The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

And Now It's February

Here's something you don't often see in my world at this time of year. That's sunshine, morning sun, coming into the backyard. Never mind that it's one degree below zero. It's sun. I'll take it!

We had our first snow since Christmas last weekend. We didn't get a lot -- maybe four inches or so. But it's a beautiful look, even for this winter curmudgeon! 

The birds have come out in full force at the feeder. Mostly sparrows, but several woodpeckers as well. 

They seem to be taking in the suet cakes more than the seed, but I'm just glad to see them, and so is Lizzie.

The Ditch is looking well, too -- shimmering ice, a few small bits of open water. It's icier since I took this photo; most all the open water has frozen now.

And lovely, pristine snow kisses the branches of the trees.

It won't stay this way long. Dog walkers (or their charges) will turn the snow beside the walk yellow. Twigs and falling brush will take away some of the white. But for now, it's quite lovely.

Inside is looking pretty good, too. I don't do a lot for Valentine's Day, at least I'm not this year. The house remains decorated enough with the Happy Tree and Woodland tree still in place. But I did bring out a few wintry, Valentine-like things.

These little ones are my favorites!

The mantel has the snow people on them. These are my "keepers." I feel rather proud to say I pulled a few to share with Molly or my cousins. Parting is such sweet sorrow! But these are favorites and these stay!

Especially this guy!

And, in lieu of flowers, a bouquet of colorful pom poms!

Even Bobby Cardinal adds a bit of seasonal color!

Alas, the forced tulip bulbs have finally faded. But they were good while they lasted! 

So, until I have something reasonably articulate to say or interesting to share, I leave you with another look at the back yard.

After all, my word of the year is "rabbit."

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  1. Oh, I loved seeing the Ditch photos, and your back yard is so pretty with all the snow. They look like black and white photos somewhat, and the pops of red for Valentine's Day in your home show up so well. Those little red and white houses are so cute. And I like to see snowmen and snowflakes during the Winter months. You got a fair amount of snow. We are expected to get some more snow first part of February. I really did enjoy your post today.

    Wishing you pleasant February days, Jeanie.


  2. It looks just beautiful and your decorations are great for February. I have never seen a pom pom bouquet--lol! Have a wonderful day! :)

  3. White paradise outside and cosy atmosphere inside

  4. There is a good deal of charm to winter, Jeanie, and pristine snow is a delight. As you point out it soon enough is sullied, but for that brief interlude when it is unblemished it verges on inspirational.

  5. Good morning, I enjoyed seeing all of your snowy pictures and the downy woodpecker is one of my favorites-so sweet. we also have them with red on their heads.
    great decorations for the season too-stay warm hugs

  6. Hello,
    We are not having much snow here at all, only a few dustings. Love your Woodpeckers and the Cardinal, cute bunny in the yard. I have a few bunny statues around the yard. Your decorations around the home are pretty. Happy February! Take care, have a happy day!

  7. When -1 doesn’t seem cold to me, I remember myself that it ready -17C. So, it has been colder there than here, but it is getting here very soon.

  8. Cute red and whites throughout:) Before we know it another winter will have passed...

  9. I think your world looks beautiful with the snow. We haven't had any this year and after January it's likely we won't. I would loved to have seen this scene with you. I'm sure it was a lovely walk, given, quite chilly! Happy February Jeanie.......

  10. Beautiful photos, send some of that snow my way! I'd love to be housebound for a few days with that excuse to skip a meeting.

  11. That pom pom bouquet is adorable! I like the moniker winter curmudgeon. I could be that.

  12. Ooh... the snow on your statuary looks hauntingly beautiful. Still seeing deer?

    And I loved your tulips. That is just the shot of brilliant color I've been longing to see.

    It's awfully cold now -- stay warm!

  13. The snow is very very pretty! We have had a ton this year but I will take that over the bitterly cold temps we've had recently. It has been sunnier lately, as is often the case when we have extreme cold temps. I'll take the gray and mild weather, though! But it will warm up starting on Saturday, right in time for my CA friend's visit!

    I've seen some beautiful sites on runs this winter, though. We have had a lot of what my mom calls "hoar frost" and others might call "jack frost." I can't capture it on my iPhone camera but it's stunning when I see it!

  14. Bobby absolutely steals the whole (cold) show!!! Wow!
    Great macro, too.
    Rain here, grey since weeks.

  15. Pretty snow photos Jeanie. I love bright red in winter - makes a home look happier. Stay warm!

  16. Love the winter/snow photos - also love that I'm currently in Florida.

  17. It's 30 here, and it feels sooo cold! We got 3 waves of ice, but it's supposed to clear by tomorrow. Ice and snow are rare here and never last long.

