The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Postcards From the Lake: A Gentle Pace and a Dinner Guest

Lake life continues to move at a slow and gentle pace. Lovely sunsets, (almost) daily walks (the rain is a factor) and sometimes even a celebration or two!

Tuesday and Wednesday, July 18 and 19

Quiet days. On Tuesday it rained and I got caught in it during my walk. Fortunately I made it back before it got to be too much of a squall. It was a good day for reading and working on the puzzle.

Yes, I'm still working on the puzzle. The light isn't the best where it is located and I'm pretty much down to the part where most of the pieces look very similar, distinguished only by minute details, like a width of a column (I never realized how many buildings in London had columns!) or a tiny dot of color! 

On Tuesday, my new friend, Neighbor Kathy, invited me for lunch. She made the most fabulous Asian salad -- rice noodles with a peanut sauce (that I could have eaten by the spoonful, it was so good), with a shredded cabbage/veg mixture over that, a light dressing, then diced tomatoes and chopped peanuts. I wish I'd taken a photo (but it didn't last that long. Yes, it was THAT good.) When I see her again, I'll get the cookbook title!

It was a gorgeous day so when I got home I did a little painting -- a couple of cards and painting in some sketches from my sketch book. I missed the mark completely on this one. These deer look wonky and amateur but a blogger with a good eye and memory might remember the photo from Pat's blog. She often has deer visit her Colorado yard and this was a gem. Unfortunately, my painting isn't. I was better than this when I was fourteen. (I feel compelled to show it because people always say such kind things about my painting and I love and appreciate that -- but you need to know that not everything I do is a hit!)

I liked this "from my head" little girl in a rain shower. Perhaps it was wishful thinking that I'd had an umbrella and jacket when I was caught out! 

I had done a color pencil sketch of this years ago and used it as my guide. I'm better now.

Then I colored in two "from life" ink sketches I'd done. The first was from my geranium. (I should have waited till those buds bloomed!). It's in my Petoskey Stone pot that Rick gave me for my birthday last year. 

And this one, from inside the porch looking out at my herbs and fireworks lights. Rick said "Why did you put the outlet switch in?" "Because it was there!" "Then why didn't you put in that ugly basket with the sunscreen that's on the ledge?" "I edited."

Thursday, July 20

This was not our best day. First of all, it rained. There was a time when we needed rain. Now we need a break. So, we decided to go to the laundromat and the store. Neither trip was particularly fun and only moderately successful. And, it took a whole lot longer than we planned, due in part to a broken water refill machine. We waited while the guy tried to repair it. We shouldn't have. Meanwhile, these guys got all the water they needed!

Moving on.... it was back to the lake and I started watching the first of two days of short online watercolor tutorials in "Watercolor Wonder."  One was on doing small (probably slightly smaller than a postcard) paintings and the other was poppy painting. Here's a screenshot from the artist's video -- I can't remember her name (I think it was Anna). 

I don't think I'll do the same painting but did try my hand at some coneflowers, based on another of the Watercolor Wonder tutorials. I decided to practice on a Fabriano pad with good paper that is very vertical so if they are passable, I can turn them into bookmarks. (When I have the feel right, I'll go for cards or a bigger painting).

And yes, another lovely sunset.


Friday, July 21

The day started with a trip to the mini-farm market where I picked up some cherries and peaches. This is my favorite vendor. Their fruit is always delicious and clean!

We had a dilemma! Rick went for his ride, I went for my walk, and when we were back, neither of us could find our phones. Now I know why a land line helps -- at least you can call yourself! Finally, Rick found his and eventually mine was in the back seat floor of the car (don't ask.) Whew!

My cousin Jack came for dinner last night. I hadn't seen him since last summer and it was a lovely evening to sit by the grill or on the porch and catch up.

I noticed we have a new guest at the bird feeder -- a sweet chickadee (or rather, a few of them). I'm glad the grackles haven't taken over entirely!

Meanwhile, Lizzie's a happy camper but who knows what she's looking at here.

I'm not sure I wanted to know!

I leave you with a photo of my fabulous birthday boy, who completes another trip around the sun on the day this posts (July 22)! I'll have more on how we celebrated next time. 

Happy Birthday, Rick!


  1. Happy Birthday Rick! 🥳🎂

  2. Happy Birthday to Rick!
    Pretty pink flowers and the sunset looks beautiful. Your lunch sounds yummy and the fresh fruits look delicious too. I just love all your sketches, watercolors are all lovely. You are talented. Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. You seem to adapt rather perfectly to cottage life with jigsaw, paintings, walks and food.

