The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, November 25, 2023

To Market, To Market, To Buy a Fat Wreath!

It happens every November. On the weekend before Thanksgiving, my friend Jan and I hit the Northville Greens Market in search of the perfect wreath! (And maybe a present to two!) Then, and only then, has the official season begun.

I don't know how many years we have done this. Twenty, maybe? We've done it in close to sub-zero weather, high winds and a downpour that seemed like it was time to build an ark. This time the weather was beautiful and the market terrific.

Northville is a charming small town in Michigan with quaint shops and a grand spirit. This year the market was expanded to include other vendors. This one had veggies and wonderful cookies that I bought to share with the kids. Another had a fine selection of wonderful cheeses.

But of course, we were there for the wreaths. It didn't take long to find them. We both chose mixed greens with lots of cedar, no adornments. I'll add a bow and maybe a little more at home. (Or maybe not!)

Then Jan had a decision to make. She already had her wreath. Did she add this beautiful hanging basket or swags for either side of the garage door?. (The swags won.)

I always enjoy the window displays. This one was welcoming Santa . . . 

. . . the florist was in full color . . . 

. . . and I enjoyed these pretty whirly things.

Pearaphranalia is a lovely shop and their windows always beckon. 

Inside, white was the theme. I loved this display.

And this one, too.

But our favorite store is Gardenviews. Their outside windows are so inviting! 

And inside, it's just as good.

This photo doesn't show the magic of this display. The way the light hit, everything sparkled.

They have lots of home dec things -- seasonal china. . . 

. . . cute creatures . . . 

. . . beautiful ornaments . . . 


. . . and plenty of trees. I especially liked this one.

We all have our traditions -- the ornament that goes on first or the tree topper or a caroling party or a certain treat we make every year. 

My first holiday tradition of the season -- the Market! Let the merriment begin!

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  1. What a fun day. Everything looks so festive!

  2. Well, wow, that is enough Christmas to tide me over for the next couple of years.

  3. Wow, if one doesn´t get jolly in there I don´t know!
    But you´d find me in the corner with the cheese!
    Happy decorating! I look forward to see the results :-)

  4. The pics make me feel so happy and lucky

  5. What a fun day and great weather too!
    I am with you I like a nice bow and let the wreath shine

  6. Markets are always a great source of joy and pleasure for me. It's a rich world of almost all we need: food, clothes, tableware, ornaments, flowers. The markets are particularly happy experiences prior to holidays.

  7. What a fun outing. I love all the wreathes, the hanging basket, beautiful ornaments and window displays. Seeing all these sights, should put everyone in the Christmas mood. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  8. Oh how festive and fun! This was incredible Christmas fun! I have yet to find such a fabulous market like this out here in Arizona!
    Enjoy the decorating! I Look forward to your a Christmas decor!

  9. I would love to visit a market like this-enjoyed all of the photos-happy holiday shopping hugs

  10. A very fun outing:) Such cute shops too:)I love this time of year:)

  11. My first Christmas tradition? Staying out of stores like those! They're just too much -- although I'll admit that if I had discretionary income to spend in them, I might be more kindly disposed. As for these shops, my least favorite is the florist who went all pink, purple, and blue. My very fav? The Pear-aphenalia whites -- so pretty!

  12. Yay!!! I am soo excited for Christmas and your post was a perfect read this morning. I love all of the festive displays! And your wreaths must smell amazing!! If only this post was scratch and sniff!

  13. What a fun tradition. I loved it all. Yes, the white shop probably would have enticed me to buy, but then sparkly things of all colors is a delight for the eyes. So glad you got your wreath too. Your post puts me in the mood for an adventure to Christmas land today. Thanks!

  14. Looks like a great place to shop. I would be bringing home. Lots of things that I probably didn’t need. I have gotten rid of most of my Christmas stuff. Nobody sees it but me. I do a little on the outside. Less and less on the inside. I haven’t been at the shop like those for a long time. Miss those days. Enjoy your decorating.

  15. I can see why that visit would mark the beginning of the season for you. It looks like a fantastic place. We are awaiting our wreath which is supposed to come from JJ's former hockey team.

  16. Delightful shops and displays…thank you for the pretty and fun tour. Enjoy your day, xo, V.

  17. I hope you share your wreath hanging at home. I still need to get one. And those window displays are great. It's always fun to walk "downtown" or in area with shop windows and see what creative ways they entice you into the season. or entice me, because they would. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. hugs-Erika

  18. Lots of wonderful decorations, you must have been in 7th heaven. I hope you didn't buy toooooo much! Hugs, Valerie

  19. A wonderful day to be at the market. Lots of beautiful ornaments and things to see and enjoy. The festive time of the year is always nice to be part of it. Enjoy the weekend, Jeanie.

