The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, March 10, 2008

Merit Badges

Thanks to Tina at Garden Goose, I was the lucky winner of a great book called You Can Do It – which is basically Girl Scout merit badges but for grown-ups!

Each chapter is a different topic (you can learn public speaking, art, dancing, better interview techniques, etc.) and includes a “mentor” who is skilled in that area and offers tips. At the end are great little “merit badges” (colorful cardstock circles with cool graphics that I’m sure will end up in an ATC or collage somewhere!)

Thanks, Tina! I’m so excited I was the winner!
This all reminded me of my Brownie Scout days. Most of us were actually rather bratty, but there are some I’ve been aware of in later life who actually turned out quite well! In fact one of us (and she was NEVER a brat), my friend Michele LeVett, is now a full-time artist listed in my links. Stop by and check out her site!

A lovely weekend. Sunny. Melting snow. (The big snow went south of us!) I pulled out much of the Easter decorations, realizing it’s only two weeks away! Yikes! More on that later, but I’ll leave you with a springy carrot salad, just to get you thinking of bunnies! (Get your cooking merit badge with this one!)

Quick Carrot Salad

This makes me two really hefty lunch servings -- probably a little more than a cup or so -- because that's all I eat. You would probably want to double it for more people. It would also be good at a picnic because there's no mayo so it wouldn't rot in the heat.

1-2 bags shredded carrots
1/2 c. cilantro (parley is OK, too.)
1/2 c. raisins (boil them for a minute or so to puff them up – sometimes I skip this step and sometimes I use golden raisins or dried cranberries)
Mix together and pour dressing over the top.

1/4 c. lemon juice
2 t. red wine vinegar
1 t. olive oil
1/4 t. cumin
1/4 t. cayenne pepper
1/4 t. paprika

(I use more of the spices because I love it really zesty, and maybe a little more lemon juice. You might have to adjust olive oil if too much more juice.)

Also good with the following add-ins -- cashews or almonds or some other crunchy thing; cherry or grape tomatoes.

You can make this in five minutes or less and it holds up well in the fridge for a couple of days, too.


  1. The Brownie picture is precious !!!

    I wish I had my photos that looked just like yours....I wonder where they're hiding ???

    And you know...I never went on to become a Girl Scout...nope, I must have decided that all the goodness I could absorb was done during my early years !!!

  2. How much fun - merit badges for grown-ups! The Brownie picture is adorable. I skipped Brownies, but was a Girl Scout. Wish I still had that handbook! xo

  3. you are welcome. really hope you enjoy the book. love the brownie troop photo. I was never in either brownies or girl scouts..but was in 4-h and that was loads of fun.
    enjoy the glad I added a bit of fun to your weekend.
    hugs, Tina

  4. Are you personally handing out the badges? Yes, I was a Brownie once. Until I kept forgetting to go to the meeting. Ooooops. My bad. hehe. I still have my pin though. No badges.


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