The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Postcards From the Lake: Lazy Summer Days

Summer is moving so quickly -- too quickly for me. It seems we got a late start. Well, a funky start, at best. It got very hot too early; then very cold. And finally, it was well into June with commitments and I didn't get to the lake till July 1! Now I'm dreading the fact that soon we'll be counting down. 

But not yet!

Rick's Laundry

Filling you in on a bit of summer must begin with a look at my lake buddy, Harry North.

I've seen him several times, gently stalking down the beach.

He can be hard to capture. He's very skittery. I suspect he's not quite as used to people coming into his orbit for a photo shoot as Harry the Heron down at home is! So, I hide behind trees.

I've seen him several times, stealthily sneaking out of the house (no door slam or fast movements); quietly stalking him as he stalks his prey (no doubt the small minnows that swim close to shore.)

But the stalking doesn't last long. One false move and....

He's off!

I eagerly await the next sighting1

In other "news," I finished the London puzzle. One piece is missing.

It's a border piece and I'm pretty sure I had it -- but not positive. It could be the victim of cat vandalism but somehow I don't think so. I think it's missing. SO frustrating!

I loved doing this puzzle by Galaxy Puzzles but have some complaints -- first, the photo on the box is only part of the puzzle. Second, the "poster" inside is about the size of a piece of copy paper, which makes reading it very difficult (one almost needs a magnifying glass). And some of the colors are just enough off that it is a bit hard to always find where a certain piece might go. That said, it was a fun one and I'm not liking the thought of taking it down!

I've painted a bit. I think I showed you this before but I touched up the background some since then.

And these poppies will eventually be cut up for book marks for the November sale.

The butterflies were copied (sort of) from a botanical print. Art camp is coming up and I can't wait to see what all we come up with!

I came home for a few days to get Nancy headed back to Colorado and to go through the colonoscopy ritual. (All was well.) For those who know about this, you've always had to drink this wretched yellow liquid the day before, along with a clear liquid diet. Now they have pills. And water. Lots of water. I drank enough over two days to drain a small pond. But it was better than the yellow stuff (which, actually, probably tasted a good deal more like that small pond!)

I spotted this one on my walk the other day. I'm now up to two miles. Isn't it a cheery bloom?

And these were by someone's trash. I so happily remember the days when my cousins and I would water ski from sun up to sun down. We were young, strong, agile and fearless!

Cousin David from Cleveland was north with a group of his friends and after they left he came down for dinner, along with Cousin Jack. We waited till too late in the day to get a good photo but here you have the three cousins, all born within 10 months of each other. 

And here we are at the lake in our carefree days. I think all three of us would be happy to split the difference and be in our mid-thirties again!

Finally, I wrapped up another trip around the sun. In the morning Rick paddled on the kayak around the lake and brought back a few water lilies to start the celebration! Now, is that a good way to start the day or what?!


Later we went to see the well-done film "Oppenheimer," because seeing how the world could end just seemed like the right thing to do. After, we enjoyed a splendid bottle of wine, courtesy of Greg, and a terrific dinner -- steak, caprese salad, wild rice. We had a cherry pie but were too full to eat! And lots of good, lovely talk in the evening. It was a terrific way to kick off a new year!


And, we enjoyed the first fire in the fireplace this season. (Which really is too early for a fire but it was a nippy, rainy day!)

Well, enough rambling! Time to get on with a new day and a new year. 

Gotta fly!

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  1. I love the flowers. It's been forever since I did a puzzle. They're fun.

  2. Oh, when was your birthday? Happy belated birthday, Jeanie!

    Loved seeing the three of you, babies and grown. :)

    Both the Harrys are quite regal. Harry North is just shyer.

    All your art pieces are beautiful. Such lovely florals! I can't even pick a favorite. :)

    That puzzle piece missing after all of that--absolutely most frustrating.

    Sounds like you had a really nice birthday. Another year ahead full of promise. :)

  3. Happy Birthday! Cute pictures of the cousins, then and now! Life at the lake looks wonderful.

  4. Great photos! I love that heron. They are such gracefful creatures, aren't they!

  5. Wonderful post, Jeanie. Love your Harry, great photos. And love the pic of Rick's washing! Glad you have had fun with friends and lots of good food. May I do a painting of your water lillies? Please say yes! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Judging by your art pieces (poppies, buterflies) you were blessed with great talent,Jeanie! I'm sure you"ll do well at the sales.

