The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, October 1, 2023

A Day at the Ditch

I hope you are in the mood for big birds and creatures because we're off to an amazing day at the Ditch!

So, settle back, have a seat on the bench and enjoy.

It was a busy one all around. Even a large group of runners decided it was the place to be!

Fall is coming into its own, as the colors gently begin to change.

The goldenrod, the prickly plants seem  in perfect harmony with autumn's hue.

But there is plenty of blue -- take a look at that water!

Ellie the Egret only seems to come to town in the early fall and is always a welcome sight. I showed her HERE perched in her tree but on this day, she was in the water!

And she was having a mighty fine time catching her dinner! 

Eventually she decided she needed to scoot over to a small dirt mound coming out of the pond.

So, she opened her wings to help her along. 

Why walk when you can fly?

Doesn't she look like an angel?

And victory!


Better still, she can still fish!

But pretty soon something happened I've never seen before. I wasn't aware of Harry in the reeds. My angle blocked his view. Suddenly he burst out and started at Ellie. She took off and a chase was on. 

What I didn't see until I was editing the photos is that a second heron (who knew?) came flying in from another direction.You can see it at the top of the photo. Harriet, perhaps? 


Ellie made for her tree where she remained for the duration of my walk. When I came around the pond again, she was still there. 

Harry (or Harriet) found his/her own place to enjoy!

That wasn't the only wildlife. I rarely see the frogs but this handsome lad was sunning himself on the bank of the pond.

And this duck was also enjoying a bit of a food hunt!


All good things come to an end. The gently falling leaves will fall more quickly, the temperatures drop, the birds will take off to warmer climes.

But we'll still be here. 

And we'll be looking!

Keep your eyes open! You never know what you'll see!

One other thing -- as I mentioned in the last post blogger is not sending me notifications. I correct it; it reverts back -- go figure. I know I have missed replying to some comments and will probably miss a few more. Apologies for that. 

Sharing with:    Saturday's Critters    


  1. You are becoming quite a wildlife photographer, Jeanie. Welcome to the fraternity - or should that be sorority?

  2. I like the latter egret pics and seeing the green around the eyes.

  3. So lovely. Except the frog. Blaaaagh! 😂

  4. What a lovely day at the ditch Jeanie. The water was so so calm you had some amazing reflections. I would like to sit there and watch the birds for certain. Happy October to you! Hugs-Erika

  5. Hello Jeanie,

    Wow, there was a lot of action at the Ditch during your visit.
    Wonderful sightings of the herons and the pretty egret.
    Your photos are beautiful, lovely captures of the birds in action.
    I like the cute frog too. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  6. Wonderful photos! I love the reflections.

  7. Nice to see the Ditch is alive and rocking. Great pics, Jeanie.

  8. I wonder if the herons were trying to steal fish from Ellie, or just trying to protect their hunting ground? The "prickly plant" is a teasel -- we have them in our garden. That frog is a beauty!

  9. Wow Jeanie, those photos are exquisite! What an elegant bird, and autumn !, I could look at this post everyday , joyful and gorgeous….Lind sue

  10. This post was so amusing. Your names for the birds made me laugh. Harry, Harriet and Ellie. What a hoot. I love your pics of the trees, too, very beautiful.

  11. Fabulous, super-duper, wonderful photos! What a great day you had, what a treat to see all those pictures. Thanks for sharing, your pictures made me happy. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  12. Territory rights? Great photos! You were right where the action was that time. Wow! And--yes--Ellie does look like an angel. Such a beautiful place to have nearby. :)

  13. Fantastic nature photos Jeanie. Loved them all but particularly enjoyed all the wing action. Outstanding!

  14. Lucky you, to catch such interesting drama at the ditch! And beautiful pictures, too -- I love how just the act of carrying a camera encourages a person to really notice what is going on around them. Of course, to capture those photographs requires a lot of empathy, and a great sense of timing, too. Both of which you possess in great measure...

  15. Such a beautiful place. The photos are amazing. Thank you.

  16. Ellie, the egret is very photogenic, almost as if she was posing for photos. I love watching the birds and you did quite well with an appearance of Henry (or Harriet). Thank you for sharing the ditch with us! Happy October, Jeanie!

  17. This area is really a community hub! Love the frames and life that takes place around the lake.

  18. wow wonderful pictures and day out.
    We are having just the best weather. We had rain on day and back to the 70s and looks like that all week. The nights are chilly but expected.

  19. Yours are extremely lovely photographs Jeanie. You have mastered the art of nature photography and delight us with your outdoor trips. As for your frog – it indeed is a beautiful specimen. I wouldn’t mind being called a frog if I looked like him (actually I have never minded, as I like frogs.)

  20. Wow, Jeanie, these photos are outstanding! What a wonderful day you had enjoying the antics of Ellie, Harry and Harriet. Love the reflection photos! Well done, my friend!

  21. Hi, Jeanie ~
    I had stopped by earlier to see all your gorgeous pictures ~ WOW!!
    I loved the frog, and that fantastic close-up of Ellie ~ simply AMAZING!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing your fabulous Ditch walk with us ~

  22. What a beautiful spot from which to watch the world.

  23. You have a remarkable eye for detail and a talent for capturing the beauty around you, Jeanie.
    Such a lovely day at the ditch.