    I've been impressed with how attracted the birds are to the suet. Usually when the weather is bad we get lots of birds we don't see as often, but not this time :( Even the woodpeckers we usually see are not in evidence. Seeing your photos is a treat :)

  18. Oh Jeanie,
    I want some snow here too!!!!
    We'd need it so so much, and we always have the sun shining! It's quite cold, but sunny... I'm afraid it's preparing another dry Summer here... I hope I'm wrong!
    Sending my dearest love to you

  19. The snowy pics are wonderful, but how good that yyou sunshine had, too. And nice, warm colours inside - way to go! Hugs, Valerie

  20. I had to show your photo of the Downy Woodpecker to the Downy Woodpecker who frequents our feeders. He says the snow is lovely, but he's happy to be in a place where the low temps are a balmy 40 degrees. lol

    Enjoy the sunshine!

  21. We've got nothing but gray and gloom here now, unless you count the rain and drizzle. And the cold. A damp 40F isn't really very pleasant. Your snow seems like a consolation prize -- a little snow and a little sunshine, and the world can be transformed!

    I had some new birds at the feeders today: a pair of house finches. The male was especially bright. He wasn't as red as a cardinal of course, but he still was very pretty.

  22. The outdoor snow photos are beautiful. Your inside looks cozy and warm. Enjoy the bird watching, Jeanie. It is a cold rainy day here and perfect for bird watching!

  23. Love all your snow photos! And your cute little winter decor is so bright and cheerful!
    I'm with you, we finally got 8" and its sunny, but that will mean cooler temps tonight and high of 11 tomorrow. Already can't wait for spring! LOL

  24. We have sun today, and our temp is about 38F. We got our first dusting of snow yesterday, but it disappeared quick. Cool woodpecker and ditch photos, and Bobby Cardinal is beautiful. We have cardinals that visit, always a welcome sight to see.
    I like your decorations and especially the way you have the red/white ones in front of that terrific wisteria painting.
    Have a good day!

  25. Your snowy photos of winter are aboslutely beautiful, Jeanie.

  26. Sunshine is a true rarity through winter here.

  27. I love your holiday decorations! The snow is very pretty at your house, but I don’t mind not having any where I live!

  28. THe sun came out but it was deceiving....penguin weather. Love your pops of red! I put mine out today now Janice

  29. The snow looks lovely Jeanie. As do your inside winter decorations.Good for you to do a bit of weeding out. And hasn't this been a weird winter? First it was so mild and then suddenly, wham. I guess the good news about February is that we are getting closer to spring. Lovely photos today too. Happy new month. hugs-Erika

  30. I'm so impressed you decorate for Valentine's Day! Cardinals always look so amazing against the snow.

  31. Beautiful photos! Every one greeting card ready. We too have been having a dry month in January. And the groundhog just told us we would be having an early spring.

  32. Our critters get really active during the cold spells as well. The snow looks beautiful on your landscape!

  33. Lovely post. What a winter wonderland. I like the look of snow but hate the cold. If you desire sunshine, go see Hawaii, where there is sunshine year round.

  34. The snow is lovely, transforming the landscape into monochrome and light. I don't do much for Valentine's Day at all. A special meal for my husband and some Valentine treats for the grandchildren, and that's about it. Have a good weekend.

  35. Jeanie ... you make me wonder how much activity must be going on right behind the house! I'll be remembering this post as I go about my daily routines, to be more alert and appreciative of what's happening right out the window.

  36. I enjoyed seeing all your stunning snowy photos, Jeanie.
    Your corner of the world is so beautiful!
    But I'm miserable when it's cold and can't imagine myself living in a world where it's not perpetually summer!

    Hugs and blessings!

  37. Hello Jeanie,
    The Downy Woodpecker is a pretty bird, I always enjoy seeing them.
    The ditch looks pretty with a blanket of snow.
    Your Valentine's decorations are pretty.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  38. Everything looks beautiful Jeanie! I love your bird captures, especially the cardinal~ your snowy things are so cute, and love the pops of red! Have a great week ahead and stay cozy!

  39. That snow and ice looks pretty but I know it's been a terrible winter blast! Love the photo of the fence and that Cardinal!

  40. First, thanks Jeanie, for the 🎂 wishes and no worries about being late (only a day) as I believe in the celebration🎉 lasting the entire year, why not? Our overnight temps were in the minus teens and currently at 11 am it's a balmy 4 degrees. But, we have no wintry scenes to accompany the cold weather, which is just as well because all would be frozen. ENjoyed seeing your touches of red for Hearts Day, especially the snowmen as I also have favorites.