  7. Happy birthday, Jeanie. Water Lilies seem like the perfect gift to me. I would have wanted nothing else! Well, the wine maybe……

  8. Hello Jeanie,
    It does seem like summer is flying by, way too fast.
    Love your Harry the north photos, they are a treat to see.
    Your art work is beautiful, I love all the flowers.
    It is neat to see you and the cousins, now and those early days.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  9. There isn't a time that's too early for a fire. When you're chilled, you're chilled. I knew a woman decades ago in Miami who owned an A-Frame with a fireplace. It kind of blew my mind, but she used it.

  10. Happy birthday, Jeanie! The Harry the north photos are great, and Rick’s laundry is colorful! How aggravating is a missing puzzle piece. I have rediscovered the fun of puzzles with my granddaughters, they love them! Love the cousins photos past and present! Lake life looks and sounds fabulous!

  11. Best wishes Jeanie...loved your colorful post ! ❤️

  12. Happy belated birthday!
    The paintings are beautiful.
    Yes, the weather has been warm, too warm, and then nippy. A fire on a nippy, rainy evening sounds perfect!

  13. The puzzle piece may well show up months from now. I am reminded of when a group of friends used to meet at one of our houses for rummikub which is a table game played with numbered tiles. We had played at this lady's house several times when she confessed that while doing some deep cleaning, she removed a floor register cover to clean the vent under it and found the elusive black "eleven" tile we had sought and wished for so often. No one had imagined that it was never on the table for many games!

  14. Happy Birthday!! Love the pics of the heron. Your art pieces are lovely as usual. Don't you hate it when a puzzle piece is missing! Maybe it went home to London.

  15. Happy belated birthday, and happy water lilies! Water lilies mean you have water -- some day we'll have some, too. I laughed to see the shrimp on your table. One of these days we'll get you and Rick down here and get you some right off the boat!

  16. which da was your bday:)My of them the 10th.. a dear friend also.Marie its today.Happy belated!And here is to a good yr:)
    That puzzle..Same daughter who\s bday is the 10th is an avid puzzler.
    Good for you!The cousins in the pen:):):)

  17. Such a magnificent bird the heron especially in full flight. Love your photos. We used to have a beautiful heron on a lake nearby but I haven't seen it this year. Happy birthday!

  18. Happy Belated Birthday, Jeanie! I love the photos of you with your cousins, both versions. I just started another jigsaw puzzle. I’ve got all the edge pieces in and all the puzzle pieces separated. I hope I end with all the pieces, but if not, I did a blog post once on how to make a missing puzzle piece. We also went to see Oppenheimer. It was scary to know that he was counting on it working correctly and not creating a chain reaction that might have destroyed the world. Wow!

  19. Does Rick do his own laundry??
    I hate it when a puzzle piece is missing...It would definitely be cat vandalism if it was here.
    Love your paintings..The Poppies would make nice book marks!!
    Nice visit with your cousins...
    Glad your colonoscopy was OK..As was the prep !
    Happy Birthday..
    Nice parting shot of the Heron..

  20. Happy Birthday, Jeanie. Love seeing Harry North checking out his territory. A beautiful heron he is. Love the flower painting and the butterflies. One puzzle piece missing, how aggravating, at least it was on the bottom and not the middle. Amazing how time is flying by so enjoy your the rest of the summer at the lake.

  21. Always love seeing your art - your flowers are enchanting and I love the butterflies. How fun to have a cousin get together. Enjoy Art Camp when it comes.

  22. Happy Birthday Jeanie! It sounds like you had a lovely celebration! Herons fascinate me too, we have a new one that is so friendly, my son in law gave him a catfish and since then he practically walks up right next to him on the pier when he's fishing, hoping for more bites! I love to do jigsaw puzzles too, did you know there's a free site on line where you can play as many as you like, it's I'm addicted! Your paintings are lovely. Enjoy the last moment of summer!

