The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Seven Weird and Random Things About Me

I was tagged by Sandi at Victorian Gypsy to do this (and unofficially tagged by reading other blogs that have done as I will -- if you see this and have time respond, you're tagged; if you don't, enjoy!

1. I work best with noise – generally the telly (keeps me from hearing the sounds in my head, which are tinnitus despite rumors to the contrary!).

2. I put hats on my cat! (Here’s the late Mr. Stimpy – all my cats are cross-dressers).

3. I collect quilts – particularly antique or older quilts. (Or did, till I ran out of room!) (You’ll note I didn’t say I quilted…that requires sewing and I’ll consider it an achievement if I get an art doll made!) The one pictured is one from a summer festival this summer. Don’t own it (wish I did!).

4. My favorite place to spend time (creative and otherwise) is at my cottage in Northern Michigan. 5. I’m an only child.

6. For 10 years I volunteered as a children’s grief facilitator at a grief center in my community called Ele’s Place.

7. My two most treasured moments meeting someone famous were meeting Mister Rogers and Caroll Spinney – aka Oscar and Big Bird.
You're it!


  1. the cat with the hat is so funny!!

  2. do you get that hat to stay on that kitties head??
    Too cute ☺

    Have a great day...thanks for the sweet email ♥

  3. The "Cat in the Hat" is too funny! I put a sweet old baby bonnet on my dog last night, but my husband made me take it off. He said he just "knew" that Milo didn't like it!

  4. I love cross-dressing cats! Are there any other types? I think not. Oh, you make me want to go to Charlevoix! I need a water fix. And lucky you to have met Mister Rogers. What a gentle soul. xo

  5. Great post! And the kittie is so cute with his Grannie hat on. I would have loved to meet Mr. Rodgers,,I always loved his show. He truly was a gentle soul.

  6. i'm for meeting big bird. now that was a lucky day. he was always the most gentle, kind and caring bird you would ever want to meet :) it is a real shock to discover that big bird had a major mental illness. it is so sad that he/she was a multiple personality disordered person/bird/grouch.
    thnks for visiting me too


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