The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, June 26, 2023

A Sale, A Farewell, Two Cute Boys and Some Birds!

Well, things have a way of working out, even if it sometimes takes a stupid mistake to facilitate it! Here you see my yard sale!  It was a success, or success enough for stuff that I didn't want anymore. Most of the rest has already been donated to our local community theatre's rummage sale. I was lucky -- Molly came to help and brought things, too, and Rick chipped in. A team effort.

So, what was that stupid mistake that worked out?

Well, in a fit of very bad scheduling, the neighborhood yard sales were set for the day after my colonoscopy. Now for those who haven't had the pleasure of this medical procedure, the day before you are on liquid diet and do a prep which makes one very glad to have remembered to stock the bathroom with interesting reading material. Just sayin'...  Anyway, I got my days mixed up and didn't quit my blood thinners in time so it had to be rescheduled. (I found this out before the prep but after a day of nothing much to eat but liquids.) In the end (no pun intended), a good thing as it bought me another day to prep for the sale (and dig more stuff out of cupboards and beyond.)

Anyone need one or two or a few of these? Pay the postage and it's yours! If you need better photos, let me know!

 We enjoyed Father's Day with Kevin, Molly and the boys. They got a bit more dressed for going out to dinner with freshly combed hair (I almost didn't recognize my Camster!) ....

 ... and a gelled Mohawk! It was such a perfect day -- we loved every minute.

Steve asked an interesting question after my last post about the relaxed gosling -- he was worried it didn't look well. I wondered the same thing from the vantage point of the photo, below. But when I took a step too close, the whole family (there were three goslings and parents) hustled up and scurried down the hill. He seemed fine. 

Things were quiet and I thought Wrennie had disappeared but I am still seeing her as of this writing, bringing food into the B&B. I'd love it if she took up permanent residence. And, I think I saw a wren that was much smaller than she is. Today I saw what I think was a different baby, trying hard to flap his wings. I think he made it! I love that they are still hanging around and I'll sorely miss them when they leave.

I also saw this sweet sight with two sparrows. 

I was surprised that they looked close to the same size -- but, whatever works.

I see the smaller sparrows, flapping their wings in vain, over and over as they sit on the fence. Obviously, they got there, so they know they can do it! Then they take off. And Lizzie's feeder has never been busier! I keep filling and filling -- and it is gone! Time to do it again.

All the good things of the week were tempered by the news that my dear friend, Larry Stone, died after a ten-year battle with Parkinson's. 

Larry's wife, Lin, was my high school drama teacher and he worked closely with her and the students on the technical areas of theatre. (I've written about Lin HERE) And we did good shows back then -- and learned a lot -- not just about theatre, but about working together, being a team.

Cast Party for "Barefoot in the Park," 1969

But perhaps the best thing I learned from Lin and Larry was how adult men and women -- a couple that was not our parents, that is -- can and should treat one another, with respect and appreciation.  (They may have been young adults -- in their 20s -- but we were 16 and 17 and they were a lot closer to our age.) They provided excellent role models for students at my high school, many of whom might not have had those attributes modeled at home.

After graduation we remained good friends -- a friendship lasting more than 50 years. I learned that it was no act for the students -- they were  and remained -- devoted to each other. Larry could offer "husband classes." The way he treated Lin, with such love, consideration, thoughtfulness and more is the way we should all treat one another.

Larry understood both my career and my theatre passion. He worked at WKAR long before I did and met Lin while working tech on a production at MSU. (In fact, I actually saw that show -- and a later one in which their son made his debut as a wee baby -- and at that time had no idea who they were or the impact they would have on my life!) I'm quite sure it was their influence that remained a key part of my decision to attend Michigan State and they both remained very active as U-theatre supporters. He was an MSU fan, a writer and a lover of history (especially World War II) -- an interest we shared.

With then-MSU theatre department chair, Kirk Domer, at MSU's scene shop.

I had many wonderful visits to their home in Columbus. It's hard to believe I babysat their son, Bob, and now he is a doctor (like his mom, who went to med school after teaching) and has a beautiful family of his own, with two college-age children. Lin and Larry loved Christmas as much as I do -- and they had the biggest tree I'd ever seen that wasn't in a mall! It was draped with the original lead tinsel, which Larry saved each year and some of which dated back to his youth.

