The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Postcards From the Lake -- and Beyond: And He's Off!

About a week ago, I dropped off Rick and his bike about an hour or so past home to give him a head start on his ride last week. It was a great day -- a perfect day for pedaling! 

I misjudged timing a bit. I forgot that I don't just let him out of the car and off he goes! He has to get the bike out of the trunk and put the pieces back together...

Then attach his paniers (saddlebags) to the back...

Get on his bike shoes, fill the tires and get on the helmet!

It always takes longer than I think!

Then it's time for goodbye...

....and off he goes!

I was off, too, to meet my friend Suzanne for lunch in Port Huron at a restaurant called Freighters. Unfortunately, the exit where I dropped Rick had no on-ramp going east (closed for construction) so I was on back roads for a long time till I found an entry point. (I even passed Rick on the bike!) I finally got there -- late -- and a text from Suzanne said she was stuck with traffic at customs coming in the U.S. and on the bridge. So, eventually we connected.

There is something extra good about a three-hour lunch with a good friend in a beautiful restaurant.

And the view wasn't bad either!

I had the same detour problem on the way home and made it just in time for dinner with friends Mark and Jan, whom I hadn't seen since they came home from a trip to Italy, after having had Covid while traveling. My worst nightmare. Then home to get ready for the lake.

The next morning didn't go well. Lizzie decided she wasn't going to the lake and closeted herself under the bed, right in the middle. So, I took off the mattress, shook up the box springs and scared her out.  I finally got her in the box, put the bed back together and hit the road just in time for world's most harrowing rain storm, which plagued me on the road for the first 90 minutes. Visibility was awful and at times I was completely blinded. By the time I got to the lake, it was cold and damp. But it felt very good to have arrived! (Lizzie, on the other hand, seemed unphased by it all and curled up on her chair. She let me know that she would continue to not cooperate when it came to getting into her carrier. Forewarned.)

So, now I'm back at the lake. (And by the time this posts, home again and back again!) And the day after the storm? Still windy as all get out but the sun was out and check out that blue sky!

The Tree Guy threatens to come and remove this ugly stump that has been there for over a year (don't start me on the other tree guy....)

Good Neighbors Jim and Kathy have sold their house and will be leaving in mid-September. They will be so sorely missed.

I've painted a bit. It's been a little too windy to set up on the porch for any length of time, but at least I got a bit done!

Life is quiet. 

If you are a reader in Ontario, Western Quebec, Vermont or Massachusetts, keep an eye out and good thoughts for this guy!

It's a long trip!


  1. I remember when we could cross that bridge with almost just a wave and 25 cents -- 15 if we bought the book of tickets.

  2. After the storm and detours and all of that--it was nice to have the visits and some quiet time. Love your art. I will say a prayer the hubby stays safe on his excursion on the road. He is quite the adventurer! Have a peaceful week. :)

  3. Hello,
    Wow, that is a long bike trip. Sending my good wishes for Rick and safe travels too. I do not like driving in the bad rainstorms. I would think Lizzie would be happy to hop in the car for the trip to the lake. The lunch with your friend looks great, I like a restaurant with a pretty view. Gorgeous sky shot, life is good. I hope you get some nice friendly neighbors. Take care, have a great day and week ahead.

  4. I hope Rick's trip goes well and he doesn't encounter any issues. Hopefully he didn't get caught in that same storm?? I'm sure he's prepared for all elements but heavy rain on a bike would be tough!

    Lizzie and Oscar are very similar about getting into a carrier... Phil could not get Oscar into a carrier this summer when she was going to come back for a couple of weeks while Joan was visiting friends. We wonder how he'll get her in her carrier for her fall vet appointment. She basically now just comes to our house when she needs to go to the vet. I think Phil will not bring any kids with when he tries to go get her to bring her home. He thinks having Paul there made her extra uncooperative. We will see... Phil is the only person who can pick her up so it's already challenging enough to get her in a carrier!

    I hope you luck out and get great neighbors. I know the person who is leaving is irreplaceable. My parents have good neighbors on one side; they feel so so about the others. The so so neighbors live in Montana so are only there sporadically but they don't have anyone take care of leaf removal or lawn care or anything while they are gone... it drives my parents a bit nuts, especially my mom.

  5. I hope Rick has a safe and fun trip.

    I love (occasionally) having the quiet of an empty house.

  6. You sure put the miles on and still manage to have fun with good friends. Love how full you do life!

  7. Lizzie doesn't seem happy in that photo. Hope Rick has a safe trip, that's quite an impressive ride he's taking. The weather here has been bucketing down rain for a few days but now the sun is actually out. I like the painting with the trees, very nice. Enjoy your week.