  20. what a fun tradition. This looks like a charming place.

  21. So many nice things to buy. Ka-Ching! There goes your $$$. Those wreaths looks so pretty, fresh, and green.

  22. That was a great way to start the holidays. I really liked best your friend seriously making decisions! Swag, not swag, swag, not swag??

  23. What fun! Thanks for the photos of all the tempting Christmas decorations. Nice!

  24. That's a great tradition, Jeanie! Love a fresh wreath, but unfortunately they don't last as long here as in your area, so we have to use artificial that is not as lovely for sure! What a charming town. I love holiday windows all decorated and those stores are great!

  25. A fun, festive shopping trip :)
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  26. This seems like a fantastically fun tradition for starting the holiday season! I am hoping you will show us the wreath you picked out when it is settled into its place. ;)

  27. I really like the white tree with all the red trimmings.

  28. What a great tradition! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Janice

  29. Jeanie,
    What a charming looking town. Beautiful window displays!! And looks like there are lovely shops too...Thanks for sharing...And thanks for stopping by as often as you do...I truly appreciate it...I will not be so busy now that all my decorating is finished....I hope you had a great Holiday weekend!!

  30. Looks like such a fun time. Love seeing the window displays. Glad you had good weather!

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  32. That is a marvelous kickoff to the holiday season! We missed our small downtown's tree lighting on Friday, but there will be carolers downtown next weekend. I love seeing the shop windows all decked out. I wish I had people to buy a present for.

  33. Looks like a fun outing. Isn't Frankenmuth a big Christmas destination too? (I know this from Dave!) As you know I am a minimalist when it comes to decorating, but I do appreciate the holiday cheer in this post. :)

  34. A great way to start the holidays. Festive photos, there's a lot of styles to consider.

    I saved a rim of an old laundry basket to make a wreath this year. Your pictures give me ideas. :)

  35. Northville is a fun place to visit, but I'm surprised you drive that far for a wreath. You were more in my sister's area. It looks marvelous - Merry Christmas!

  36. Christmas displays are always so gorgeous and there's nothing like a good Christmas market to get one in the spirit of the season.

  37. I shall be making a Christmas wreath soon. Your Christmas market has given me some some good ideas. Going with a friend must have been fun.

  38. Must have been a lovely day. The wreaths are beautiful, as is the Christmas market. So many things to look at.

  39. What a fun holiday tradition! I am glad the weather cooperated. It has been SO COLD here! Today with the windchill it's -2F. Ugh. It will warm up after today by warm up I mean the 30s. Womp womp.

    I usually buy planters for our front porch but this year I've decided to skip it. I did decorate our upper level window boxes a couple of weeks ago when we had a very nice, mild day. I didn't use any greenery, though. Just leftover decorations from prior year's planters - berries, pine cones, etc. They turned out pretty well!

  40. such a nice tradition that you have with your friend to kick off the holiday season. I always love the holiday time when the shops are decorated and xmas music is playing and everything just feels so festive, peaceful and joyous! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos

  41. It's fun to have traditions like this to share with friends. I decided to make a wreath this year and cut pine, cedar, and laurel branches from our garden, then wired the base on Saturday. I'm planning to fill it with holly and rose hips and I'm quite pleased with the way it's coming together. Beautiful things in the store to admire.

  42. What a lovely tradition. Looks like a great festive market.

  43. That sounds like a wonderful tradition! For years my sister in law used to host a wreath making party over Thanksgiving weekend and she taught us all how to make our own door wreaths using fresh greens. It was so much fun!

  44. What fun and such a great way to get your decorating inspired!

  45. Jeanie, I could browse in this shop for a long time.....and I would definitely bring some goodies home. There are so many wonderful things to see. I have to comment on that florist and all the PINK trees. How elaborate that store window is. I like the welcoming Santa too. A little bit of white is nice at Christmas, and it just looks so snowy and Wintery. Those polar bears are cute as ever, and I love those red scarves they're wearing. And I was wondering, did you find yourself the perfect wreath to take home? Oh, your post was so delightful, Jeanie, and with me not feeling so good lately, I really had a feast for the eyes with all things Christmas!


  46. Great post.
    What a wonderful festive event.
    Your photographs show it so well.

    All the best Jan

  47. Going to a small town and shopping at the local market sounds so dreamy.

  48. Jeanie, why a fabulous market that I would love. Traditions are special and I love the holidays for all of my memories and creating new traditions, as well! Happy week to you!

  49. You have plunged me into the Christmas spirit!

  50. ...for years I made wreath and went to the market to sell them, now I buy plain wreaths and decorate them. I guess that I'm aging out!


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