The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Ducks, Birds and a Recalcitrant Cat

Early summer. You can't beat it -- temps are warming but not hot, sometimes with a breeze. Here in Michigan where we often have cloudy days, the sky has been blue and the days bright. (OK, a little rain, but that's good for the yard!) 

I've been doing a little painting, a little reading, a little walking. Cataract surgery kept me from lifting or bending for a week so I'm looking forward to actually bending over and deadheading my geraniums!

Lizzie then

The cataract recovery has gone well. Debra asked me to talk a bit about it, so if you've already experienced this step in your life, skip a paragraph! Meanwhile, a little cat eye candy!

Lizzie now.

If they tell you it's time for cataract surgery, do it. It's a cinch. No pain and the most frustrating thing is that it takes a bit (so they say) for your eyes to learn to work together as the new lenses settle in so your old glasses may not work for you quite the way they did before. After four weeks, I'll get a prescription for new glasses. But for the most part, I wonder if I'll need them, even for reading, unless it's very small print or very dim. Sometimes before the surgery, you will have to do eye drops (one surgeon had me do this, the other didn't) and the same after. The process itself takes only about 20 minutes. I was in and out, including pre- and post-op/recovery in about three and a half hours. They give you enough anesthetic so you really have zero recollection of anyone messing with your eyes. They tell me I was not asleep but if anyone was chatting with me, I didn't consciously hear. After, you can't lift more than a gallon of milk or bend lower than your waist for a week. You also can't swim or wash your eyes with water and you wear a protective shield over the eye at night for that week. That's it. Pretty easy.

The after effects? I know that some see colors more brilliantly. I can't say that's the case with me -- they were always bright. But I've noticed that the HD on the TV is a lot sharper. And I can actually read more without my glasses, which was a surprise. All in all, a good thing.

So, I've been communing with Lizzie a bit. She's twelve and a half now and apart from her oppositional behavior disorder (my diagnosis) she's a terrific cat. Thank goodness for Costco puppy pads! At $17 for 100, I happily buy in bulk. This is my girl shortly after she came to me.

And this is her now. She's grown up.

Also growing up are the Ditch critters. I haven't seen our goslings but an intrepid neighborhood nature photographer tells me they've moved to another pond out of the 'hood. However, we finally have ducklings! I have seen two families. These guys are much younger (and their protective parents make them hard to photograph!)

I think there are four in this group. This one is a cutie.

And this is how they look when they scratch themselves! I don't know why, but I never thought of ducks scratching themselves the way dogs or cats do.

The other family is a little older and were getting swimming and feeding lessons from mom.


They appear to be doing rather well! I'd give their duckrobatics a 10.

The menfolk Mallards were having their own fun.

This greeted me on one of my recent walks. Why was this bench cordoned off?

As you can see, a turtle has buried its eggs here. Fortunately, someone saw it while happening and staked it off. I hope I'll see the babies.

And, I had a good sighting of Harry (or Harriet?) in a new spot in one of the ponds.

The head looks a little different from other sightings (although they are always far away and at a different angle) so I'm thinking it's Harry -- but who knows?

 I have to admit, he made quite the handsome hunter.

On the home front, a handsome squirrel. I've been thoroughly enjoying their shenanigans as they chase one another relentlessly!

Now, it's time to chill out and relax! 

Have a great day!

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  1. I'm sure I will need cataract surgery at some point so I'm glad to read it isn't really all that bad. (MY doc says mine are tiny and about usual for people my age...but I suspect like many people I'll need them removed.) And wow, turtle eggs at the ditch. How cool. Those babies are getting big fast also. Any sign of the goslings? It's definitely hard when pets get older, isn't it? Maddie goes to the vet today. I hope she'll have some useful advice. Take care and enjoy this early summer weather. hugs-Erika

  2. Colours will be bright for a while..but what Pirate revelled in was seeing detail in clouds, trees and fields after his cataracts were done.

  3. ...cataract surgery has become common place these days and mine went well. I found the turtle eggs to be interesting. When I owned the nursery, we had large piles of mulch and turtles would lay their eggs in the warm mulch. It wasn't pleasant to unearth the eggs when we sold mulch.

  4. Glad your eye surgery went well. Adorable ducklings! Looks like they are working on a synchronized swimming routine.

  5. I'm so glad you had #2 done! I had corrective lenses put in when I had mine done. It's been a journey.
    I love the turtle nest. They are so endangered.
    Sweet ducklings and your Lizzie.

