The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Fun with My Favorite Small People

Last post I mentioned that we were kid sitting with our two favorite small people, while their parents celebrated their tenth anniversary. (One is seven, the other almost six.) There wasn't a lot of sitting!

Rick went down a couple days before I did and they took on a mega-playground and a splash park. After I arrived, we hit a park in the neighborhood for some baseball practice!

(I have to say, though no photos exist, I (who haven't hit a ball in decades) did pretty well! Always a triple threat (can't run, can't pitch, can't hit), my old work softball team (who, I'm sure, let me play to be nice) would have been shocked. I was. Meanwhile, this little guy sent a few really flying!

Carson loves to use my camera (with varied results!) But this one was pretty good!

They are some serious climbers and loved the monkey bars too. I get nervous beyond words! (Of course, we all know Spiderman can climb anything. And let me say, that costume didn't come off, Rick said, for three full days!)

We had a pretty mellow night after we went to a kindergarten meet-up at the school. It seemed like bedtime came all too soon. There were stories, of course.

And when this one asked if I'd lay down with him for a few minutes before sleep, my heart burst!

The next day was a full one! We packed a picnic lunch and headed for downtown Detroit and the riverfront, where we enjoyed a picnic! Everyone was happy with sandwiches from last night's pork tenderloin, along with sliced turkey, cheese and peanut butter!

Then a bit of a walk before our next attraction, just a short one. But I felt very happy when the Camster reached for my hand without my having to ask for it as we were (carefully) crossing the street. At another point later, we were all four holding hands. I loved that. (It's the little things, you know?)

Michigan DNR Outdoor Adventure is ironically named -- it's all indoors! But it's super fun, with lots of interactive actvities for kids, including this monster "tree" (three stories) into which the kids could climb and slide out of.

 Displays explained how helicopters are used to spot forest fires and kids could enjoy the control panels.

(This was a big hit with both our guys.)

They also loved the riding the snowmobile and ATV, dodging obstacles on the film in front of them.


You could go "fishing" too -- the movie showed the fish underwater, then taking the bait, while something tugged hard at their lines so they could reel them in!

And of course, there was a bike race!


  Along with that were some nature exhibits. I especially loved this turtle. . . 

. . . and this frog.


 All good days come to an end. After a stop at the famed Eastern Market (which was closing, so a disappointment this time), we headed home and made dinner -- Dinner on a Stick night, with Yakitori (sold to them as grilled chicken nuggets on a stick -- without the coating!) and fruit skewers. And of course, that always means more time with Waffles the Cat. 

(This cat is THE most mellow cat in the world, comfortable in all positions and never using her claws.)

We couldn't have had a happier time.

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  1. are fortunate to small people in your life, they grow up quickly. Our youngest is 11 and she thinks that she's is 18!

  2. How wonderful! What a heartwarming story. Just love it!

  3. Your time with the kids is so special! You are right---it's those little moments!

    Treasure these times.

  4. It's nice to see kids with their energy having lots of fun. The great thinkers of the future are here and enjoying life.

  5. What great memories, and all of the pics to revive them if they begin to fade. That pic of you two by Carson was pretty darn good.

  6. Hello Jeanie,
    The boys are growing up so quickly. It looks like you all had a fabulous time, with lots of fun activities. I am sure Rick loved watching the boys on the bicycles. Family time is the best! Great collection of photos and happy new memories for you all. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  7. They make life sweet, don't they? My great-niece and great-nephew (1 and 7) were just here for a week. 💙 Love them.

    P.S. Waffles is a special kind of cat! Ha ha. I can imagine a dog being that accomodating, but a cat?? That's a miracle!

  8. OMGosh! The Outdoor Adventure would be right up Ian and Liam's alley! They are also super active kids and love climbing. Looks like the perfect place to visit with your boys.
    Time with the grandboys is so precious. Looks like you had the best time. Taking your hand automatically...awww! Thanks for sharing. :)

  9. I can imagine how happy you were to have your favourite little people with you. They are growing so quickly. It looks like you all had a wonderful time! Have a great, new week too! Hugs!

  10. 'Little people' bring great pleasures that adults won't easily give them up.
    You and Rick look happy to 'sit' for the two little brothers.

  11. What great fun you had with these adorable lil kiddos! Loved seeing their smiles. Janice

  12. Wow what a wonderful time you had!!! Those are such sweet pictures lucky you with all that time with them.

  13. You have such a fun life playing with grandchildren. I am not married and have no children. I envy this very much!

  14. what a fun time you found some awesome activities too

  15. It looks like a fun time was had by all. A change from the regular routine is good for everyone!

  16. Yes, Jeanie, it’s the little things that count. It is very special indeed when a child takes your hand. Savour every moment.

