The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, May 24, 2024

Painting, Planning, Walking and Rick Returns

We have a busy few weeks coming up -- it's Memorial weekend and my friend Suzanne is coming by; an upcoming Cork Poppers in another week or two and kid-sitting for a few days in mid-June. This will be a pretty laid-back weekend, planting flowers at the cemetery, picking up the house for company and just hanging out. So I'm grabbing all the peace and beauty I can get these days! 

Rick got back from the lake this week and I have to say it was good to see him! We made progress planning our England trip and just catching up. He says all is well at the cottage and I'm looking forward to getting to the lake next month.

My friend Kate came over for a play date. We started out by a walk to the Ditch and it wasn't long before we were confronted by a beautiful scent and this shockingly gorgeous tree or bush. Does anyone know what it is?

The Ditch offers a few spots to just "stop and enjoy" -- park benches or the bridge. A good spot for contemplation.

We had a good look at Harry, fishing in another spot.

And a few ducks. We haven't seen many (hardly any) females this year.


And look at this little guy! He was so cute -- it was a treat. 

Catch those eyes! I don't think he blinked the whole time we were there!

Speaking of the Ditch, the waterlilies are starting to bloom.

I love the detail here and might have to give painting this one a try. 

After, we went to lunch and came back home to paint for a bit. I got a couple of things done in my sketchbook, starting with the Aurora Borealis that I didn't get to see. (My manipulated photo of the totally black sky here will have to do!) Not my best but it's growing on me -- and better than the photo!


I also did another of Este MacLeod's ColoriCombo challenge with the required guava, green gold, pea green and light blue. Drawing freestyle is not my skill set, but I kind of like this one! (Jenna, I tried your Q-tip dot method and I like it!) 

And here's one I did a while back, but I'm not sure I ever shared it on the blog. It's from a photo we took when in Japan of a fishing boat with Mt. Fuji in the background.


And finally, a couple of birds. This red-winged blackbird was at the Ditch.

And this cardinal was spotted on another walk at a bird feeder. I tried to black out the window shades in the background.


On this Memorial Day weekend, I can't help but think of my first trip to France and visiting the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach. It was powerfully moving, and when you think of the other American cemeteries in Europe, all the more overpowering.

But just as meaningful was this walk down to the beaches. A family was there and this little girl was wandering. (You can barely see her people near where the trees meet the beach about a third of the way from the right edge of the photo.) To me, she represented what people fought for at Normandy and continue to fight for today. They fight not just for their land, but their children so their world might be a better one. 

I worry about our world, the threats to democracy, the press and the corruption of our Supreme Court. I worry about Ukraine and their fight to preserve their country and for those in the Middle East who have their own wars. So my wish for this Memorial Day is a simple one.


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  1. That frog is beyond cute! I too would be looking forward to getting up to the lake, hope you have a great week!

  2. You had excitement on your walks. I love all the wildlife!

    I'm also worried... SCOTUS is a mess with the Trump judges living down to expectations. Trump and his cultists are already threatening another coup attempt 😒

  3. ...the pink plant is Kolkwitzia amabilis, beauty bush. I'm glad that my dad who fought against fascism in WWII isn't here to see our mess!

  4. I share your worries, Jeanie. It is good to know that I also have the passport and therefore citizenship of another country, but I still hope I don't have to leave. I love living here.
    Your painting of the Northern Lights is beautiful, I like it. Gosh, the frog is wonderful, you are lucky that s/he stayed put. I don't know what that flowering plant is, the photo is not close enough to be able to really tell what the flowers and the leaves look like. It's gorgeous! Waterlilies are so pretty aren't they? Enjoy the long weekend, hugs - Carola

  5. Your paintings always delight me! Wish I was planning another trip to England- I can[t wait for your trip report!
    I think , just after WW2 our lives were pretty great! But like all things the pendulum swings. We though our peaceful lives would last at least a lifetime- we were wrong. Adapt, adjust, accept- stuck in the beginning of the alphabet trying to deal with these times. I will never get to Z.