  6. Glad your cataract surgery was successful. I have cataracts, too, but don't need surgery right now, as they are tiny. David's brother had a bad experience. His lens shattered during surgery, so the surgeon had to remove bits and pieces from his eye.

  7. CATS and CATaracts.

    And what a neat thing to rope off the bench.

  8. My results were great, no glasses needed, wheee!

    Just a word of caution: mine were not uneventful surgeries, and I remember everything about them, also a difficult recovery.

    BUT, it's still worth it, such a life improvement! No long-term problems at all. So go for it!

  9. So glad your second eye surgery went as well and you'll be getting your checkup and new glasses soon. Like you said, if you even need glasses anymore.
    Loved the trip to the ditch! :)

  10. Thanks so much for sharing you cataract journey, Jeanie. I have one on the right but it's not ready to correct as yet. Always love your Ditch photos. We have ducks at our pond too, but not near as many as the hordes of Canadian Geese. I was amazed at the almost black color of your squirrel. We only have grays, but lots of variations with some having blonde tails. Have a great rest of the week!

  11. Thank you for explaining the eye-procedure!
    And oh, you have a great neighborhood taking care of those eggs!

  12. Hi Jeanie, glad all is well after the cataract OPs. I had mine done more than 2o years back, as you say, easy peasy and no drama. But sooner or later - I hope later - I will need a corneal transplant and I'm not looking forward to that!. Love those little ducklings, they are so pretty. Your cat is lovely, too. Have fun in your doll#s house by the lake, it looks so lovely. Hugs, Valerie

  13. You'll really like the effects of cataract surgery in the future. I only wear glasses to read - I had worn them since 3rd grade and it's like getting out of prison!

  14. Those ducks sure are having fun in the swimfest.

  15. The eye dr says I'm still several years out from cataract surgery, but my husband's went fine. Your wildlife is fun to see. Thanks for the photos. I hope you get to see the turtle babies! How exciting!

  16. So pleased that your surgery went without a hitch! Luck of the draw!

  17. Walking is always good for health both physical and emotional. Love your journal that tells the life as it is.

  18. Sweet kitty. Sweet ducklings.
    Agreed, easiest surgery ever. Thank goodness! And also one of the most dreaded:)
    The HH hasn't been able to bend for 6 mos now, due to the back surgery. Hopefully, that restriction will soon be lifted.
    Have a grand one.

  19. So glad your cataract surgery is now all done and that you can see better Jeanie. I am sure glad I did mine long ago when I could still get around by myself. I actually walked home after my 2nd eye surgery because the hospital is so close to where I live. They wouldn't have let me go if they knew, lol. There is lots to see at the ditch and I'm hoping we get to see some little turtles too.

  20. Happy weekend to come, friend! I LOVE dead-heading geraniums (and all other flowers) ... it's one of my therapies of choice. And those goslings remind me of my grandchickens who I'm looking forward to spoiling the next few days. (The grandchildren, too!)

    Have a good one.

  21. As duck babies get bigger and more active, their mom would more care about their safety. I hope she can have enough foods and a deep sleep for herself.

  22. You had me at "ducks". Anything involving ducks and I am in. Those ducklings are adorable!

  23. I'm glad to hear your cataract surgery went well and your vision is improving!

    Thanks for sharing your experience – it’s reassuring for those of us who might need it someday.

    The ducklings are adorable, and Lizzie looks wonderful! Your neighborhood seems like a lovely place to enjoy early summer with all the wildlife. It's great that someone protected the turtle eggs – I hope you get to see the hatchlings!

  24. Hi Jeanie, I'm glad to hear your cataract surgery went well and your vision is improving! Thanks for sharing your experience – it’s reassuring for those of us who might need it someday.

    The ducklings are adorable, and Lizzie looks wonderful! Your neighborhood seems like a lovely place to enjoy early summer with all the wildlife. It's great that someone protected the turtle eggs – I hope you get to see the hatchlings!

  25. Nature is a wonder. It was good to see your photos of both wild and tame creatures, i.e. the growing family of ducklings, the fabulous heron and sweet Lizzie. I'm happy to hear that your eye surgery was a great help in the improvement of your eyesight. Squirrels are fun to watch. It was interesting to hear about the turtle. Have a good day Jeanie!

