The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Not Flu, "Just" Bronchitis!

The good news -- it isn't flu. The bad news -- it's bronchitis, and he said don't hang with people till Saturday.

So, I'll be home-sweet-home with my Orange Boy and hot tea and Ricola and dial-up, which will mess up my visiting other spots. But hey, it could be much, much worse.


  1. Whatever...its not fun. I'm so sorry to hear your sick! Just take it easy and get better! Chicken soup!

  2. Awww...I hope you are soon on the mend!

  3. Re-Co-La! Get well soon Jeanie. It's a nasty thing. Feels like the flu but docs don't seem to think it is. Let's let them feel it for 24 hours, eh?! Get well my friend! xoxo (at a distance tho)

  4. I've had bronchitis for nearly a month! So sorry to hear you have it too. Hope you're feeling much better soon.

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