The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm Dreaming Of...

From my ATC file!

Yes, dreaming of summer. The beach. Swimsuits that cover.

Having said that, I'm cleaning my office. I may take a picture of the trash. Just because...

Not long ago, I was at a restaurant taking pictures of the food. The waitress asked, "Oh, do you have a blog?!"

Word is out. Bloggers take pictures of everything.

Here's another thing I'm dreaming of...

Key Lime Pie


1 ¼ c. graham cracker crumbs (crushed finely)
3 T. sugar
6 T. melted butter

(I used low-fat cinnamon grahams).

OR, you can just use a crust you get at the store.
OR, try it with ginger snaps.

Combine and put in glass pie dish and bake 10 minutes till brown. Cool completely, but maintain oven temperature.


1 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk (I wanted to, but didn’t try low-fat)
4 lg. egg yolks
½ c. fresh lime juice

Mix together in bowl, put in shell and bake tilll filling is set, about 18 minutes. Cool to room temp. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

I'm thinking I'll probably see the Key Lime Pie before I see summer...


  1. What a joy to finally have some time to catch up on your blog. I've updated mine and taken up the Six Word Memoir cause. Just got one from my friend Nora,"Children grow, heart full, what's next?"

    I'm still working on mine. Although "I am here; sucking in air" sounds good to me. :)

    Also something starting with, "But I digress..."

  2. I love the feel of the ATCs - and am thankful for full-cover bathing suites :D


  3. After next week-end Summer will be here in my opinion! So hard thinking I have to work this summer, bummer. The ATCs look awesome, didn't you send me that first one?
    It don't feel like summer here today,,cloudy cool and drizzly. Suppose to be nice by tomorrow though and thats all that counts!
    Hope you have a GREAT week-end!

  4. We don't do too much these days of trips to pools or the beach, but I'm thinking when I do, I need one of the suits like they had then, that come down to my knees. It would a kindness to strangers for me to wear one!

    The key lime pie sounds yummy! That is one of my favorites.

  5. I'm right there with you dreaming of summer....and running around half naked.....although swim suits scare the heck out of me !!

    and I LOVE key lime pie

  6. i am making my favorite lemon dessert right this minute. twins! or a few days apart anyways ;) i saw your lime pie earlier today and i think that may be a next tart treat for me to try.

  7. I'm thinking we should bring back the old-fashioned bathing suits that go all the way down to the ankles! :o)
    Love your ATCs!



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