Larry was honored for his commitment to MSU as an outstanding alumni, recognized for his work in educating judges in Ohio State as first Executive Director/founder of the Ohio Judicial College,  and as a passionate supporter of Honor Flight, making many trips with them. He was a leader in helping develop the Supreme Court of his beloved Ukraine's judicial education program (their home still flies the Ukrainian flag). Perhaps most important to him was using his indefatigable energy to work with Lin's Humanism and Medicine/Medicine and the Arts programs at Ohio State's medical school. Equally important was supporting his grandchildren's activities, helping with Scout projects and sets for school plays. That's just scratching the surface. He received many honors and accolades over time, but most of all, I feel that the honor is all mine -- having had the privilege of knowing him for more than 50 years.

We traveled to Columbus for the funeral this past week and while it was lovely to see the family, it was so sad that the reason we were together was to say goodbye. One less place at the table.

Afterwards, we headed home. I drove, but dropped Rick off in Waldo, Ohio, to make a three-day bike hike home. 

It's how we roll. (And yes, now he's safely at home, eager for the next one!)

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  1. Sorry that your good friend died, that's sad. But you have many great memories of him! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Read ✅
    Have a good week. 😀

  3. Lovely memories of a great friendship Jeanie, and congrats on a successful yard sale! Those sweet boys with their slicked back hair gave me a smile!

  4. Hello,
    So sorry for the loss of your friend Larry. I hope all the happy memories bring you comfort. Love the bird captures, it is cute to watch the baby birds being fed. Your grandsons are cute, great collection of photos. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  5. Larry and his wife were great role models for teenagers. I'm sorry you lost your friend who made such a great impact on your life. It's amazing how long your friendship lasted.

  6. You always give the impression that you're very active Jeanie. However, you continue to have hard times with your health which I hope improves. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. My condolences and may the memories of your friendship over many years comfort you. I'm glad the sale went well. The bird feeding a young one is cute and so are your sweet grand boys.

  7. So sorry to hear about the passing of Larry. My uncle died from this same horrible disease. The boys do look quite handsome all spiffed up! God help Molly when they grow up. Janice

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. He sounded like an amazing person. It's nice to have another role model type of couple that isn't your parents! At certain stages of life (like your teens) you are more open to advice from people who didn't raise you. The pendulum definitely shifts as you enter your 20s, though.

    Ugh, I am sorry to hear about the confusion around your colonoscopy! I am glad you hadn't done that final, awful stage of prep before having it called off, though! I'll have my first colonoscopy at 45 and do not look forward to it!!!

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. He sounded like an amazing person. It's nice to have another role model type of couple that isn't your parents! At certain stages of life (like your teens) you are more open to advice from people who didn't raise you. The pendulum definitely shifts as you enter your 20s, though.

    Ugh, I am sorry to hear about the confusion around your colonoscopy! I am glad you hadn't done that final, awful stage of prep before having it called off, though! I'll have my first colonoscopy at 45 and do not look forward to it!!!

  10. Well, I'm glad the yard sale worked out. So sorry about the loss of your friend and teacher. We have lots of baby birds being fed by their parents here too -- mostly starlings, from what I've seen!

  11. Ah, Jeanie - you've written a grand tribute for Larry. 50 years of friendship!
    How wonderful that you and they would remain close.
    My sympathies for the loss of his presence in this world.

  12. What a great guy and human being! I would have loved him, too. Oh, it is so sad to say goodbye, isn't it? But rest assured his spirit lives on. BTW, those blue area rugs are so lovely. You should keep them.

  13. So sorry about your friend, Larry. It sounds like he made an impact on the world around him and he will be thought of with kindness and good memories by many people.

    Glad you mentioned the gosling. I thought it was sick or died, too, and wondered why you shared that photo.

