The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Year of the Rabbit

Bloggers know that many of us pick a guiding word of the year. Last year, my word of the year was "Endure." After two years of adjusting our lives for Covid, and looking forward to uncertainty, it seemed like a good one. 

It was (unfortunately) more fitting than I knew. I had loads of health and mobility issues and Rick wasn't far behind. I continue to deal with some of those still. They affect the quality of life and perhaps are the hardest to endure. But then, don't we all have to endure something?

We've also made final farewells to some dear friends and know that the list will grow in the coming years. A sobering thought. On top of that, like all of you, we dealt with enduring rising food, fuel and utilities expenses. And yes, there were good reasons -- the war in Ukraine, avian flu, wheat supply chain in a mess leading to increased food prices. But it's still a challenge. (And it will be a bit before that eases globally.)

As Martin Luther King put it, "Only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars."

But for 2023, I am encouraged. It is the Year of the Rabbit (Specifically, the Water Rabbit, which was new to me). Some say this is the luckiest of the 12 animals in the Chinese Zodiac under which to be born. Think about it -- rabbits are considered gentle. They think before acting. (And they're awfully cute.)

The year represents peaceful and patient energy and heaven knows I need that -- the world needs that. It suggests tapping into inner wisdom and trusting instincts, focusing on relationships, diplomacy and building bridges. 

It brings with it prosperity and good fortune. It is associated with creative and artistic talents and self care. (Source: The Chinese Zodiac)

I need to focus on all those things in the coming year.

So, finally, my word of the year is an odd one but a good one, I think. Rabbit.

We'll just keep looking up and hopping along!

(Pumpkin update: The rescue was made and the deer is fine. Details to follow -- and they're fascinating!)


  1. So glad to hear that the deer finally got the pumpkin off his head. Enjoy your week, Jeanie.

  2. These rabbits look so adorable especially your painting!

  3. i think you will be just fine in the cute year of the bunny! Some predictions sound challenging but then that is life and we have been though worse than just "challenging". Wishing you a cute year!

  4. I can certainly see the sense with your choice of the word 'Rabbit'.

    So pleased to read the deer is fine :)

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  5. Whatever the word of your choice, may it bring you much happiness and many blessings, Jeanie!

  6. I like where you are coming for..if only more people had this level headed mind set. Rabbit is a good word of the year.

  7. Yay for Pumpkin! Thanks for the update. I think your word of the year is a super cool one! I like why you chose it, too. Have a blessed Sunday!

  8. Love your rabbits painting did you make them ? I love rabbits …I have them for years…my favorite animals….everything is so expensive…I am verry worried…but I keep looking to things I have…so thankful for that … I am amazed and thankful that I am getting by with so little money at this point in my life…have a nice week love from me ❤️And Leaf 🐾

  9. Seems like the Year of the Rabbit is something we could all buy into. Life has gotten a little more expensive to be sure, but we are still very fortunate when compared with most of the world. And we don't have bombs raining down on our heads.

  10. I knew I was born in a rabbit year but didn't know about the elements. Looked it up and 1951 was a metal rabbit year. My year of the rabbit will be saying goodbye to the ones I see and feed all winter. They do fight, though. Not always gentle. Especially the arctic hares...and in the spring, of course, everyone is fighting--lol!

    I agree that this last year was a rough one. I was already disabled for a couple of decades and the last year and a half everything got even more limiting. Let's hope this coming year will be a much better one. :) :)

  11. beautiful watercolor rabbits! You have a great eye and hand.

    I was born in the year of the rabbit, as was my son. I totally am in line for the characteristics. My son is not.

    we had a rough year. surgery on hand, covid, husband was in hospital for 4 days, and recently had prostate surgery. He lost 30 lbs.! Yay! I only lost 15. We just don't eat as m uch.

    Get well. Keep well.