    That first pic of Lizzie might make for a good painting, but you probably done a few of her.

  4. Your paintings are very nice to see. I never liked doing puzzles, they drove me crazy. It's funny because my grandmother loved doing puzzles and my daughter does too. We are experiencing rain here too. It's been going on for days now but tomorrow it's not supposed to rain. :) Hope Rick had a good birthday. Take care and have a fun weekend.

  5. Happy birthday and Aloha from Hawaii. Sounds like a productive week, painting and meeting with people you like. That rice noodle salad sounds delicious! You described it well.

  6. Your watercolors are exquisite! My goodness.

  7. Thanks for the fabulous updates in your part of the world. I love your rainy day pictures, and maybe especially those red galoshes. And I greatly appreciated the exchange with Rich about the painting with the herbs and fireworks lights. It's the artist's prerogative, right?

    Happy Birthday to Rick! Hope you are enjoying a fabulous celebration today (maybe with some of those wonderful berries?)!

  8. Noodles with peanut sauce - I want some and I'm hungry! Hapy Birthday, Rick! Hugs, valerie

  9. Happy birthday Rick. Lunch sounds perfect a new friendly neighbor and she can cook! Slow living sounds so perfect.

  10. Lakeside life is a blessing it seems. So calm and soothing just to see the paintings you have done.

  11. I wish I were healthy enough to bike or run! Good on him!

  12. Happy happy birthday Rick! xo, V.

  13. I hope Rick had a great birthday. If he was here in NH he would have had a really lovely day to celebrate. I think it's been the nicest day we've had all month. I think your summer sounds amazing. The way summer should be, slow and easy and being able to take in each moment and enjoy it. Nice work on that puzzle, and that lunch salad at your neighbors sounds really delicious. I hope you do get the recipe. I hope you and Rick had a great celebration for his birthday. I look forward to reading about it. hugs-Erika

  14. Happy birthday to Rick! Have a wonderful day celebrating. It was nice hearing about your days and seeing your lovely art, Jeanie. And that London puzzle is beautiful. We haven't had a puzzle out for a long time. So busy catching up since we returned.

  15. Birthday 🎂 wishes to Rick and having another birthday isn't so bad considering the alternative. We celebrated Grenville's last week in Cape Cod. You are doing a lot of painting and I liked the geraniums and the little girl with the umbrella. You're right in saying the deer are not your best, Jeanie.

  16. You always have so much fun stuff going on. Even the laundromat sounds like an interesting outing. But I have to laugh and say that my cats always looked like that when they saw a bug/ or in one case heard termites. yes, heard them. Happy Birthday to Rick. Always a cause to celebrate.

  17. Hi I had visited earlier but my internet was messed up for awhile.
    I enjoyed your post, loved seeing your paintings, when I was a kid I would ride my bicycle everywhere I don't think I could stay upright any more haha. that's awesome your husband enjoys it so.
    We really enjoy the sunrises over the lake too-very special Happy new week hugs Kathy

  18. Your post reflects he beauty and peaceful lifestyle at the lake. I love your sketches and watercolors. I am just not into puzzles- I don't have the patience. Lucky you having a new guest at the bird feeder of a chickadee. We seem to be having just some small brown simple birds at our feeder. No one colorful is visiting.

  19. All sounds as if it's going well. I hate laundromats -- you remind me of that! Such a pain to have to wait. Enjoy your time at the lake!
    best, mae at

  20. Lovely and lively watercolors. I can tell you had fun creating them.

  21. Can't tell you how many times we've used our landline to call our cell phones! It's worth having it for nothing else than that! Happy Birthday to Rick! I love looking at art. From a few steps back you see a flower, an umbrella... but when you get close you notice how many different colors were used, the direction of the brush stroke, the types of brushes or tools used... I could look at it for hours! Yours are beautiful.

  22. Interesting Lizzie does not interfere with that puzzle!
    I prefer the online way - no need to provide place for it.

    I love your paintings and also the deer.
    Esp the flowers and your way to paint or not paint what is there :-)
    Hmmm your lake, sooo beautiful. This night I dreamed we had one right here, and sand.

    Happy belated Birthday to Rick!

