The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Postcards From the Lake -- Hello, September

So, here we are. Early September. Time to start packing up. Summer is over, and though we will return to the cottage two or three more times, we have to admit, summer is over. 

The shadows are longer, the days shorter. I'm not ready, but we move on.

 We wrapped our last couple of days at the cottage with a little fun, a little work, a little play. (And a road trip -- that's for next time.) For Rick, it was a couple of good rides.

For me, time to paint. I did a "taster" class with artist Louise Fletcher, dealing with "Finding your Joy" in art. It also meant working way outside of our comfort zone, dealing in part with abstract painting and just "letting go."

I rather liked this technique and decided to do some bookmarks in the same way. These need trimming and a little touch-up but you get the idea.

The second project involved using materials you don't often use or using them in different ways, with the subject of our choice. So, for the first one, I used only a make-up sponge, straw and fork with watercolor. I should have done the other guideline -- colors you don't normally use -- but somehow, I just couldn't make the pines pink! (Or any other color for that matter!)

The second part of the project was to use materials you usually do, along with something(s) you liked from the first project. I just used my brush, a gel marker (favorites) and my new favorite, the sponge. It was a great project for getting out of your zone and trying something new. 

My buddy, Harry North, made another appearance -- actually, more than one. 

He's such a stately creature, fishing so deliberately in the shallows. 

He can't have nailed anything big -- more like an appetizer. But he was content.

Another nature sighting -- this little flicker.

It was the first of the flickers I'd seen this year.

And, despite cool, windy weather, enjoyed a cook-out with my cousin Jack.

 Rick and I did a final birthday celebration at my favorite up-north restaurant, Bennethums. 

They have a wonderful Happy Hour with delicious appetizers. We enjoyed the mushroom flatbread, salmon cakes and mussels. 

The next day, the temperatures dropped, so we were lucky to enjoy our time outdoors!

I went up to the bigger farm market. The fall produce is coming in. In another week, it should be even more abundant. 

There were a few more walks. And more than a few color changes.

We aren't seeing a lot of falling leaves yet -- but they are starting.

Evenings are quiet. Computer time, maybe a movie or streaming show.


And the sunsets are still colorful.


 It's all so lovely. So fleeting.

But I'm just not ready to bid summer farewell for this year! So next time, one more summer road trip!

Sharing with:   Saturday's Critters   /   Love Your Creativity   /   Friday Face Off   /   Share Your Style   /  Rain's Art and Dinner Date  

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