  12. I have loved rabbits since I was a kid! So love your blue one. It made me smile!!! Janice

  13. Jeanie, your post hit home for me, as I have a similar post scheduled for tomorrow. Your rabbit photos are wonderful, and I like the picture of the squirrel on the rabbit statue. Martin Luther King's quote is a special one. Your paintings of the rabbit are very nice, and I especially like the one with the pink blossoms. Looks so Springy, and he is so cute looking up. Rabbit is a good word for the year. : )


  14. Another insightful post. Thank you Jeanie!

  15. I especially love the rabbit at the bottom, which I assume you painted. It is adorable. I hope your rabbit-y year is hugely blessed <3

  16. I like your choice of word, Jeanie, we could all use more hope! Wishing you good health and all good things.

  17. Happy rabbiting, Jeanie. Keep up that lovely artwork.

  18. Hi Jeannie
    Love the Rabbit! They are darling and gentle. Your paintings of them are so cute. I pray 2023 is a better year for all.

  19. You right about endure. It was true for so many of us. But I love that you chose rabbit. That’s such a good pick, especially the way you explained it. And I love the bunny art too! Happy new week. Hugs Erika

  20. To rabbits! If Karma exists it should be a lucky year.
    When I still worked in Wolfsburg I several times had to break hard (after taking care no other car is behind me, of course) to stop for a rabbit.

    Very cute drawings (and pics), too!

  21. My youngest son was born in the year of the rabbit.

    Love your rabbit photos.

    I think your word of the year is a great one.

    Hugs and blessings, Jeanie. 🐇

  22. Hello Jeanie,

    The past two years have been rough, maybe the year of the rabbit will be a good year. Your rabbit photos are so cute and I love your painting. The rabbit represents all things good. I like your reasons for choosing Rabbit for your word of the year. It is good to focus on the good things. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  23. Yay Pumpkin! Given how last year unfolded, I think is a good choice for 2023!

  24. For years, I've known some people (mostly English) who begin the first day of every month by saying "Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit." Saying the word three times supposedly brings luck. Maybe you should post three rabbits the first day of every month, as a way of picking up on the tradition.

  25. Interesting to read of the background on the Year of the Rabbit. Love the photos of the furry darlings. I hope this next year finds both you and Rick improving and healthy.

  26. Have a good wascally wabbit yr.Your aquarelles are charming:)

  27. lovely rabbit post. I sold all my Chinese New Year cards at my local Toucan Market. my boys each had a rabbit pet for a few years. love your freedom of art colors Jeanie. and watched the video and read article about freeing the Pumpkin head dear. Thanks for being YOU Jeanie.

  28. Thank you for the uplifting thoughts today Jeanie, rabbit has a whole new meaning now! A positive attitude goes a long way in improving one's life...Love your sweet paintings and so glad to hear the deer with the pumpkin was rescued!

  29. I love your word, rabbit, and all the pictures too. The paintings are great! I have been playing with sketching rabbits lately. I will love seeing where this word takes you, me thinks it will be very creative for you. Endure would have been a challenging word indeed.

  30. Yes, I love your word for the year. Rabbit.

    I'm a Monkey. A Fire Monkey to be exact. And my husband is, too. Hey, if you're a Rabbit, be a Rabbit. If you're a Fire Monkey, be a Fire Monkey. Right?

  31. Love seeing the rabbits. So many varieties. Love your paintings of rabbits. Hope it is a better year for all. Glad to hear the deer is now free from the pumpkin 🥰

  32. Well, I'm glad to hear we're in for some good luck. About time, I'd say!

  33. Endure. What CP teaches me everyday. It’s humbling.

  34. I'm so glad Pumpkin is ok!!

    I like your word of the year, especially with the meaning behind the year of the rabbit. I hadn't heard about that but it sounds like something all of us need more of after several challenging years! And really, what is cuter than a rabbit?

    I didn't pick a word of the year this year. I just couldn't come up with something. Last year it was connection and that is what I am continuing to focus on but I didn't want to pick the same word 2 years in a row!

  35. I am relieved to hear about Pumpkin. Great word for 2023. A year of hope is much needed. Love seeing the rabbits. Have a wonderful week.

  36. From one Rabbit to another, nose rubs for luck and happiness!

    Just finished The Offing, a book you recommended. I was struck by the parallels between post-war England and the US in 2023. We haven't gone through a horrible military war, but we have been dealing with shortages of food and household goods, enforced isolation, untended infrastructure, polarizing politics, gun violence. The Dulcie character recommends poetry and nature to counterbalance the (psychic) damage done, and I think she's right. So that's what Im emphasizing this year.