  23. Isn't lakelife the best! And you have a new neighbor/friend! Her lunch she served sounded so good. I always enjoy your artwork. The daisies were my favorite along with the geranium.
    Sunsets are wonderful. We get sunrises on this side of the lake for us.
    Happy new week to you dear Jeannie!

  24. A gentle pace of life at the lake, a birthday celebration, a family visitor, tranquil surroundings - it all sounds perfect.

  25. We got rid of our land line, Jeanie, but so far we have not mislaid our phones at the same time! It may happen though! I think that Rick will be biking on his hundredth birthday - and good for him!

  26. Sounds like you've found enjoyment on rainy days at the lake. I enjoyed seeing your art work and I think they are all wonderful. I haven't worked on a puzzle in quite sometime but I certainly enjoy when I do. Happy Birthday wishes to Rick.........

  27. Happy birthday to Rick!
    You make me want to do a jig saw.
    I like all of your artwork.
    Glad you have some chickadees.
    Grackles are noisy, bossy birds-LOL!
    Have a wonderful Sunday. :)

  28. A big happy birthday to Rick! It looks like you are filling your time doing things that make you happy. I laughed at the market picture, how the two vendors are bathed in a red light. I think I puzzled myself out during Covid, I just don't have an interest anymore. -Jenn

  29. Lovely watercolors! Salad sounds delish..Happy Bday to your Rick:)

  30. You have to know that what you consider not your best work is light years ahead of what I could do, your talent comes through even when you don't think it does. Happy Birthday to Rick!

  31. Happy Birthday to your Rick! Hope it was an extra special day.
    Your rain actually sounds quite refreshing. The fruit in the fruit stand looks delicious. Puzzles and painting, plus nice walks sounds like a perfect summer. And that salad does sound yummy. So glad you have a new friend at the lake. Enjoy!

  32. The Asian salad your neighbor made sounds delicious. That's always been a favorite of mine. Good for you! - you are almost finished with the puzzle. I love puzzles, and haven't put one together in awhile. The deer painting made me smile. I just saw a deer pretty close up at a neighbor's house. They are such special gentle animals. I love your painting of the little girl in the rain shower too. That turned out really nice, Jeanie. The farmer's market is always a wonderful place to browse through. Cherries and Peaches, Yummy! So glad you got to visit with your cousin, And I noticed your red flowers in the delightful pot on the table, they look so welcoming. Happy Birthday to Rick! Have a peaceful Sunday, Jeanie, and a good week ahead.


  33. Happy Birthday Rick! I was thinking the other day about working on another jigsaw puzzle. It’s just the matter of going down the basement and retrieving one to our dining table. If you get the recipe for the Asian salad, I’d love the recipe or book’s name.

  34. Happy birthday to Rick! Sounds like your living a great summer life! Enjoy every moment~

  35. Toasting Rick for his birthday! Lovely to see how your summer is going at the lake and glad to see there is time for painting and admiring new visitors to the bird feeder. I hope you get a few extra pieces in your London jigsaw, this week. We've been in London this week to at the Royal Academy for their summer exhibition your art would look good on their walls!
    Have a great week.
    Wren x

  36. Happy Birthday Rick!!
    Love the little girl with the umbrella..I never paint anything original..I have no imagination..
    I am a frequent visitor to our local markets..We are very fortunate to have several close by.
    Love your flowers..I'm not crazy about painting flowers..Love the Poppies...
    Have a wonderful week..

  37. mmmm - Asian salad with peanut sauce. I always love seeing your paintings. Keep enjoying your time at the lake!

  38. Jeanie,
    Happy Birthday to Rick!!
    sounds like such a relaxing time...I wish I did not have so many things that i always seem to need to do so i could just sit and read...I actually tried to make more time to read this week and i did much better with that!!! Proud of myself..
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  39. Happy birthday to Rick!
    So, the watercolor deer - you might not be happy with them because your skills have improved a lot, but I wish I could draw/paint like that! I would be perfectly happy. But then I'm lightyears away from your skills and have way less expectations of myself (at least when it comes to painting). I did some watercoloring this weekend and I feel more and more that this is a medium I truly enjoy. When I'm more confident, I might venture to that dip pen. Thank you for answering my questions about that.

  40. Happy Belated Birthday to Rick 🎂
    Your paintings are beautiful as always.
    I love that you find joy in everything you see.

    Hugs and blessings, Jeanie

  41. Rain sounds great. I would love to have some here in S.Calif!

  42. The peaceful lazy days of summer. I was reading yesterday while listening to the afternoon shower. I love your sweet watercolor art and and summer activities. Your life by the lake is the perfect example of wonderful summer days.