  14. Sympathy and prayers for the loss of Larry

  15. So sorry to hear about losing your friend Jeanie. My husband's uncle battled Parkinson's Disease, and it is not an easy battle. You always seem to find the best "vintage" photos of events in your life too. And boy do the boys look handsome all cleaned up and dressed up for dinner. Glad your yard sale was a success. I could certainly stand to have one, and the gosling is doing well too. You got some wonderful bird photos as well. I hope July settles down a bit for you and you can enjoy some lake time. Hugs-Erika

  16. Sorry to learn of the passing of your longtime friend. It must have been hard to say your "goodbyes".

  17. He obviously touched your life in such a positive way. What a beautiful tribute. I'm glad you were able to make the funeral and kudos to Rick for biking a good way home. ;)

  18. Sorry for your the loss of a good friend. Lots of memories and photos to remind you about his life's impact on you. RIP, Larry.

  19. My sincere condolences on the loss of your friend Larry! Your post is a very fine tribute to his memory.
    I love how the two boys look with their fresh haircut. Sweet!

  20. Nothing like the fun of prep for a colonoscopy! lol. Been there-done that--don't want a t-shirt! Your grandsons look adorable all spit shined to go out.
    I am sorry you lost such a good friend. My father also suffered with Parkinson's for 10 years before passing. It is a horrible, sad disease. Prayers for his wife.
    I hope you have a wonderful week, my friend! xo Diana

  21. Parkinson's is such a shite disease! Sneaks up and takes over utterly. More research needs to be done that is a given! Seems to be prevalent up here in the dark of the north- some attribute it to lack of vitamin D.
    You must have sold a lot of stuff- your sale photo looks sparse, good work!

  22. Wonderful that you have had such long time friends. Sending light to you and his loved ones with his passing.

    So sweet that you are enjoying the birds. So fun to watch them do their thing.

  23. Glad Rick made it safely home.
    What a lovely tribute of your dear friend, Larry.
    Husband lessons would have been a good idea for so many men, I do believe.
    Fun to see your growing guys all "spiffed" up.
    I was a bit concerned about the gosling on the other post too. Glad they were OK.

  24. Sorry about the passing of your friend. It must be a horrifying experience to see friends slipping away. Your life is so jampacked with fun and activities. that tells me that I need to spice my life up a bit more.

  25. It's nice to catch up with you. Glad to see Rick is still biking. I'm so sorry you lost your friend, Larry. He sounded like a fine human being. Your tribute is beautiful. Take care, my friend.

  26. Jeanie, you have a rare gift for making and sustaining friendships, and I am sorry to read that you have lost another important one in your life. Larry sounds like a caring and remarkably thoughtful person, and it's clear that his values and his way of treating others made a significant impression on you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Thanks for the lovely pictures of your new feathered neighbors, the boys in their "special occasion" haircuts. And congratulations on the yard sale! Here's hoping you are able to get to the lake very soon!

  27. Losing such a remarkable and wonderful friend must be so hard, Jeanie. He sounds like he lived life to the fullest and had a big impact on your and many other's lives. A sad loss, but I hope the memories bring you comfort.
    The boys are so cute and growing so fast. Sorry to hear about the missed medical appt. - such a difficult thing to have to repeat! At least something positive came out of it with the yard sale. Glad to hear that Rick made his trip home safely! That's amazing! Great photos of the sweet little birds. Take good care of yourself, dear. x K

  28. So sorry for the loss of your friend Larry. He certainly made an impact in the lives of many people around him.
    The grandkids are growing up, so cute :)
    Hope the colonoscopy goes well Jeanie.

  29. So much to talk about in this post, Jeanie!

    You must get so much fun watching the birds. We do, except that a flight of parakeets has taken up residence in our garden and they are such bullies, and so clever. We hardly see the other birds at the feeder now. I think the parakeets aren't there all the time, but just the fact that they cluster so much around our feeder seems to be enough to put off the smaller birds.

    Your yard sale looks great, I am sure I would have bought something! I'm glad it went well.

