The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Autumn in the House

Somehow or other, October passed me by and I realized I was so blog-focused on the lake and beyond that I hadn't mentioned anything about autumn inside the house! I did cut back a bit and I was pretty late getting out any Halloween. But hey, life is for living, right? Sometimes decorating has to wait!

I'm big on wreaths and they seem to pop up in different places. I love this little doll made by Joanne Huffman, who used to blog and is a marvelous artist. It hangs on the cupboard in my living room where I can stare at it every day!

Here's another one -- a bittersweet wreath, again on a cabinet door!

And a third -- on the china cabinet!

I may have shown you this one before. A few pumpkins, an ironstone pitcher of leaves, a few fairly light and garland beside my the watercolor by my friend, the late Dick Hill.

I'm trying to keep the living room simple but again, as a bit of a memory walk. On the coffee table, I have the lantern from my mortgage-ending dinner at Southern Exposure had a wee ghost added to it. When I look at it, I remember that fun evening several years ago, celebrating with dear friends during the Covid times. We sat at separate tables in our own private room, distanced but unmasked. (You can read about that here and here (what can I say -- it was a two-post event!) if you are a new reader and may have missed it!

 So far, the happy Jack-o-Lantern fellow is one of my early concessions to Halloween. This might change up a bit before the holiday.

The Wizard of Oz Lori Mitchell pieces surround a lit pumpkin. (Ignore the storm window behind it! I needed a safe place for it!)

 I just love this series!

 There are more Lori Mitchell trick-or-treaters on my desk.

In the family room, a few pumpkin people on the hutch!

And this year the mantel is uber-simple. (To be honest, I felt lucky to get anything on the mantel at all this year!) It is going to have to come down super-fast and fit in a totebag due to some work I'm having done above the mantel (in a spot I don't show!)

And of course, there is a wee tree. 

The best find of the season? A dozen yellow roses for $3.20. (And a dozen pink for $3.80, t00!)

And then you depart? You'll find yourself "booed!"

For whatever reason, I have a lot of posts in the pipeline -- a roomie reunion, October books, more fall fun!  Stay tuned!

Sharing with:   Love Your Creativity    


  1. Jeanie, how fun it is to see the Autumn goodies around your house. I love to decorate, even if it's minimal, and then when Christmas comes, I seem to deck the halls haha. So, I'll start with that white pitcher with Fall leaves. So simple looking, yet soooo pretty. The fairy lights really add something, don't they? The three white pumpkins instantly reminded me of the grandgirls, with the baby being on top haha. I've mentioned before about your copper tea pots. They are charming, and I wouldn't have thought to use them as seasonal decor, but it does look very nice. Of course, the yellow roses got to me. What a lovely touch. And the Wizard of Oz pieces are delightful. Loved this post, Jeanie. Thanks for sharing your home with us. I'll probably be back to see it again hehehe.


  2. So many fun vignettes and wreaths, Jeanie. October has passed by way too quickly!

  3. You do it in style, as you do at Christmas. We have done little this year.

  4. Hello Jeanie,
    Your Autumn decorations all look beautiful. I like your wreaths. and the cute figurines. I always love seeing the lights and pumpkins. The roses are lovely. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  5. What a fun display on every corner of your home. I love Lori Mitchell's pieces.

  6. I think I've said this before, but I'm always impressed by how thoroughly you decorate for the seasons! Your place is looking great and very autumnal. :)

  7. Tiny dolls/figurines, and various sort of wreaths, are among my all time favorite decorations. Candles, lights and fresh flowers, add festivity to the whole atmosphere.

  8. Your decorations are a seasonal treat!

  9. Wow, you take decorating to a higher level and it looks great. Love those little figurines, they're rather cute. Enjoy it all, Jeanie.

  10. Your home decorations are so festive and full of warmth vibe from autumn!

  11. Goodness sakes! I love seeing all your fall decorations! The girl I grew up with who lived right next door has always been the most holiday decorating person I have ever known, but you might beat her. Lovely! :)

  12. Lovely fall decorations. Very festive.

  13. Love those Bittersweet wreaths--so Autumnal and lovely. Nice job decorating...
    hugs, Julierose

  14. Everything looks so fallish. Very nicely done.

  15. Hasn't October whizzed by!
    I think your Autumn decorations look lovely.

    Have a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  16. Your house looks great Jeanie. I think it's very festive. I like those Lori Mitchell (and perhaps LOri M look alikes). And I like the wreaths too. I like the look of bringing nature in, even if it's not real nature. I'm actually excited to take down my Halloween things because I found some fun little turkey plates at Target last week, and I can't wait to put them up. I really don't do a lot of Thanksgiving decor, but plates on my hutch always work. And I like putting some of my fall pieces back out since I took them down for Halloween. Have a great new week. hugs-Erika

  17. I enjoyed seeing your october decorations-so fun. we have turned to very cold with rain for a few days.
    happy new week Kathy

  18. Such lovely autumnal touches -- those bittersweet wreaths make me swoon! You definitely look ready for the season, even if it doesn't seem like as much as usual. Happy Halloween!

