The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Postcards From the Lake: Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

There is nothing so hard for me as buttoning up the cottage and saying goodbye until next spring. Fortunately, our last couple of days brought some sunshine and dry weather. It was a good time for that last walk or two, putting away the outdoor things and the porch. I even managed lunch on the porch once or twice (albeit dressed in layers!).

Mornings were foggy, one so much so that there was no point in photographing the pale gray void that blocked out even the slightest indication that on the other side of the lake there was anything but an endless tunnel of misty fog. High winds had tilted our lawn spokes into odd angles.

Evenings were cool, although we didn't have to use the fireplace as often as we thought we might. 

Most days were windy. We aren't sure why these gulls were grouped en masse and flying about on one of the windiest days.

But it did make for quite the symphony of beauty.

A last walk showed remnants of summer blooms amongst the fall foliage.

The yellow flowers paused long enough for me to get a photo of them -- not in windy motion!

There were changing trees -- when Rick returns to finish closing, they will be brilliant. 

The trees play their own rustling symphony, a potpourri of color, with the promise of more to come. 

From the beach of my cousin's house I could look across the lake at its widest part. With the zoom, able to see the start of color on the hillside beyond. It reminds me of a bargello pattern I used to do frequently when I was needlepointing.

Rick and I walked to our favorite up-north restaurant, Bennethum's, for an end-of-summer happy hour. It's about a mile from the house and offers up wonderful appetizers and half-price wine. Who could resist.

We toasted the end of summer, our time at the lake. 

Then we shared an order of the mussels and fresh bread.

It was a wonderful way to end our time together at the lake. 


Lizzie, of course, never wants to go. We know all her hiding places now -- or most of them. This time, an easy catch! One of her favorite cozy spots is under the quit and comforter on our bed.


There were many good memories this summer -- some together, some apart, as Rick spent much of August on the bike in Canada. He's at the lake as I write this, enjoy a few days and then before returning home, turn off the water and lock down a few things we didn't get finished.

And I will return as well -- but not until the leaves have fluttered to the ground, the winter snow has fallen and melted, and the chartreuse greens of spring and early summer emerge.

Until then, I remember.

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  1. Hello,
    The view of the Autumn trees across the lake is a lovely scene.
    We are seeing some yellow flowers that look similar still blooming here.
    I love the photo of the gulls, some birds like to fly around in the wind.
    The happy hour with the wine and mussels sounds great. Cute shot of Lizzie hiding under the comforter. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. Looks like a bit of fall color showing. The photos of the birds are lovely. Our color here is late, but should peak in about another week to 10 days, that is if the wind doesn't rip all the leaves off the trees first.

  3. This is a lyrical post about a life I can't imagine, but read like fiction!

  4. Is it possible to make the cottage of year round cabin or for 3 seasons to enjoy the fall longer?

  5. I know it's sad to say goodbye for the winter Jeanie, Lizzie will be happy she doesn't have to travel for a while!

  6. Glad you collected some new memories from another season at the lake.

  7. Lovely autumn clicks. Love the view from your window. You both look lovely.

  8. Jeanie, I feel the bitter sweetness of saying goodbye to the lake house until next spring. The scene of the trees in their autumn glory are stunning. Happy new week to you!

  9. The contrast between the last summer flowers and the fall leaves is lovely.

    Your leaving has a bittersweet feeling. I understand!

  10. You had some gorgeous color this year Jeanie. Wow, the view across the lake was gorgeous. It's hard ending summer and closing everything up, isn't it? People who live in warmer spots don't realize what it means unless they've done it themselves. I hope the close up goes well for Rick, and that you're happy to be home. :) hugs-Erika

  11. Glad you could squeeze in a few more good days at the lake. Are they're any year-around homes in the area? Have you ever considered winterizing the place so you could stay? That's what my folks did with their cottage and roughly help their neighbors did the same.

  12. Your farewells to the cottage always seem so sad! I wish you could winterize it and use it for snowy getaways! Or is everyone away so no snow removal?
    best, mae at

  13. Super photos of you and Rick, so cute to see Lizzie hiding. I’m glad you had good weather at the lake before you left for the winter. I loved the nature photos and Bennethum's would be my kind of place most definitely. Have a great Sunday and week ahead Jeanie :)

  14. What a wondrous place. I'm sure it is hard to say goodbye to it. Love that screened in porch.

  15. Sounds like a sweet denouement of a fine life at the lake. Now, on to Thanksgiving and then Christmas!!!

  16. Hard to say goodbye to the summer cottage. Makes it all the more exciting to return in the spring, though. :)

  17. That was the most poignant post for me. We cottaged from 1960 until 2010. It broke my spirit having to sell. Thank you for a wonderful post.

  18. Such beautiful colors.. Fall is so magical.
    Don't worry.. spring will be back before you know it.

  19. The lakeside is always gorgeous through your lens. The colours of autumn are just fabulous.

  20. Lovely!

    I hadn't realized you lived close enough to walk to a restaurant. You've really got the best of it all in your haven.

  21. You bade a fond farewell with a tinge of melancholy.

  22. It is sad leaving a vacation home especially one so beautiful and that you enjoy so much. But it wound't be the same in the winter anyway and it gives your something to look forward to for next season, We are doing the opposite. We are getting ready to take off to our home in Florida for the winter and close up our Pennsylvania home. The temps have dropped drastically the last few days with a high in the 50's ! Probably in the 40's overnight. With those temps, we will be ready to take off!

  23. Beautiful autumn photos. I love these clear, sunny, sometimes a little bit chilly autumn days. Your days seem to have been the best. Good memories to keep until it's time for next visit.

  24. You are very lucky to have Rick to go up there and close up the place until next year. I remember when I had a cottage it was quite a chore.