    Anyway, happy Year of the Rabbit. May good fortune shine on us all!

  37. "Endurw" was a good motto for last year. Bring on the Year of the Rabbit. Kung Hee Fat Choy.

  38. I am happy to hear that Pumpkin won’t be wearing his name anymore. I enjoyed reading about your chosen word for the year. I love seeing the rabbits all around us, just not eating my garden! Have a wonderful week, Jeanie!

  39. Your rabbit photos are so sweet. I hope this coming year of the Rabbit will be super good for you. My youngest grandson was born in 2011, a Rabbit year. At 11 years old he is very smart, already speaks French and Chinese fluently. Rabbit should be a lucky word for you this year. Hugs, VB

  40. I think "Rabbit" is a great word! May your year be full of creativity, self-care and artistry.

  41. A wonderful post, always enjoy your photos and artwork. Sweet rabbit and what a great concept. Love it, thank you Jeanie :)

  42. well written, we have had to endure a lot over these past few years, that's for sure.

  43. I appreciate your philosophical yet also constructive approach to tough times. All we can do is our best. And what great artwork. I like that your little rabbit is looking at the flowers!

  44. Thanks for beautiful paintings.
    I wish you health and happiness!

  45. i love how God's little creatures can give us a serendipitous view of life!

  46. Great word......just can't help thinking that I wished I could hop, hop and hop

  47. Whatever your word, I hope it's a good year for you. Love your rabbits! I think my year can only get better! Hugs, Valerie

  48. I love both of the rabbit watercolors you painted. I quit doing words and resolutions a few years back. I just hope we all have a better year in 2023 than we did for 2022.

  49. Good to read that Pumpkin the Deer is safe.

    In folklore around the world Rabbit is often cast as the cleverest and trickiest animal, even though some traditions save that role for Fox, Coyote, or Spider.

  50. Love seeing your rabbits Jeanie. Endure was a good word, one we've all come accustom with these last years. Wonderful words of wisdom. I had a pet rabbit once, they are so trusting and loving and yes so gentle. I do hope and wish for you and Rick a healthy new year.

  51. I am sorry to hear about your problems. Hopefully, they will be resolved during this year. Rabbit. What a nice word for 2023. I hope it will bring you luck and happiness.

  52. Good choice of a word for the year, Jeanie, and admittedly one I would not have considered myself. But, as you said, we are all looking forward to a better year than the last few have been. The artwork and photos were good accompaniments as well.

  53. Ooooo I love rabbits so much!! Great word!!!

    Billy and I were both born in the Year of the Rabbit, 1975. :)

  54. Lol! I just looked up our element - wood. It does not make those born under that sign sound very good!! LOL

  55. Your watercolor rabbits are super cute! Let's hope this year of the rabbit will bring the bridge building you mentioned - the world needs it, this country needs it. I'm skeptical though... and hope I will be proved wrong.
    My word of last year was "explore" and I think I lived up to it. It came to me; I usually don't have a word anymore, but if it comes to me I gladly take it. This year nothing came so far which is fine as well.

  56. Your rabbit paintings are delightful :)
    Happy year of the Rabbit Jeanie and hope it brings you good health.

  57. A rather unique word of the year, but I love the idea of the rabbit being your word. I really LOVE your paintings and photos of rabbits. Happy Year of the Water Rabbit.

  58. Great word choice, Jeanie. I need to work on those things as well. I decided to keep my word from last year: Pause. I don't feel that I was successful in pausing when I needed to in many cases, so I am keeping it in hopes that I am more mindful of it this year. Your bunny paintings are sweet!

  59. Endure seemed like an appropriate word. I'm sorry for your health issues, and for the farewells, and certainly do understand. To now feel encouraged by the luck, and other things represented by the Year of the Rabbit, is a good thing.
    Nice artwork, is it yours?
    May your focus of prosperity, good fortune, creative and artistic talent, and self care all be enjoyed throughout the year!!

  60. I love your word - very creative. Yes, let's just keep hopping along.


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