  23. Your heron is just gorgeous to see. And I love seeing the tiny blue flower on your walk too. What fun to get together with cousins. Cousins can be so special and share so many family stories. Rick's laundry is the most colorful laundry I think I have ever seen. It is just happy laundry. Your artwork is always happy to see too. Thanks for sharing!
    Happy art camp coming up.

  24. Oh Jeanie, so many things I enjoyed about your post this Sunday morning. First, I'm glad your test went well. You got some nice pictures of Harry, and it surprises me that he's there every season when you return to the lake house. That cheery bloom is quite beautiful, and a striking color! I smiled so big when I saw you and the cousins now and back then. What a treasured photo that is. Most of my cousins have passed, but there are a few left. I miss them. So, did you like the movie, Oppenheimer? Your steak dinner sounds delicious.....and cherry pie is always the best! I can't believe how big those jumbo shrimp are! I just bought some breaded ones at the store, and can't wait to try them. The fireplace picture is so cozy, especially one a rainy day. Your paintings turned out really nice, and so glad you finished your puzzle. That was an accomplishment. Oh Jeanie, I do love hearing about all your days at the lake. I guess it hits home for me, as it reminds me of my own mountain home and surroundings. Your post is filled with so many wonderful things.


  25. I remember having to drink buckets of that foul stuff. But your results were good and you got back to your cottage.

  26. Happy birthday!!! Sounds like a perfect day and a great start with water lilies.
    So nice to see family too.
    Fall is starting to show here colors here too

  27. Happy birthday, Jeanie! From here, looks like a fabulous celebration... with art, family, Rick, great food, lots of fun! So glad that even Harry North made an appearance. Your photos of him show off his poise and stealth to terrific advantage... and I love that take-off photo! Wishing you the happiest of new years ahead! xoxox

  28. Love your postcards from the lake and how you pack so much into your time up. I finally spent the day at the cottage of my youth, which was lovely. Even painted there.

  29. This is such a great life to enjoy by the lake side

  30. Happy belated birthday! Your watercolors are so lovely. That shrimp looked tasty. Janice

  31. Happy Birthday, Jeanie! It seems like the best way/place to celebrate, at the summer house on the lake.

    Your coneflowers -- I think they are? -- are my favorite painting here. I love seeing the products of your joyful work.

  32. Happy Belated Birthday, Jeanie 🎂
    Love Harry and the glorious photos you captured of him.

    I always look forward to visiting your lovely blog.

    Hugs and blessings

  33. Thank you for the lovely flowers and birds but Jeanie, I am most amazed by the photo of you and your cousins! I love my cousins so much and I am sure it was a great mini reunion for the three of you! My cousin will visit me here in October and I am excited to do her first part of her EuroTrip with me!

  34. Your buddy looks very cool. Happy new week!

  35. Summer always seem to fly by faster and faster. This one, especially so, since the weather here through July was terrible.You got great shots of Harry North! Love the pictures of the cousins then and now! Soak up every last minute at the lake, Jeanie!

  36. Great photos of Harry.
    Great photos of the 3 baby and adult cousins :)
    You've painted some pretty flowers and butterflies.

  37. It’s great that you can get so close to Harry. Wonderful pics!

  38. The three of you are Adorable, EVEN today!
    Those are fantastic photos. You can see who is who, same looks on your faces. Such smiles are good spirit lifters.

  39. Great bird photos! You've perfected the art of sneaking :) Your nature art is nice. I love all that bright color.

    I need to get back to walking. I'm impressed by your distance. Water lilies are beautiful flowers, aren't they! I don't live where I can pick them, but I enjoy seeing them in parks and gardens. Too full for cherry pie?! That sounds like some meal!

    We're having unusual chilly weather predicted for the week after having record-breaking heat and rain. Weird weather. The fire looks cozy.

  40. Sounds like a nice time with cousins, the heron, Rick, painting, not necessarily in that order. I'll have some of that shrimp cocktail. Yum!

  41. Has your neighbor's house sold?? Maybe you've updated us on that and I missed it. I know how you adore him so for your sake I hope it hasn't!

    Happy belated birthday! Today is my mom's birthday, Thursday is my sister's wedding anniversary and Friday is Phil's birthday. It a big week! May is like that too. From May 18th through the 25th, we have our wedding anniversary, my grandma's bday, my nephew's & MIL's bday (on the same day) and my sister's bday!!