  25. A bittersweet time, yet still so much beauty to take into memory. I love the symphonic sound of leaves rustling in fall!

  26. such sweet memories in closing the lake house for winter. time changes, people change; but the lake is forever! reflection, peace and lots of smiles for this year spent there. photos are awesome. wine and mussels are my favorite treat. I love using your photos for my personal desktop background picture.

  27. Rituals are important, and your closing (and opening!) of the lake house certainly conveys the feeling of a ritual. It may vary from year to year in the details, but the basics are the same, and however poignant the time, they offer a sense of stability amid change. Now, it's time to enjoy all the holidays at home!

  28. Psithurism -
    (n) the sound of wind whispering through trees.

  29. Another Sumer has come and gone. Buttoning up the cottage takes some work. I know you will dream of next year’s adventures. Lovely photos of fall. Happy week ahead Jeanie.

  30. What a precious place to "remember".
    I love your times at "the cabin".
    Those yellow flowers suspended in time.
    And the birds in a windy flight.
    Thanks, Jeanie!

  31. It's bittersweet to close up for the end of summer, but you will be back for another season. I always enjoy your touching photos and posts no matter where you are. Wishing you more blue skies this fall and winter.

  32. I'M SURE you will miss the lake when you go home, but soon you can return there agai, so you have good times to dream off in the meantime. Cats always know the best place to be! Hugs, Valerie

  33. How wonderful to mark the cycles of the year with two lovely places.

  34. Those mussels look soooo good!

  35. Jeanie, I love the photo you took of Lizzie, as well as several of the others. We only live about 40 minutes away from ours, but our summer for the past couple of years haven’t been the best, so I was more than ready to close up (illness last year and weather and septic tank issues this summer). Mr. Cottage just had the well company blow out our lines a few days ago. I’m sure Lizzie will be glad not to travel for awhile. Sadie, on the other hand, can’t wait for car rides. She gets so excited!

  36. Good memories and photos from the lake, Jeanne. You look well, and I hope you're feeling well. How can Rick ride in all that wind! We've reverted to milder fall days though all the leaves are down around the house. Next week lower temps and snow are in the forecast.

  37. I'm sure it was hard to say goodbye to summer..You have such a perfect setting there..Next year will be here before you know it..Time flies!!
    Happy Fall..

  38. A fond farewell to the cottage and the lake. I'm glad you had a dry and bright day to say farewell until the Spring.

  39. The yellow flowers are stunning. I can feel the warmth on their petals.

  40. Wasn't it good that you had fine weather at the lake before you left.
    It must be hard to lock-up and leave it behind for next year, but you have made some more good memories to cherish through the winter.

    In the meantime enjoy the remainder of October - can't believe it's Halloween next Tuesday!

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    PS I did enjoy your photographs

  41. Changing seasons and moving on to the next chapter.

  42. We had a few foggy days on the river and I could hear the freighter fog horns for miles. Beautiful pics of Autumn on your side of the state. Spring will be back before we know it. Janice

  43. Your house at the lake... and the lake itself, such a very, very beautiful place. Sad you have to leave for the cold, dark half of the year.
    But then.... this makes it even more special, right?

  44. I can understand that it is kind of bittersweet to close up the lake house for the winter - but how nice to actually have something like that. It will still be there when you return in the spring and then you'll have another lovely summer. I guess that you also enjoy being home and invite some cozyness into the darker time of the year. Your way of ending the summer was lovely!

  45. To every thing there is a season🍁🍂🍁🍂Something to look forward to every year☺️☺️☺️🌟

  46. Hello Jeanie,
    How lovely to read your blog again! I have. been missing in action for too long!
    Your lake house is lovely and makes for peaceful days away from the business of the city.
    In years gone by, we had a bach on Kawau Island, north of Auckland in the gulf.
    I’m on Instagram, please pop in one day and say hello. I haven’t posted for a long time, but now you’ve spurred me on!
    Brocantesme is my IG name. I would love to keep in touch!
    I was Roses lace and Brocante!

  47. Oh, Jeanie, I know how hard it is for you to have to close up the lake house and I don't blame you but at the rate that time flies you will be back before you know it and in the meantime enjoy the memories..Happy End of Fall..xxoJudy

  48. I do love listening to fall leaves rustle in the breeze.

  49. Pretty photos of "buttoning up!" Though bittersweet you have many memories to treasure. Autumn is gorgeous there!

  50. Oh, I enjoyed seeing a little bit of your time at the lake, Jeanie. It's such a wonderful place, and so much beauty resides there. Those red Autumn trees are beautiful. Lizzie looks so comfy buried into the quilt. I love seeing your fireplace and all the goodies you display on it. ; )


  51. Absolutely amazing and stunning lake scenery and shots.
    I visited you via Share Your Style #408
    I linked up this week with = 5,6,7. Come and join us Mon - Saturday at SeniorSalonPitStop as well as #WordlessWednesday #Photography Wednesday - Saturday. You will find the info under BLOGGING.

  52. Hello Jeanie,
    I enjoyed your gull photos at the lake and your cute capture of your kitty's tail. Lizzie does look comfy under the quilt. Great photo of you and Rick.
    Mussels have become a favorite treat for me and my hubby. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment!

  53. This is Lisa. I remember that end of season feeling back before our old cabin was winterized! It’s very sad to close up and say goodbye until the spring. I am glad you got to end the beauty of the changing seasons up there, though! It looks so pretty!!

  54. Farewell to the cottage is always bittersweet. Your reflections on the changing season are beautifully captured.

  55. It's such a gorgeous place to spend the summer! I love the colorful trees and the fireplace looks inviting. Enjoy your day my friend!


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