  6. Hmm...the laptop keyboard is a table and he is using another keyboard to type. πŸ˜‚ ha ha

  7. Grabbing the peace and beauty, That's beauitiful Jeanie! Exceptional photos, the most wonderful artwork which I always enjoy, and time with Loved Ones. Perfect! Loved each and every share today, but your froggy portrait was stunning, you captured him beautifully and that water lily, wow! This weekend I will be remembering our trip to Normandy. It will always be a very poignant memory. You took a very touching photo of the cemetery, and reading about your trip, you captured it so well. I worry about the same things you do but we’ll get through it, I hope and pray for everyone's sake and I am going to believe that. May you all have a very blessed Memorial Day weekend my friend. Thank you for such a lovely post.

  8. I wish for peace too, Jeanie! Your ditch is a place filled with beauty. I did a google image search on the flowering bush. It's called Kolknitzia amabilis or beautybush and is a member of the honeysuckle family. It's truly glorious! The second picture of the frog is fabulous! I really like your northern lights! Enjoy your weekend. May it be relaxing!

  9. Peace is definitely worth wishing for this Memorial weekend.
    Have a good weekend.
    Your ditch walk was beautiful with the water lily and birds and that very cute frog. Now I am wondering what the flower bush is too!
    Love your paintings.

  10. Your ditch seems like a very wonderful place. I like your aurora painting. Have a good weekend.

  11. Jeanie, this is a great post. I enjoyed every beautiful photo! The water lily is exquisite. Your visits to the Ditch are always full of beauty. Your paintings are so lovely. And that photo at Omaha Beach is so poignant as are your words. I share the same concerns about our world and our nation. Do take care and have a good weekend.

  12. Jeanie, your post is such a breath of fresh air!
    The frog is adorable.🐸
    Your reflection on Memorial Day and Normandy is so poignant; a beautiful reminder of the sacrifices made for peace.

    Enjoy your weekend and all your upcoming adventures!

  13. There is nothing simple about Peace it seems so hard to achieve.
    Sound like you have a busy rest of May. What a nice visit you had with your friend and you both paint. I do not paint so it all looks so wonderful to me.

  14. The waterlilies are just stunning! I always enjoy your trips to the ditch--and was nice you had someone with to share your visit. Glad your honey is back home, too. :)
    I love your artwork! And some Q-tip dots, eh? Looks like fun!
    Totally agree with you. Peace. Yes. Peace, please.

  15. What wonderful views to share with a friend. The heron is a handsome fellow. Love your paintings.
    We visited the Commonwealth graveyards in Normandy a few years ago. All of those crosses are a powerful witness to the horrors of war. And yet, here we are again - so much violence in so many places in the world.

  16. I'm pleased that Rick is home and you have his company and that of dear friends. The support of family and friends is a comfort during difficult times. I too pray for peace especially in our hearts and minds in these unsettling times. Your wildlife and nature pictures bring calm to my soul Jeanie. May you have a restful weekend.

  17. That frog has attitude. lol
    Great pictures, walking around this time of year never disappoints.

  18. Good to see Rick back at home. Life in the ditch continues to be rewarding, but the threats to your democracy seem to get larger every day, with madness in the air, and a Supreme Court that seems to be only Supremely corrupt. I don’t think that it’s hyperbolic to conclude that American democracy may have already started to whirl in its death spiral. As for “peace”, now there’s a truly foolish thought! On that cheerful note, have a great weekend!

  19. I bet you could paint Kermit beautifully! What a cute shot Jeanie..The world is in a sad state humanity wise:(
    So sad.

    Have a great weekend:)Look how easy it is to be away from all the sorrow and wish one another happiness...

  20. It's lovely that you could present the Ditch world to your friend Kathy.
    Your art works, are as usual, stunning!
    The picture with the wandering girl is simply captivating!

  21. It's lovely that you could present the Ditch world to your friend Kathy.
    Your art works are, as usual, stunning!
    The picture with the wandering little girl is simply captivating!