  43. First of all Happy Birthday to Rick! I wish him an amazing new year and new beautiful experiences with you. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful blooms and lovely art! Your deer is far from wonky Jeanie please! Its very cute! Sending you warm hugs from Sunny Spain (too Sunny if you ask me)


  44. Hi Jeanie: It is good to catch up and glad to see you at the pretty lake again. Happy Birthday, Rick. I have been sitting a lot. On the couch, watching TV or in the car going to the physical therapist. Jerry has had sciatica really bad for the last couple of weeks or more. He is now finally starting to feel better. When I'm not sitting on the couch I am playing servant to him and the pups. Jake had his wedding but Jerry couldn't go as he was so bent over and in pain. What a sad moment in his 85 years. Had to wait to get this now! Tami and Tim came to pick me up so at least I got to go. Am waiting for pictures to post again. They are on honeymoon now in Greece. Were not close to any of the fires thank heaven. Keep enjoying the summer and the lake. I'll be thinking about you..xxoJudy

  45. No doubt you've seen this one already:

    I like to imagine that Dr. Compton lived on your road.

    Happy lake time, Jeanie! Keep walking!


  46. Happy Birthday to Rick and how lovely to spend time with company. Those pink flowers are stunning. Your artwork again made me smile and the jigsaw looks like fun. I need to open a couple of boxes as all I have done are the ones on my iPad but I enjoy them too. Your little cat is adorable, and I enjoyed seeing the sweet bird also. Enjoy your week Jeanie and thank you for visiting me. Always appreciated :)

  47. Happy belated birthday to Rick. I know that you had a wonderful celebration. Thank you for sharing lake life, Jeanie. I love getting your postcards!

  48. Yes to pink flowers, sunsets, beautiful arts, and farm market. I love those!

  49. Belated birthday greetings to Rick! That Asian salad sounds wonderful. I'd forgotten that in Liberia, peanut 'soup' was quite a thing. Actually, 'soup' is the term there for anything that goes on top of rice, so it's not at all the same thing as our usual soups, but it's quite good, and I've not made it in forever. I ought to do that. Looking at your jigsaw puzzle, I've finally come to terms with something: I find jigsaws boring. I suppose if I were in a situation where I couldn't get out of the house, or there was nothing -- nothing! -- else to do, I might indulge. I have plenty of friends who always are working on a new one. But for now, even indoors-because-of-bad-weather leaves me more inclined toward books than anything. Someday, I hope to get inclined toward house cleaning!

  50. This is Lisa! Happy belated birthday to Rick! I don’t think I knew you were both summer babies! Your bdays are quite close together!! That puzzle looks fun. I was in a real puzzle mood in the winter but lost my drive when the weather got nicer. I have to work on them on a puzzle mat and then roll it up each night since there are small, curious hands around!

    I wish we were getting the regular showers you were getting! We are in another terribly drought. This is the 3rd year in a row so maybe this is just going to be due to climate change? It’s hard to keep grass and plants alive. Phil is our waterer - he does enough to keep the grass from really dying off.

  51. Birthday 🎂 wishes to Rick.
    Nice London puzzle. I love such zigsaws!

  52. What a beautiful setting to celebrate Rick’s birthday! Belated Birthday Wishes to Rick and I look forward to finding out how you two celebrate in your next post. I can see too how inspirational an environment for you at the cabin to your art!

  53. wow, you have been all crafty and artsy....looks great. I had surprise Lilies come up last week. The ones that just shoot up out of the ground and no leaves, just the blooms

  54. Happy Birthday to Rick! You have a nice life at the lake. Thank you for sharing it.

  55. I love your paintings of the coneflowers and the herbs and fireworks!

    It looks like you are having a nice summer up north despite all this weird weather we are having!! Enjoy the lake life!

  56. I always love your paintings and one cannot beat our Michigan cherries. YUM! Janice

  57. Lovely post.
    I enjoyed your photographs.

    Happy Birthday Wishes for Rick.

    All the best Jan

  58. Happy belated birthday to Rick! Love all your watercolors, but I'm drawn to the one of the herbs (outlet and all). We've been having a very rainy summer here - I've barely had to water my plants! Sorry for not stopping by regularly, but I'll catch up when I can.

  59. I forgot to add how much I love that painting of the geraniums! As one of my friends says, "That one's a wall-hanger!"


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