    I can just picture you hiking behind a tree to capture that picture. You are like bird paparazzi! :) It has been a really nice summer here overall. We did not get your cold weather. It has been HOT AND DRY. But it's raining right now which is perfect for a Monday. We desperately need the rain so I am happy to have a rainy day, especially when I'm already stuck inside working!

  42. Love the picture of him in flight.. you stalked well.
    Beautiful watercolors.
    Ugh don't you just hat a missing puzzle piece!

  43. I love catching up with your days, Jeanie. Great capture of Harry doing what he does best. Darling photos of you and your cousins--current and playpen days. Happy belated birthday, my friend!

  44. I love how you always show the old photos to go with new. It sounds like a good summer even with the late start...and congrats on getting up to 2 miles. Little by little right? And I hate when I lose puzzle pieces. It's weird that the box didn't show the whole picture. I'm not sure that's fair to the buyer. We have more rain coming tomorrow-once again. This hasn't been the best weather summer here in the Northeast.hugs-Erika

  45. Sweet, happy days at the lake - I can see why you don't want it to end too soon. Love the photos of Harry, and you and your cousins, and laundry on the line. Your paintings are so bright and pretty and the puzzle is an amazing accomplishment! Frustrating to not have that one piece, though. Hope the rest of your week is lovely and relaxing. x K

  46. Happy birthday, Jeanie! What lovely days you are having---your bird friend...your cousins...beautiful flowers! Enjoy every day.

  47. Happy birthday!! Your special day, and all of your lake days, look so lovely! And that bloom is definitely a happy little flower. :)

    I love the now and then photos of you and your cousins at the lake. :)

    Enjoy your week Jeannie!

  48. Happy birthday wishes Jeanie.

    I did enjoy seeing Harry North and love the poppies you've painted, they will make nice book marks.

    Enjoy your summer days, they pass by so quickly.

    All the best Jan

  49. The three baby cousins are so cute. And so nice to see they are still together as three older cousins!

    I'm VERY impressed with two miles!!! That is a useful amount of walking to be able to do.

    I'm never too full for cherry pie, perhaps you had a doggy bag? I would have done! I'm planning on making a blackberry and apple pie as our wild blackberries are flourishing right now.

    Glad your birthday was so nice Jeanie. And even the fire looks cosy!

  50. Thanks for posting the photos of Harry North. Do herons fly south for winter??? Your paintings are so cute: I love the colors! We haven't seen Oppenheimer. I heard it was very long. I guess you needed the wine after!

  51. Belated Happy Birthday.
    Those herons are so prehistoric looking aren't they? right now our blue jays are recovering from their molt. They look like mini herons at the moment.

  52. The butterflies - and the pics of the three of you!!!

  53. I love, love, love the poppies and butterflies. So pretty!

    I assumed Lizzie was the guilty party when you said you were missing a puzzle piece, but maybe that's because a cat is almost always the guilty party when something goes missing or gets broken in our house. Caroline's current obsession is hair bands.

    Those water lilies are gorgeous.

    And I love the cousin pictures. That's so awesome that you're all so close in age and seem to stay in touch. I only have one cousin, who is six years younger, and we've never really been close. I'm always impressed with the people who have lots of cousins and are close to them.

  54. Happy birthday wishes for the year ahead to be filled with lovely things and much joy!
    Sweet photos of Harry North!
    Puzzles, have a big of love/hate relationship with them. Same issue, the missing piece, or pieces. Then I did one I loved (giraffe w/Santa hat), put glue on it, slid under the couch ... and now there's a missing piece. Guess it wasn't glued enough and Luna maybe got to it? Other times we've gotten some of poor quality. But when they are fun and good, we enjoy them.
    Beautiful art! Especially love the poppies!
    Enjoyed all the photos, thanks. :)

  55. Happy belated birthday, Jeanie! All the best to you for your new year.
    How many pieces was that puzzle? How annoying that one piece is missing. It looks like a fun one.
    They have pills now for the prep? Finally some good news. I'd rather have that and gallons of water instead of that drink. The prep is bad enough as it is, so any kind of relief is welcome.


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