The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Flu Season

The Marmelade Gypsy's person (that would be me) is out with the flu, we think. I'll be back soon! Meanwhile, I'm going to curl up with Mr. Gypsy Rose and take a nap!

For those of you with blogs, I'll check in after I get off dial-up!


  1. OH NO!!!! Get some of that cold ease or zinc right now,,that might make it not so terrible. Feel better and just snuggle with your Furbaby!!! I will be sending healing thoughts your way!!!

  2. Well wishes for your improved'll be missed until your return!

  3. Yikes!!! Take it VERY easy. Rest, read, keep warm..drink lots of liquids. We'll still be here.


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