  17. Seven and almost six, when did that happen? They are so handsome and I know that you and Rick enjoyed every minute! Little people are so much fun if we can possibly keep up with them and all of their energy! Wishing you a wonderful week, Jeanie!

  18. Brings back such very happy times!!! Oh they are so cute..and that pic of you and the boys bending ver is a framer:) Lovely light!

  19. Looks at those smiling faces. How fun to sit with the boys and take them out for fun outings. 6 and 7 year old are very active.
    I know because I just entertained a 2 year old plus a 3 year old. Plus 6 and y year olds. Lots of fun. Now go rest up.

  20. Wow, the DNR place looks amazing. I would be hitting that up on rainy days as my boys would love all those different exhibits! They are both into engines/things that go, but Taco is especially into that sort of thing. And the moments of them wanting to hold your hand are just so precious. I try to appreciate them because I know they won't always want to hold my hand. We have the same dino sheets that one of the boys has on his bed!

    What a gift to give to Kevin & Mollie! Happy 10 years to them!

  21. This is so heartwarming. I love how the one (I can't tell if that's Carson or not?! They look like twins!) asked you to lay down with him. Too sweet. And Carson's gotten to be a pretty good photographer. Love that indoor Outdoor Adventure, esp as hot as it's been!

  22. What a fun time. They grow so fast. Soon it'll be car keys!

  23. The boys have grown up so much since I started following you. Enjoy these special play days while you can.

  24. Wooo hoooo - looks like a good time was had by all four of you :) So wonderful to have these precious times with the littles...who sure don't stay little long !!
    Dawn P.

  25. beautiful, beautiful children. THESE are the good old days!

  26. This looks like the best time!! Outdoors in the city, good food, and the best part, being with loved ones and having adventures! I am glad that you enjoyed the Outdoor Adventure Center!!

  27. Awwww....You are truly blessed, My Friend! They look very busy. ;P

  28. Happy times indeed! They are the perfect age for such adventures. You are glowing with happiness. I loved this all so much.

  29. I'm tired just reading all the fun action. Everyone had fun - and I'm so glad you had these experiences with the boys.

  30. Enjoy as much time with these darling boys as you can. Time flies so fast and they’ll be teenagers and young adults before you know it!!

  31. I look forward to seeing your wonderful photos. The time with the grandchildren is priceless.

  32. This sounds like heaven on earth❤️

  33. It sounds busy, but super fun. The outdoor/indoor place looks amazing. I wish we had something fun like that when I was a kid. And I get how you just loved those little signs of affection from the grandkids. Happy new week Jeanie. hugs-Erika

  34. Jeanie,
    Looks like you had a great time and made some wonderful memories....I am looking forward to our July 4th family celebration and to seeing the twins and the pups!! I hope you are managing to stay cool..The heat wave finally broke here on Sunday and today was a beautiful day with low humidity and only in the 70's...I hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for always stopping by!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  35. That sounds like such a fun visit! My boys would have loved that indoor--outdoor themed adventure museum when they were younger too.

  36. That is a lovely picture of reading bed time stories.

  37. those look like memorable adventures. Detroit is a mystery to me, I’m interested in how you found so many good activities.

    best, mae at

  38. Jeanie, kids sure do have a way of keeping us young and on our toes. Do love the pic of the snow mobile. What summer fun..xxoJudy

  39. they are adorable "little people"!! they will always remember this special time with you...memories that will last a lifetime!!

  40. Oh what a wonderful time. 'Not much sitting.' Hehe. I used to ask the grands to hold my hand so I wouldn't get lost. It seemed to work:)

  41. What a tonic! And it sounds as if they've inherited a great love of physical activity from.... well, who could that be???? I had to smile at Spiderman not changing his outfit for 3 days!!

  42. Jeanie, you and Rick certainly had a workout as well in the time spent with the boys. And, you are right, that it's those little things in life like holding hands, special moments indeed.

  43. Oh such wonderful pictures.. moments of pure joy captured.

  44. Fun time making memories... Cute kids ... The adventure museum looks great... Good experience. Enjoyed your pictures.

  45. Such fun! Lots of memories made. Good time for all.

  46. I know those cute boys must love spending time with you, you did so many fun things!

  47. Oh how precious they are.😍

  48. Wow! These boys are growing up so fast. Great photos with all the fun and smiles. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a great weekend.

  49. Such a great post, I'm smiling :)

    What a great, super, fun time you all had.
    What great memories you've made.
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  50. Your photos tell it all! So much happiness and joy brought a big smile to my face. Seems like they enjoyed being with you guys as much as you enjoyed them! What a special time!!

  51. Such fun memories being made


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