    The boys look so cool. Maybe a little too young to be pleased with themselves (as our 9 year old grandson now is when he's all dressed up), but adorable for adults to see!
    And Rick looks happy setting off on his bike. I know that feeling! Frustratingly, our bike rack has lost a vital part and so as of yesterday we are not able to take the bikes anywhere. (We have been taking them out of London and having rides in the countryside, as we had planned to do today. But then saw the space where the missing clamp should be.... ). So for a while we'll only be able to ycle from our front door and while it's fun to be cycling around London, the country is the place to be in the summer ! SO far there's no obvious replacement available to fit our car. It is a 2012 model, so that's not surprising I guess...but I always vaguely thought roof racks were adjustable for many different models of car, not model-specfic.

    Finally, Larry. He sounds really, really wonderful, and I felt sad looking at the photograph of everyone without him. That may sound strange, because I didn't even know him, but people like that are rare gems, and as you say they do inspire so many others who cross their paths. His family must feel bereft, and I am sorry for your loss.

  30. Wonderful post Jeanie.
    Congrat’s on the sale, getting rid of “stuff!”
    Happy days with those handsome “grands.”
    Mentions about your friend, sad for his passing.
    Wasn’t it the best to have been touched by his GRACE.
    I love your posts! ❤️

  31. Jeanie, what a lovely life you have led. So many wonderful people have become friends and influenced you into becoming the fascinating person you now are.

    It is sad to lose people, though. This tail end of life is chock-full of loss, isn't it?

    I wonder how much it would cost to mail all of those ink pads and stamps to me. My granddaughter and I love to stamp.

  32. I am sorry you lost your special friend, and to such a nasty desease, too.
    A wonderful tribute, though.
    At least you have fond memories and many of them, too.
    The boys look fab :-)

  33. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. It sounds like he was an incredible person.

    I'm glad you and Rick were able to spend Father's Day with the little guys. Though, they hardly seem little now! It doesn't seem like it has been that long since you were writing about getting ready to become a grandparent.

  34. Such a lovely tribute to your friend. Glad you did well with your sale, and hope your tests came out good.

  35. Very sorry for the loss of your friend.

  36. The boys look sparkling fresh:) I remember that age so well. still so innocent.I thought there was a new prep method for colonoscopies now? Haven't had one yet..
    Sorry for your loss Jeanie..
    That's another devastating disease.

  37. Every time I think about having a yard sale the feeling passes quickly, thank goodness! One day it will have to happen, I suppose - or maybe my daughter can deal with all the stuff when I'm gone. Now there's a plan!

  38. What a huge week you had...loss is always so hard. My mom-in-law outlived so many of her friends and her family...she said it was harder to be the last one than dying herself. Yes, the wrens may come back each year. Ours seem to come and claim ownership of the same house each year...he's the one that sings from 4am to 9pm everyday...noisy little guy!

  39. Your tribute and photo collection make a wonderful introduction to your late friend’s life. I’m sure we’re all very sad that we never got to know him. Condolences to you for your loss.
    best, mae at

  40. Such cute little boys. So sorry to hear about your friend's passing. Glad the yard sale went well. It feels good to de-clutter things we longer use.

  41. What a lovely tribute!
    Our wrens just fledged.

  42. Have you ever water colored any of your stamped images??Interesting affect.
    The boys look very cute all spiffed up..
    The house wrens are cuties but they rob the Blue Bird houses around here...Not too popular.
    Fun how you drop Rick off here and there and he bikes home..
    ENjoy the rest of your week..

  43. Larry and Lin seem like the perfect couple. I am so sorry for your loss, Jeanie. Larry had a fascinating life and must have been a great friend to everyone. Your tribute to him will be treasured by his wife. The boys are so handsome! Happy Tuesday!

  44. Jeanie, I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your good friend. Losing a good friend is so hard to go through. My condolences to you and his wife.

  45. Jeanie, I'm so sorry to hear your dear friend passed away. My sister-in-law had this illness as well. I'm glad that gosling is doing Ok. I was thinking the same thing, didn't look right all scrunched up in that position. Your grandboys look so handsome dressed up for dinner. Oh Jeanie, I wish I could have browsed through your yard sale. I really do enjoy them, and I'm glad it was a success for you. Looks like a lot of neat stuff. Looking forward to seeing your lake pictures this season.