  22. I really enjoyed your post, well written and lovely photos...especially the water lilies.

  23. You got some great pictures.. that frog close up is great.

  24. This is a lovely post Jeanie. That tree does looks gorgeous. I just love the flowers blooming at this time of year as I think you do also. And good news that there does t sound to be any big projects at your cottage. This is a busy but such a fun time of year too I’m also loving your art. That Japanese fishing boat is intriguing. Have a super holiday weekend. Hugs erika

  25. Love your pictures and your paintings…. The water lilies don’t even look real. gorgeous.!
    I never saw a bush like that. Kind of looks like lilacs.
    I know you are looking forward to getting to the lake. What a cute frog.
    Enjoy your holiday weekend

  26. Yes, our world is in a really bad way. I love your Aurora painting really beautiful. Enjoy your summer days! Hugs!

  27. Your worries are my worries. I love your Northern Lights painting. Enjoy all your upcoming events.

  28. The water lilies are beautiful as are the mallards! How fun to be planning a trip to England! I do love the Japanese fishing boat!

  29. The water lilies are blooming here too and we have a few yellow ones. Cute frog. Let us all remember the fallen soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. This is what Memorial Day is all about. Janice

  30. I do love those frogs. A very lovely post. Wouldn't it be nice to have peace just once in our lives. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a wonderful weekend.

  31. That frog photo is a delightful one, Jeanie. He's a BIG one! I like your painting of the colorful sky, so pretty. I've never seen the red cardinal so red before. Must have been the lighting. The mallard ducks are really pretty. I love their green heads. My father-in-law used to carve mallard ducks out of special wood and paint them. I enjoyed this post very much, Jeanie, as it's a little of this and that, which are my favorite type of posts.

    Happy Memorial Day weekend. And you must frame that first frog photo, it's wonderful!


  32. Your thoughts about the state of the world and how it relates to the past are very meaningful. I hope your weekend is going well and that you'll enjoy all your planned visits over the next few weeks.
    best, mae

  33. Love your watercolours! And the birds and the flowers. That pink tree looks a bit like a tabebuia, which get covered in glorious pink blooms. Hope your weekend is going well.

  34. Hello Jeanie,
    I love the waterlilies, they are so pretty.
    Your art work looks lovely too.
    It is always nice to see Harry the Heron, pretty captures of the Red-winged Blackbird and the Cardinal. Great closeups of the frog. I wish for Peace too.
    Take care, enjoy your day and Happy Memorial Day!

  35. Glad Harry is still around, and that little fat frog is cute. The water lily would make a gorgeous painting, and your photograph with the reflection is a winner too.

    I agree, peace please! More tolerance for opposing views, less violence. The nutcase extremists need to learn how to play together in the sandbox, and leave the big decisions to the adults.

  36. More lovely photos from the ditch, the water lilies are beautiful! I love your Aurora Borealis painting and great job with the Q-tips!!! I'm with you Jeanie, PEACE! Happy Memorial Day πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  37. Hi Jeanie, Do NOT under any circumstances kiss that frog (though he is very cute...). Glad to see Harry is still in residence. I can't believe it's soon to time to go to the lake - here there is still snow on the ground! Keep sketching and painting. Barb

  38. Always a pleasure to read your post and catch-up with your news and happenings.
    Pleased that you are getting on well with your planning for your trip to England.
    Fabulous photographs of the frog and the water lily too.

    I do so agree with your Memorial Day wish ... Peace for all.

    All the best Jan

  39. A very mixed post! It started so happy, then turned beautiful, then arty and then.... BOOM. That is a very strong picture of the cemetery. What a waste of lives for some coward men who stay safe and warm in their bunker...
    To peace!!!

  40. I just returned from a trip including 5 days in London. I have never been there before and we LOVED London. Your photos are lovely and the shots of the frogs are amazing.

  41. Peace, indeed. I suppose by the standards of World Wars I & II our world IS a peaceful one, though it certainly doesn't seem like it.