  41. You do such a lovely job with your decor. It's 8 degrees here today - gah!!... makes the farm chores a bit more of a chore. Stay warm!

  42. You have a great collection of pretties Jeanie, I like how you arrange them. Also the other pretty photos are delightful! Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  43. I like these images. The sunshine in the snow, the birds and your decorations are all very remarkable!

  44. Oh that cardinal! for a second I thought he was a decoration. I love them and miss seeing them as they don't come to the west coast.
    How lovely to walk at the ditch.
    I love your snowy, red decorations.

  45. Wonderful photographs from 'The Ditch'

    I like your bouquet of red Pom-Poms, so colourful.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  46. Jeanie,
    Lucky you that you finally got some snow..We had cold temps...It was minus 1 this morning...No snow though! Love all your decorations!! Your house looks very warm and inviting!!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  47. Hello Jeanie :=)
    Delightful snow scenes and decorations.:=)I love the golden snowman.
    Happy a lovely Sunday.

  48. Brrr......we had a little snow a few days before Christmas, a tad more after, added up to about an inch maybe at most. None since. Ice last week. The ice is pretty but if its going to be that cold, I want snow

  49. Late again to the party, but I love the beauty of your world. My temops are similar to yours, but we are starting to warm a bit. Snow here is gone and was never as lovely as yours. LOVED the cardinal and the views from the ditch before yellow snow took over. And of course, I love your little Valentine beauties, too.

  50. There's something so calming about untouched snowfall it's such a sight to behold, glad you managed to get some photos before the dogwalkers churned it all up. Indoors looks so cosy, the Cardinal appears to be very grateful helping himself at the birdfeeder, superb view.
    Happy creative week Hugs Tracey x

  51. What a pretty winter wonderland you have there Jeannie. Your Valentine Reds are quite a beautiful collection along with your snowmen. What a wonderful idea to make a bouquet of Pom pins. They are a dazzling display of color.
    Stay cozy!

  52. Brr.. it sounds and looks cold. The snow is so pretty and pristine when it first falls. Lovely photos of the snow and the birds.

  53. Happy February! Beautiful photos, Jeanie! Snow makes everything look special. We had a little getaway to a warmer climate and it made me yearn a bit for Spring!

  54. Happy Year of the Rabbit Jeanie, may it be a warm and cosy one. The Ditch looks pretty with the snow. Happy snowy wanders!
    Wren x

  55. Love all the bird pictures. The snow makes everything so pretty. We have only had a dusting so far. Enjoy your sun.

  56. The winter pictures are lovely to look at - from afar! NJ has yet to have any snow this winter, and I'm hoping it holds off for a bit while I'm up from Florida for a visit. In all honestly, though, I do enjoy a good snow day, tucked into the house, all nice and cozy.
    "Bobby Cardinal" always makes me laugh!

  57. Such beautiful photos Jeanie! The birds are so lovely. Oh I'll take the Sun anytime he wants to peep through the cloudy days!!!

  58. What a beautiful post! I’ve so enjoyed every single photo- on this wintry Monday. It’s always a joy to visit you here Jeannie! xo Lidy

  59. Back in Germany where winter could drag on forever with grey days (especially in the area where I grew up), I always enjoyed the cold but sunny days. Those were the best and this is what I decided to remember of winter and what I actually miss. It does look beautiful with the snow covering everything. I wish more of those sunny winter days for you.

  60. Your snow photos are lovely. There is something very peaceful about the snow. Walking or just looking at the serene snow scenes near your house must take all your stress away. Then you can stay nice and cozy in your little house with all your lovely decorations. You have such a flair for decorating each season and event.

  61. January was a very grey month in my opinion. Love the items on your mantle.

  62. Everything looks so magical! And I love the Valentine color pom poms!

  63. What a cute little woodpecker. We're warming up in Minnesota this week. Hooray!

  64. Don't ya love woodpeckers? They're just so much fun to watch.

  65. Ah, the sun. Always a treat.
    The whole of January was grey here, but, so far, February has been
    sunny. Just lovely.

  66. Lovely black and white nature photos.

  67. Lovely black and white nature photos.

  68. The pictures are gorgeous! I love all of them.
    I hope you have a lovely time on Valentine's Day next week. xx

  69. I love the contrast with how people view things. When you get four inches of snow, you say, "It was only four inches," while I, when we get four inches of snow, say, "We got a whole four inches!" LOL!

    We don't do much for Valentine's Day either.


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