The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, January 16, 2023

Life Around Here

Gray. If you had to put our month into one color it would be gray. 

Not that we haven't had the (rarely) occasional blue sky. But mostly gray. 

It has been cold but not a speck of snow. The photos from the ditch were taken a couple of weeks ago when I managed a walk down there. By the time I got back (about a little over a mile, round trip) I was knackered and limping. But I did it. I haven't again. But I did it.

So, I went somewhere with loads of color -- the Detroit Institute of Arts. A long car ride both ways and a lot of walking/standing, a long but very good day. The Van Gogh exhibit, which I'll post in a couple of days, was fabulous, but there was much more to see! Like this beautiful stained glass installation by John la Farge.

These two Winslow Homer paintings have always been favorites of mine. 

We didn't seek them out but I was delighted when we came upon them!

I've always liked this Childe Hassan view of Notre Dame, as well.

And a special print exhibit was fascinating. This parrot scene, "Dying Words," by Walton Ford,  was my favorite of those. 

Compare it to this one, "The Death of General Wolfe," by Benjamin West. In addition to being a very complicated print, it's also a very clever one.

To be honest, I was a bit nervous in the museum. While many were masked, most weren't and -- becaue I'd left my mask in my coat pocket, which I checked, neither was I. I almost reached into this exhibition of masks by Ai Weiwei for one!

Back on the home front, I finally got the big tree and most of the smaller ones down. I'll leave the Happy Tree and Woodland tree for a little bit, till it stops being so gray outside. I need that light!

Rick has been mastering individual pizzas and while they were very good before, I have to say they are better now. He's also been turning out soup and bread. No arguments from here!

We've had a bit of company, too! Rick's old phone has been proclaimed the boys' "favorite phone." Go figure!

And Carson is turning into a bit of a card shark! 

The big news on my neighborhood FB page is the sad story of Pumpkin, one of the deer that prowl our neighborhood yards. Apparently, Pumpkin stuck her head into a plastic pumpkin container, the kind kids might carry at Halloween, possibly for a drink. Now the container is stuck on her face and no one can get close to her to try to remove it. This has been going on for close to a week. By the time she is spotted and someone might be able to get there who can either temporarily tranquilize her or coax her, she has moved on.  

The most recent posting is that today a rescue group is coming to an area where the deer seem to be hanging out more frequently to remove the bucket. Apparently they have a licensed tranq-gun user who will try to sedate her. If they can't get to her soon, she'll likely starve. Lesson to all of us -- be careful what you might keep in your yard and how it might affect the creatures who visit.

So, more or less, it's winter as usual. Close to home, occasional times with friends, good books, British TV. 

And laying low. 

It's getting ugly out there again!


  1. We have had allot of grey skies here too for most of the month of december into january-we did get very cold with snow and ice last week but most of that is melted off now with the mid 60's f temps. Hubs was hoping to go fishing but the winds got pretty strong.
    Loved the visit to the art institute thank you for sharing those paintings. I enjoyed that.
    Happy new week hugs Kathy

  2. How delightful that you managed to see the amazing Van Gogh exhibit at the DIA! I saw it in November and loved it. I’m really grateful that we live so close to one of the top museums in the country. The inspiration for the exhibit was that the DIA was the first US museum to buy a Van Gogh — 100 years ago (in 1922, as commemorated by the exhibit). I thought they did a fabulous job of documenting the history of Van Gogh appreciation in the US. The Europeans were way ahead of us, but that’s not surprising.

    best… mae at

  3. I've been meaning to tell you ~ I read "Lady in Waiting" by Anne Glenconner ~ WOW! What a life she has had!!!
    Now I have the Agatha Christies waiting for me ~ Thanks so much for all yoour suggestions!

  4. What a fun visit!
    Great having a spouse who cooks.
    You have fun with your grandies, too!

  5. I hope they find the deer and rescue it before it dies of thirst--poor thing.

    I wouldn't have made a trip that far to visit the ducks. Kudos to you!

    Funny how the boys like the older phones. What kids must think of "old" movies where phones had to be plugged in to work and either sat on tables or hung on the wall--LOL! :)

  6. We've had so much grey too. Too much. Only we have little snow events that gives us an inch before it turns to rain and then freezes. What a great idea to go see color in an art museum. I'm going to keep that in mind. And I hope you share the Van Gogh exhibit because he used such great colors. And fun that you had some kid time and great you have some yummy bread and soup. It's perfect for this weather. I hope that deer gets the pumpkin removed soon. That is so sad. I hope you see some sun soon. Hugs-Erika

  7. Hope the deer gets her head freed. I once saw a skunk with his head in a soda can. I called animal control for them to rescue him. How did Carson become a card shark? Gray skis here too. Janice

  8. We've been "enjoying" that atmospheric river of gray around here, too. The DIA, though, is a great cure for that -- glad you were able to make the trip. And it looks like you've had a great time at home as well... I love that picture of you with the boys!

  9. How awesome that you managed to see the Van Gogh exhibition!

    Love the photos especially that shot of you with the grands.

    Hugs and blessings, Jeanie!

  10. Prayers for Pumpkin
    and folks to take care not to have out containers that critters can get stuck in

  11. Different graduated gray can be artistic too. A dreamy feel from your shots

  12. Hello,
    We have had a lot of those gray sky days here too, but no snow.
    Cute captures of the ducks! I love the stained glass.
    The paintings are beautiful, the parrots is one of my favorites.
    I would be happy with some of Rick's soup and homemade bread, yum.
    Cute photo of you and the grandsons. Take care, have a happy day!

  13. The last couple of times we have made individual pizzas we used nan bread. It is easy and tastes great!

  14. I went to the DIA for the first time last November (for the Van Gogh) and loved it; I definitely will return. I must say, I don't miss the gray of January in Michigan while I'm down in Florida.