  46. One little detail you mentioned about Larry made me sure I would have liked him. I still have the lead tinsel from our family tree in the 1950s, too. Every year I take it off, wrap it around cardboard, and carefully tuck it away. I suspect he treated Lin with as much care -- or more! -- than that tinsel. When a person truly is caring, it pervades all of life. We are entering that time of life when significant losses become more common, but each year brings more cherished memories.

  47. I am so sorry to read about your dear friend’s passing. Funerals can be bittersweet, saying goodbye and yet meeting up with family and friends we haven’t seen in years, telling old stories of their time with the dearly departed, do you remember when, comforting to each other in a sad situation. A lovely tribute to your friend, he was an amazing human being.

    On a happier note, your post was a lovely read and I enjoyed catching up with you. Such handsome boys! Happy Wednesday Jeanie!

  48. Sorry to hear about your friend Jeanie, you have lots of treasured memories. Lovely images of the birds. I put apple out for them, they love it. Your boys are looking very handsome :-)

  49. I'm so sorry for your loss and what a wonderful tribute to your friend.

  50. My condolences on the loss of your friend, Jeanie. He sounds like a wonderful man who will leave lots of beautiful memories for his family and friends.

  51. My condolences, Jeanie. What a wonderful man; there is a big vacant space in the world now. Thank you for telling about him and the gift of your friendship.

  52. Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend, Jeanie...Treasure your wonderful memories of him...
    Thanks so much for stopping by as I see how busy you have been!! I hope you are having a great week!!

  53. This is such a good slice of life, Jeanie. The highs, and the lows, and everything in between. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. We are finding this is happening at an increased rate, in our lives. But oh how these people have enriched the lives of those around them. Thank you for sharing!

  54. Sorry for the loss of your friend. The garage sale seems a success. Thanks for sharing your story.

  55. The boys are sure growing, aren't they?

  56. Jeanie, I'm so sorry about your longtime friend and teacher's passing. <3 Please give Lin a hug from all of us. So hard... A lovely tribute to Larry and his family!

    Not anyway I can easily transition but I'm glad Rick got to have a great three days riding and camping his way home. The best! I'm glad you were able to sell a bunch of things at your garage sale. :)

    Many hugs and prayers,
    Barb <3

  57. I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend. He sounds like a wonderful person, and you have such beautiful memories of your friendship together.

    And your grandson's shark shirt is awesome!!

  58. Jeanie, I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. Your tribute to him and his positive influence was well written.
    I am glad you enjoyed the boys. They are growing fast.
    Glad your yard sale went well. It is work to get all that done but feels so good when it is over.
    It is hard to believe it is almost the fourth of July. Time is passing so quickly. Enjoy the holiday.

  59. So sorry about your friend. The post is full of memories. Have a nice weekend.

  60. So sorry to read about the loss of your friend Larry, you've shared some lovely memories.
    The boys are growing up fast, their hair looks very smart.

    I wish you a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  61. Congrats on the successful yard sale.

    So sorry for the loss of your friend.

    Your grandsons look adorable.

    Hugs and blessings, Jeanie

  62. I've given up on having yard sales (although I have plenty to sell. It is just too much work and not worth the effort because I have all small ticket items. Instead I just donate it from the beginning. The boys are adorable so glad you had a good time with them. Sorry about the loss of your friend.

  63. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost such a good friend of yours. You wrote a very lovely tribute abd you have lots of good memories of him.
    It's been years since we did our last yard sale. Now I just put a "free" box outside.

  64. Thinking of you today, Jeanie. <3 Sharing your post at SYS #394 for you. <3

    Hope your 4th was filled with joy and fun,

  65. You have created a loving and caring tribute to your friend Larry. I could feel the emotion in your words and see the caring you had for him in your photos. My heart goes out to you losing such a good friend and role model.

    The boys sure looked different with their new hairdos.

    Sounds like your garage sale went really well. I'll contact you about a few things if you haven't already sold them.

  66. I'm saddened by the loss of your friend. This was a beautiful tribute. Glad the yard sale worked out!


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