looks very serious! The Cranford series sounds like something I would like. I totally missed out on it, since I'm bad to just not watch TV at all, just the occasional CSI, Antique Roadshow which I record with DVR, and very little HGTV. I should look through for shows like these and record them.


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