  26. Hello Jeanie,
    It seems like a lot of people I know are having cataract surgery.
    I expect to have this surgery too, the doctor is not in a hurry for me to have it done yet. The ducklings are so cute and Lizzie was a sweet kitten. She is adorable now too. It is hard to tell whether you are seeing a female or a male heron. I hope Harry the Heron has a mate. It would be cool to see the baby turtles. Take care, have a great day!

  27. Those little ducklings would do well to stay clear of Harry. He would gladly make a snack of them. Something you don’t need to see, Jeanie.

  28. Any surgery is not fun and glad your went alright. I so love when the swans and ducks have their butts in the air. So cute. Lizzie is cute too. Our Shadow turns 11 next month. Janice

  29. Lovely post, Jeanie. I am happy you had a successful cataract surgery. Your pre and post surgery routines were the same for me. Wonderful wildlife photos. Happy Weekend!

  30. Hopefully I'll never need cataract surgery, but good to know it's not a big scary deal. We were just talking about turtle eggs last night, as daughter was telling us how a portion between a Tim Horton's and a downtown park is now being sectioned off for the same reason! -Jenn

  31. Glad you have the cataract surgery behind you and a success. When Jim had his he experienced the bright sharp color change in his vision. He couldn't believe it! I suspect I will need it at some point so thanks for explaining the surgical procedure. I always enjoy your nature photos, looks like all is going well at the ditch. Hope you get lucky and see the turtles when they hatch. It's already really hot here, welcome summertime, so enjoy those mild early June days. Have a great weekend........

  32. I am glad the surgery went well for you! My mom really noticed that colors were so vibrant afterwards but I am sure it varies from person to person. When my aunt had it, she kind of struggled a bit w/ not needing glasses because they were always such a part of her personality. She had a lot of different pairs so they were like an accessory for her. I would personally NOT miss not needing glasses, though. I wear contacts except at night when I read in bed. I theoretically should not need glasses when reading in bed because my near sighted vision is pretty much perfect but it feels better to read with my glasses on for some reason.

    The baby ducks are so cute! I saw some baby geese on a walk this week. They had grown so much since I last saw them but they look so soft and fluffy! It's fun to watch them grow and change!

  33. I always love your photos at the ditch. That was a sweet gesture of someone roping off the area for the turtle eggs. I think I mentioned that after my cataract surgery, colors where so much brighter for me.

  34. Yay on positive outcome surgery..Yes everyone who has had it..So happy:) This time of yr is lovely:)

  35. Gorgeous photos, Jeanie...loving the cat pics...have to become a few paintings, me thinks.!

  36. The ducklings in your photo look as if they want to join the artistic swimming team and go to the Olympics. (That’s the sport formerly known as synchronized swimming — I wonder why they changed the name.)
    Good to hear you are recovering so well. Very few people are able to make a comparison of two cataract surgeons. I’m glad that didn’t have any bad consequences for you!

    best, mae at

  37. From your comment that Lizzie doesn't use her litter box?
    Yes, cataract surgery was a piece of cake. I have always been farsighted in one eye and near sighted in the other eye.. So I only had my farsighted I done because the cataract in the other eye was not as bad and now I can read with my nonoperated eye. Actually I can read with my operated eye.. depends on what kind of lens they implant...
    Love the gosling pictures. So cute. I hope they stay away from the Heron... Not safe!
    Glad the turtles nest is protected.
    Have a good weekend Genie...

  38. Lovely, Jeanie! How lucky you are to have turtles nesting nearby - what a privilege! I also avidly read your account of cataract surgery. i have been told this will happen at some point, but the optician - seeing my look of horror - said, "Don't worry, it's the most frequent operation the NHS does and it's over in minutes."
    A friend of mine, with a warped (and hilarious) sense of humour was having laser eye surgery and, in the middle of it, allegedly said - "Can anyone smell burning?"

  39. I'm never sue if my comments on Blogger get published, because I get quite mixed up with profiles etc. I hope they do - I'd hate to deprive anyone of my appreciation and pearls of wisdom... :-)

  40. Doing a little of everything - sounds quite good!
    Haron looks very handsome in the pictures, on the background of the green, round leaves!

  41. Good to read your eyes are doing well. I love seeing your animal photography!

  42. So glad to hear that your surgery went well and I really appreciate your candid review of the process. I'm sure one day it will be suggested to us. Your ditch is the most charming of spots! So sweet and full of life!

  43. Wonderful photos and glad your cataract surgery went so well. I am amazed that the turtle buried in the grass. I live on the beach and of course it is common place during this season to see the sea turtles burry their eggs and then they get roped off.