    Hugs and blessings

  24. I have frog envy! Since finding the only bullfrog I've come across in my life, I'm still looking for frog #2. Perhaps once we've had some rain, I'll find one along a slough or pond edge. On the other hand, there are Houston bloggers with woodland-edged yards who see them regularly. Of course, they water those yards on a regular basis, too. My consolation are those ibis I showed marching across my yard. They're still coming!

  25. Jeanie, how about this for coincidence? Look what just showed up in my mailbox! You're not the only one who sees such disputes!

  26. Amazing photos of the egret and herons! I'm still looking for changing leaves.

  27. All Creatures Great and Small for sure!:)So lucky we are to have nature at our doorstep:)

  28. Beautiful photos, Jeanie! I especially love the last one.

  29. What a marvelous encounter for you to capture these dramatic photos! Big beautiful birds!

  30. Wonderful wildlife photos Jeanie. I love the bird’s names. Yes, fall is here and things are changing. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos. Happy October. As for the comment notification, I had this problem a while back. It kept reverting back to no email in the Settings - Email notification. I had to check it almost everyday and re-add it. For now, it has retained my email in place.

  31. These photos would make a great Shutterfly book! Love the photo with the mirror image in the water.

  32. I love the story, but the photography is amazing. Beautiful pictures at the ditch. I always enjoy your walks there.

  33. Great photos! It looks like a lovely place for a scenic outing.

  34. Great pictures..Love the birds and the reflections in the water..Beautiful..

  35. The photos are gorgeous, and the names of the birds are priceless. Thanks for sharing Jeanie, and I hope that you are feeling better.

  36. Living in the desert your water pics at the Ditch are so awesome and beautiful. thanks for the pics and the word by word play about the pictures. awesome Jeanie!

  37. Sadly our egrets and herons have left us. So glad you were still able to see your birds. Janice

  38. All of these photos are fabulous ! The photo of the egrit in the water with the reflection is exceptional. Enjoyed them all.

  39. Jeanie,
    Wow! What fantastic pictures!! And thanks so much for sharing them with all of us!!
    Thanks to for always stopping by!! I truly appreciate!!

  40. You captured some great shots!

  41. Wow! Aren't egrets gorgeous? Great photos!

  42. I love all your photos - so many gorgeous encounters. The birds are beautiful. Enjoy your changing leaves and all the beauty around you.

  43. It was obviously very fun watching all the creatures at the ditch. Were you really sitting on the bench? Did you have to walk around to get closer to the action? Very interesting, about Ellie and Harry -- or whoever.

    I have a ditch/creek, too, but there is no bench to sit on, to watch it, and when I have watched from a bridge, no more than one egret and a pair of ducks is likely to be seen. You are lucky to have a front row seat.

  44. Jeanie, your photos are amazing. You should paint your pals! You're so fortunate that you have such a wonderful spot to relax and enjoy nature. Happy October!

  45. Your wildlife photography is phenomenal. You clearly are familiar with your camera. I was most impressed by the wildlife shots and the stills within the water, too. I adore how you name the wildlife you see at the Ditch. Perfect shots from a perfect day, dear Jeanie.

  46. super gorgeous photos...thanks so much for sharing, I don't get out much this time of year because of bees and wasps...sigh---so I really enjoy your wanders and critters, Sandi

  47. Jeanie, these are awesome photos of the White Egret! You got her in so many flight positions! The photos of her and the reflection in the water are fantastic, and she looks so sweet sitting there in the tree. She sure is a beauty. And also that frog! You can see so much green in him. Look at your leaves starting to change color already. You do have the prettiest Autumns where you live. I love that bench photo. When you asked if we are in the mood for big birds and creatures.....Yes, I'm always in the mood for birds and critters and flowers and all things nature. Thank you so much for sharing your time with us at the Ditch, Jeanie. It's always such a joy for me to see.

    Have a good October week.


  48. You find the cutest names for your birds.
    I have a sweet colleague named Ellie, too. I met her three times (oh. working from home!).
    Oh, maybe this was a Prince you saw! One is tempted to kiss him to find out! (OK I do know we are not to touch frogs and I respect that).
    Here the leaves are still green and in the trees. But I know it will happen here, too...
    And then... The good half of the year will be back (too soon).

  49. Gorgeous photos! I love the reflection on the water. I'm so impressed that you catch her eating! But our creek was completely dry until we got a summer's worth of rain last week. So there wasn't much fishing to be done along the creek where we walk.

  50. Oh yes, through your lovely photographs I did enjoy a lovely day at the ditch.
    The reflections in the water were beautiful and so nice to see Ellie, Harry and Harriet :)

    All the best Jan

  51. Hello Jeanie,
    Your day at the ditch was a great day for wildlife sightings.
    The Egrets and heron are always a treat to see and they are beautiful birds. I like the cute frog too. Wonderful collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  52. The Ellie the egret photos are very artsy! You could paint these! Love seeing these beautiful birds and critters too!

  53. Nature's beauty, from big birds to small frogs, is always a delight in your posts. Don't worry about notifications; your readers eagerly await your updates.


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