  8. Good luck to Rick on his long trek! And bad luck to Lizzie in messing up your plans.
    best, mae at

  9. What an ordeal! I hope the meals with friends made up for it. Haha.

  10. That is a long trip I hope he is meeting up with other riders to keep him company. Lovely lunches and dinner and time at the lake what more could you ask for. Your painting is wonderful. Enjoy the last of these summer days.

  11. In my town, we call ourselves Latte Riders. We ride to latte only for the distance.

  12. Sounds like you had your own adventure. Maybe not the distance Rick will be going. How long does Rick plan his great adventure is going to take? And are you driving out to meet him? It sounds like you'll be busy also while he's gone. I hope you have some lovely weather and get to enjoy some relaxing lake time. And not too much worry about Rick time. hugs-Erika

  13. Rick is really on a long trip! Good for him. Sending safe travel wishes to him and peaceful days to you, Jeanie. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself during these last days of summer at the lake.

  14. Absolutely love your tree at night painting and the fish next door!
    Love the photo of you and your good friend too- adorable folk!
    Fingers crossed for Rick making a safe journey - he will be fine!

  15. Rick's outfit is quite impressive! Wishing him an enjoyable, safe ride!
    I like to see you in photos, whether you're alone , with Rick , or with friends. Your smile is always catchy!

  16. I've been watching for Rick. We have a lot of cyclists around this area!

  17. Hoping for a good and safe bike trip for Rick! And what an adventure you had… but a lovely lunch with a friend so it was worth it.
    I too hate driving in rain storms! And don't add rain at night… ugh!
    Wishing for you to have peaceful days at the lake.

  18. I hope Rick has a safe and uneventful trip! It is sad to see summer coming to a close. Looks like you have had a very full one. I love, LOVE your paintings! You are so talented Jeanie! Thanks for all you share with us! xoxo

  19. I have had my eyes peeled for Rick, but nary a sign of him. My daughter lives in Ottawa so I will alert her too. I’ll tell her to watch out for a colourful guy with a big smile and take him home for dinner if she finds him!

  20. My goodness, you are busy!! Safe travels for Rick. I hope you could breathe and enjoy a sunset or two. So sorry the cat made you so late that the storm made your drive so harrowing.

  21. Rick's adventures on his bike amaze me. They are quite the adventure. I think he must really love them. I do wish him safety and joy.
    How fun to have lunch with a good friend too and come together from a distance.
    I loved seeing a peek of your painting and Lizzie too.

  22. Safe and happy travels to Rick. Hope you are currently at the lake, arting and having good weather.

  23. Your life is busy! I do love your lake house -that view is gorgeous- and I hope your new neighbors are good ones.

    Good luck on the bike trip.

  24. He's amazing!! Fun time with a dear friend..and love your trees painting!

  25. What a nice post. Except the detoure. LOL Rick looks well equiped for his bike ride. Nice to have lunch with friends. You have a nice day today.

  26. I'm sure Rick will keep safe, you will be back together soon! Sounds like a harrowing journey where everything went wrong, but at least you got good food. Cats haved their own mind, and do o take kindly to having to do what others want! Have a fun at the lake, I hope you get some good, new neighbours. Havw a great day, hugs, Valerie

  27. At least it seems as though you were well needed that after your ordeal..
    That's quite a trip..Hope all goes well..
    I always have the carrier sitting in the living room days before it's time to go to the vets..Then it's all about timing!!
    You sure do keep your paintings!!

  28. Kudos to Rick on his long bike ride. Lunch with a friend is always welcome Jeanie. Have fun painting and good luck with the new buyers who will buy your neighbor's house.

  29. I hope Rick has a good ride and doesn't encounter too much bad weather, or in my world, excessive heat.

    Sounds like you had a lovely lunch with your friend. Sorry your neighbor sold his house. I know he was SO good to you and he will be missed. I have a great neighbor to the south and a neighbor who put up a high fence so now I cannot see the street to the north.

    Nice watercolors, Jeanie.

  30. Lizzie definitely looks like she has no plans to cooperate. Ever. It's amazing how much of a fight such a small animal can put up! Sorry you had such an awful drive, but glad you arrived safely. I hope Rick has a fun and safe bike trip.