    Love the frog! I wonder if the female ducks have been scarce because they're all sitting on nests?

  42. Oh, I love this post. That waterlily is so Monet; you should try to paint it. I love your art so much.

  43. Remarkable photos, fantastic. Omaha beach is a place of its own. The war cemeteries are beautiful, but sad. I could not help crying when I walked around the different cemeteries. The waste of so many people.

  44. The sight of all the crosses in the cemetery always makes me sad. We never learn that killing people doesn't fix things. Loved Harry photos and the ducks. I hope you have a great week.

  45. Your paintings are lovely! We haven't seen any lilies on the lake yet but usually get quite a few by summer's end.

  46. That photo of the little girl in all white with the contrasting sand on the beach is stunning. And the waterlily - with the reflection in the water, and the way the plants are just breaking the surface of the water... I could look at your photos - and paintings - all day!

  47. Jeanie,
    Beautiful pictures as always....Sounds like you have some wonderful things planned...Good for you!! Thanks so much for stopping by and as always for your kind and encouraging words....I hope you had a nice holiday weekend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  48. I love your wildlife pictures from the ditch!

  49. I feel wearied by the woes of the world. I'm tired of trying to fight back, but I'm afraid of what will happen when we all give up doing that. I wasn't meant to be a fighter.

  50. The photo of all the crosses is very emotional to view, especially for Memorial Day weekend. I also am very concerned on where America is headed. IF SCOTUS decides that Presidents are immune, then Lord help us all! On a brighter note, the frog is adorable! I think you need to paint it and also paint the water lily.

  51. That pink flowering bush is gorgeous! I haven't seen anything like that! The lilac here is in full bloom so our walks are extra pretty! The excitement in our house is that the baby robins in a nest on our porch have hatched! They are in the very upper corner of our porch overhang so we've seen a lot of action with mama feeding the birds, etc. Last year the mom made a nest in one of my hanging baskets which was not great since we were worried we'd mess things up when watering. But it did give the boys a front row view of the action after the babies were born. I was just terrified they would touch them!

    I can't think too much about the state of our nation or I will get very depressed...

  52. The water lily is beautiful and so are the birds and that frog :)
    Your painting of the Aurora Aurora Borealis is fantastic.
    So nice that you are planning a trip to England. We are looking forward to Christmas in Qatar this year as my daughter and son in law will be moving there in June, and staying for the next 4 years...then a trip to Portugal in March next year.

  53. I love that waterlily too. I'd love to see the Ditch.

  54. Cheers to the early summer days. Cheers to good friends, and wonderful lakeside visits to look forward to-

    Your watercolors are very pretty. You have an eye to seeing the beauty in the world around us.


  55. The frog made me smile!! So cute!

    I love your aurora borealis piece. And the flowers as well!

    I am glad that Rick is back home. Enjoy all of your plans!

  56. Is there anything more beautiful than a water lily?

  57. Hi Jeanie, I enjoyed your post. You have a lot to look forward to in the next little while. Enjoy the anticipation of it all. The water lily is gorgeous and I'm sure you would do it a great deal of justice in painting it. Have a good rest of your week.

  58. I'm excited about your trip to England. I bought etchings of Anne Boleyn and Queen Elizabeth at St. Martins in the Fields some years back.
    Hope your cataract surgery goes well. We just got home from a 15 day trip to France. It will be a while before I catch up.
    You look great in that colorful sweater.

  59. Hello Jeanie,
    I always enjoy seeing your Harry the Heron and the Mallard ducks have such a pretty green head. Great captures of the Frog, Cardinal and the Red-winged Blackbird. Your sketches are all beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  60. Your summer lake plans always remind me of my three summers as a Lake Ely, Vermont camp counsellor. I hope you have the best summer. It is exciting you have UK travel plans! So do I!
    Happy wanders.
    Wren x

  61. I love the frog and water lilies. What a beautiful place to escape the worries of the world! Happy June my friend!


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