  19. Very festive! You got a deal on those roses:)

  20. Those wreaths are so lovely -- I'm inspired to look for an autumnal wreath next time I'm out. So far I just have a couple of the Rouge Vif D'Etampes pumpkins outside my window where I can admire their gorgeous color.

  21. You home looks so cozy and certainly well decorated for fall. I love all your little touches in the bookcases and table tops. You have a beautiful collection. I'm not a decorator of the seasons or holidays although I do enjoy looking at everyone else's. The roses are so lovely and what a great buy!

  22. What fun decor, it is certainly Autumn in your home!

  23. Wow, this is such a wonderful post! And your fall decorations are amazing! I love looking outside to get great fall ideas for my home décor. This is an easy way to capture the abundance of nature's beauty. For example, I usually gather fallen leaves, acorns, and September wildflowers, and clip some long field grass to decorate my spaces. Thanks for sharing and inspiring :) Aiva xx

  24. Your "reduced" decorating is way beyond anything I attempt - always fovely and fun to look at.

  25. It's all gorgeous, but if this is simple, what#s it like when you really mean business? Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  26. Those little dolls are my faves:). WE have snow!With accumulation today..Imagine..leaves on the trees and snow.

  27. Hello :=)
    Great job Jeanie! I love all your figures and garlands, and the lights and leaves.
    It loves very decorative, and rather special.

  28. I love your little Halloween seasonal characters and pumpkin heads! Happy Halloweeen!

  29. Very festive and cozy. Fall is such a lovely time of year. Happy new week Jeanie.

  30. You are amazing with the decorating. As for me, I am a minimalist.

  31. I love your fall wreaths. I have one on the front door, but it is the worse for wear and really does need either refreshing or replacing. I don't do nearly as much seasonal decorating in October as you do even in your reduced state. Yours are wonderful!

  32. I always enjoy your decorations at Halloween. The wreaths are so fun and all the whimsical characters. That bittersweet wreath would be lovely staying up through the rest of the year. Have a most lovely, fun Halloween.

  33. I love the way you decorate for Halloween...very cute with nothing scary. Yesterday I visited my brother and one of his aids had brought a dozen or so pretty leaves in from outside and lined his deep windowsill with them. It just goes to show you don't need a lot of money to celebrate the season.

  34. That bittersweet wreath would make me swoon. I love bittersweet. The last time I was in the midwest (Iowa and Minnesota) I tried to find some along the fencelines, but didn't see a bit. So, I did the only reasonable thing. I picked up some artificial bittersweet at a gift shop in my home town, and have it in a pitcher in my kitchen. I should take another look around Etsy and see if anyone has the real thing in their shop!

  35. I have some lovely ceramic pumpkins..Haven't gotten them out this year..It seems that I do less each year..Am I down to doing nothing??Especially one sees it but me..
    It's not quite that bad....yet
    Love your wreaths...and your "little people".

  36. Your home is so fun and festive! I love all the little details throughout the house. I always intend to get more Halloween decor and then the season comes and goes. Last year I bought some spider lights but this year I did not buy a single thing... I will be in target tomorrow so will have to see if I can buy something on clearance!

  37. Cute decor. I love the trick or treaters best of all. Happy Halloween. Janice

  38. I'm also very fond of wreaths and would love to put wreaths all over a room/house.

  39. Your fall decor is absolutely stunning! 🍁🍂
    Love the warm autumn colors and charming wreaths.
    Such a great reminder of the beauty of this season, Jeanie!

    Hugs and blessings

  40. Your home is looking very festive for the Fall and for Halloween. Enjoy it Jeanie :)

  41. Lots of cute little fall touches; those Wizard of Oz figures are so cute!

  42. I love seeing everyone's decor posts! This one is particularly cute with all of your pumpkin people! I always mean to do one. Maybe for November I will do a fall look at our house. :)

  43. oooooo Utterly booooootiful, my dear!! Happy Halloween!

    Dawn Pinnataro Albany, GA

  44. Super decorations Jeanie, everything fits in perfectly. So nice to see them with all the family photos too. I do love your decorating style. Happy Halloween, Happy November!

  45. You are the best holiday decorator of all time!


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