  44. Hello Jeanie,
    I like seeing the photos of your sweet Lizzie, she was a cute kitten and still is a cutie. Great captures of the duck family and Harry/Harriet the Heron.
    The ducklings are a favorites. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  45. So glad you have done well with the cataract surgery.
    Your pictures are great of the new family. Love the sweet goslings. We have a family in our neighborhood for the first time. Everyone is enchanted and putting up signs to slow down for ducks crossing.

  46. Thanks for talking about your surgery. We all need to be aware of things like that as we age. I am such a baby about everything! lol Love your nature photos my friend!

  47. Jeanie, so much going on at the ditch. To be able to see baby turtles would be amazing. Love the duck aerobics. Thanks for the cataract info. Glad to hear not too much of a fuss as I am moving towards that direction. One doc told me that it is a little more complicated with MD but then the doc that gives me the shots says it won't make a difference. I will believe him..Happy beautiful summer which is really heating up around here. xxoJudy

  48. What a great post of all things nature, Jeanie. First, I'm glad your cataract surgery went well. I love that picture of Lizzie now and then. And it looks like the same blue ornament dangling. That's so cool. The ducklings are precious than ever, and they are taught early to swim and find food! The mallards are so pretty with their green heads. That was nice that someone closed that area off, as the turtle buried her eggs there. And those mischievous squirrels. They are on my lawn each and every day scurrying about. What a great post today, Jeanie. I enjoyed it very much.


  49. Cataract surgery really is a piece of cake and my husband and I have had both eyes done. Ours were both done with only local anesthetic and were aware of our procedure and were home in an hour. Also there was no need for protective eyewear. I guess every surgeon does things differently. I even took a trip two days after with no problems...only drops several times a day. People really shouldn't dread it and your vision is so much better after. 😊

  50. My husband had cataract surgery last year and he did well. I was told at my last eye exam I have the beginning of cataracts but its too early to do surgery. All I can think about is "They have to give me a shot in the eye!" I'm glad yours went well and you can see better.
    And I love cat pictures!😺

  51. Very cute ducklings -- and yes, quite skilled at the water aerobics already! Glad your cataract surgery went well.

  52. A little painting, a little reading, a little walking sounds very pleasant.
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
    So pleased your cataract surgery went well.

    All the best Jan

  53. Glad that the second cataract surgery went so well, Jeanie. The only glasses I need now are reading, so II did not get a get a prescription but have inexpensive ones all around the apt. i also can wear a single contact and forgo the glasses. The ducklings are very cute. There’s only goslings here and they are growing up fast.

  54. It's so interesting to read the details of your surgery. Mine was quite different. It took only about an hour per eye, and only fifteen minutes for the surgery, and I was awake during the procedures: fully, for the second. There weren't any restrictions about bending or lifting. My suspicion is that the difference lies in the fact that mine was done with a laser rather than a scalpel, but that's only a guess. In any event: hooray! I'm glad it's over and done with, and that it went well!

  55. Glad your surgery is behind you Jeanie, and I loved seeing young Lizzie. Cats are all somewhat crazy! I'm glad you got to visit the ditch and see your wildlife friends~ keep us posted on the turtle eggs!

  56. Glad your cataract surgery went well and I hope you have a quick recovery Jeanie.
    Poor Lizzie is getting on, hope she's in good health.

  57. Glad to hear surgery was a breeze! That is so great that you can see so clearly now even without your glasses. We still haven't seen much in the way of ducklings but the goslings are huge now. You got some really great shots of the heron.

  58. I'm glad your cataract surgery went well. I'm weird about my eyes, so I hope that's something I never need.

    I had no idea of Lizzie's age! She looks great!

  59. I had no real idea how cataract surgery works, so it was interesting to read this. It doesn't seem to be a big deal procedure-wise, but makes a big difference! My cataracts are tiny at this time, but I'm sure it won't stay like that forever. Thank you for your explaination.

  60. Just today my optometrist said I qualify for cataract surgery or I could wait a year. Doing my research, so this helps. Thanks!
    Love seeing the ducklings growing, Harry, and Lizzie too.

  61. I enjoyed your pictures! It is already a little too warm here in Georgia but our mornings have been delightful and cool for a couple hours. Perfect for breakfast on the patio.

  62. I'm no expert on birds, but I do know that water birds in particular go through changes in their plumage so that water bird identification can be especially difficult.

    I suspect cataract surgery will be in my future soon.


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