  31. Well, a few misadventures as you are 'single' for a while. lol. I hope Rick's trip goes well...that's a long time to travel. I love that you can paint and relax at the cottage. Happy Wednesday- xo Diana

  32. I did notice that there are flowers growing up around that ugly old stump. If it were me, I might incorporate it into the landscape. Get out your chainsaw, and get creative! I laughed and laughed at the same-old-same-old with Lizzie. Once Dixie put her paws down and said "NO!" there was no using brute force to get her corraled. I had to outsmart her, and that was no easy thing!

  33. Safe travels to Rick! I didn't see any lights on him, not even on the helmet. Doesn't he "do" lights? My husband who always rides his bike to work has quite some blinking lights and even I have a Lumos helmet with lights - I can't imagine ever riding my bike again without these lights. They are highly visible which is what you want to be as a bike rider. How long will he be on the road?

  34. When I worked in Port Huron most sunny days I would eat my lunch across from Freighters and just wait for freighters to go by. Not that I cannot see the from my house. LOL Just a different view especially coming from the lake into the river. Freighters is a good restaurant least it use to be. Have not been there in awhile. Janice

  35. wow I think Rick is very brave and intrepid to take on such a big bike ride. Sounds like you had some tough times on the road Jeanie. Glad you got there safely.

  36. Oh my, you had quite an adventure! And Rick is having his. Happy Travels Rick! So nice to meet up with your friends. I am a bit like Lizzie before a road trip. I am okay once I start. Always enjoy your artwork, glad you were able to paint. Thanks for visiting me. I have a great time here.

  37. What a happy post and I LOVE the shirt!!! And the happy pic of the two of you!
    Wish Ingo would take after his Dad. He was into swimming (won big (in small), then running, then like your Rick cycling (now he can hardly walk, so sad).
    Traffic... I am so thankful I can work from home (yet today I have to brave up and hop on my boys´-push-bike to go to a "quiz-evening" at my company - I am afraid of that.)

    Three hour lunch ... I´m a tad jealous (no, I´m happy for you! Reminds of my Brother, we sat for hours, too (pre-wife of his).

    To meeting friends and I hope they are well. Here are posters up, "how to live with long-Covid" - horrible thought!!!

    Poor Lizzie - and you!
    You have a nasty Tree guy? Oh, help me, Ronda!

    (I love how your house looks, great colors and style).
    Very, very sorry about your good neighbors!!!
    To painting and quiet - and thumbs up from here to your Rick, too.

  38. I like to look up tall trees. Thank you for sharing the good shot

  39. That IS a long trip! Bon voyage, Rick!

  40. Safe travels for Rick, that sounds like a very long ride. I know you are so sad to see your good neighbors move. The drive in the horrible rainstorm must have been frightening. Wishing you a lovely Thursday, Jeanie!

  41. "I was off, too, to meet my friend Suzanne for lunch in Port Huron..."

    Port Huron!

    Oh, Jeanie, I grew up 30 miles north in Lexington. Wow...blast from the past. I have pictures of myself with my Dad and brother under that bridge! 💕

    Lexington is a small town, so we often went shopping in Port Huron.

  42. Driving in the rain is horrific. Glad you made it through safely.

  43. Sounds like a wonderful lunch and meet-up with your friend.
    I wish Rick safe travels.

    All the best Jan

  44. You certainly have been busy! Nice that you were able to connect with friends. I hate driving in a rain storm but sounds like is well now back at the lake. Enjoy!

  45. Busy summer days for you traveling back and forth! Hope Rick has a wonderful ride and pretty views. He is very adventurous! Love that you and your friend met up across borders, but those detours are never fun, except for maybe finding new roads to travel. Driving in the rain is scary and people always seem to drive too fast, so you not only have to be careful yourself, but watch for hydro-planers. I hope Lizzy is more cooperative next time, or that you are sneakier. Lol! Enjoy these last summer days. x K

  46. Oh Jeanie, I can't imagine going on one of Rick's long rides, does he go with other riders? Does he camp out, and how does he eat? Sounds awful to me but I know the scenery must be beautiful. I'm glad you spent time with friends, and sorry about the rainy drive, not fun. I like your tree painting!

  47. You have had a busy time, Jeanie, including the unfortunate traffic delays and nasty weather but the met-up with your friend was wonderful to read about, special times. Hope that Rick's cycling trip goes well although I can't imagine being on a bike for such a long time with the possibility of bad weather. Hope all goes well for him.

  48. i saw a guy with a tiny little dog in the bag near his front tire this week on the bike trail. i'd never seen that before and got a bit concerned about the pooch if for some reason the bike fell over on its side ...

  49. Jeanie,
    You say life is quiet but I feel you live an interesting life...Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you will have a great weekend but somehow, I know you will, my friend!!

  50. Safe travels to Rick. Poor Lizzie!


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