  15. We’ve had some breaks from the grey recently, but those breaks come with extreme cold.

    Your trip to the DIA reminds me of ours. My daughter attended University of WIndsor and had some sort of project that necessitated a visit. At least I think that was the case, but I don’t know what the project ws. I should ask her.

    Your snowless condition reminds me of winters in Sarnia. The Ottawa Valley is a whole different climate zone. I expect to be converted for another two months.

  16. What a perfect outing for a gray winter day, enjoying beautiful and colorful art! That is so funny that the boys love the old phone, they are growing so fast... Have a great week Jeanie, and enjoy Rick's cooking!

  17. Our January mostly bleak too..but the last few days brilliant blue skies after a snowstorm las week so it looks grand:)Rick is quite le chef:) Boys are so cute chatting on the phone.I remember card games:)

  18. Oh poor Pumpkin! I hope they get the bucket off her head today.
    About this time the greyness certainly can get us down. Thus, the name of yesterday was Blue Monday in some circles. For some reason I hadn't gotten that connection before, but now I understand. Mid-winter blues.
    Glad Rick is feeding your well.
    Love Homer Winslow paintings too.
    The stained glass is gorgeous.
    Glad you had a bit of a walk to the ditch too.
    Soon the sun will shine again.

  19. What a wonderful place to get some color. so sorry about the poor deer hope they can help. Funny picture of your grands so sweet.
    And a man that can cook bread pizza and soup! nothing else is needed in this world to eat lol.

  20. Gray days here often mean that warmth has moved in from the Gulf, bringing clouds. I'm all for that! Of course, our winter pattern is alternating sunny and gray days, so we rarely go more than a week or so with things dim and/or foggy. The diffused light often is better for photography, too, so I'm just as likely to enjoy a cloudy day as a bright and sunny one. I'm glad I can find a use for those clouds!

  21. Same here. Grey, grey, grey... hence tired, tired, tired.
    Thank you for the colorful art, it brightens up the day indeed.
    Pizza and the boys :-)
    Poor Pumpkin... Hope for freedom again and that people remember to take their rubbish home. Being a kid is no excuse (not when I was one).
    Getting nastier, weather-wise, too. Spring, please!

  22. Poor Pumpkin! I hope that story has a happy ending. We are very gray here too, so I know what you mean -- I am also yearning for light and color. DIA was a great option! I love those masks by Ai Weiwei -- they strike me as humorous though I suppose they may have other interpretations. I like the Carolina Parakeet print as well. A statement about extinction, I assume?

  23. Gray days here too. Tea, coffee and books are keeping me busy. Hope the pumpkin story has a happy ending. Enjoy your day, Jeanie.

  24. It is gray most of the year here. I have started to get use to it after 15 years. LOL I love seeing that bread coming out of the oven. Everyone looks so happy. The art is just amazing. Have a lovely day.

  25. aahh, poor Pumpkin. Keep us updated on that, will you? I have a soft spot for the deer. Good of you to remind us of keeping unnecessary things on our yard. That stained glass is beautiful. It was nice that you got to spend the day at the Institute of Arts. The parrots gathering look like they are having a nice conversation haha. Rick's bread looks wonderful. Renecke was really into making bread for a time, and it was so good warm out of the oven with butter. I think he still makes it from time to time. A cute photo of the kids with their phones. And my favorite was the ditch. Even though it's grey out there right now, your nature photos at the ditch always delight me. It's great that you walked there recently and got to spend some time in nature. Have a pleasant week, Jeanie.


  26. I sure hope that Pumpkin will be taken care of, poor thing!

  27. Oh that poor deer! I hope they can get the pumpkin off of him!

    It's a white world here in Minnesota. It is prettier than what you see, but we've had rain in the past week so it is horribly icy! I should use Phil's Yaktrax. I have put off trying them out but it's dangerously icy out there! I'm trying to go outside for 23 minutes/day and need to be on the move during those 23 minutes to stay warm so should probably bite the bullet and try them out.

    That exhibit looks beautiful! The mask exhibit is very clever! I'm glad you found some color to enjoy!!

  28. It seems we have the same grey skies. It is this time of the year. I see you got a little bit of sunshine with an exhibition. That lightens up a bit.

  29. I'd be more nervous about the germs from the little guys than folks social distancing in the museum. My great grands carry lots of viruses!

  30. Lots of gray skies here too. That poor deer. I sometimes see videos of animals with things stuck on their heads and I never find them entertaining. So sad. :( I love that stained glass! So many colors, I could stare at it a long time.

  31. Poor pumpkin, she need to be free of that pumpkin container. We have sunshine today. How wonderful to see that exhibit. It’s been on my radar.

  32. Oh I hope pumpkin can be helped. We have had a gray winter so far. Unbelievable that you have had no snow. The stained glass is exquisite. Enjoy the week, Jeanie!

  33. Do let us know if they can find that deer, how awful for her.
    The fresh baked bread with soup sounds wonderful on a chilly day!

  34. the deer must have smelt some kind of food in the pumpkin bucket. It's so sad we humans leave trash that kills. I hope they tranquilize the deer soon.

  35. I love that photo of the stained glass windows the most. Priceless. It's nice that Rick is such a good cook. You eat well.

  36. Gray here, too, with temps warmer than normal and storms predicted for later.

    What a shame about that deer. I hope they're able to rescue here.

  37. Such beauty. Thank you for sharing.

  38. Visiting the Detroit Institute of Arts sure sounds like a great way to get away from the gray! Such beautiful colors in that stained glass installation. The print exhibit would be nice to see. Also, such wonderful colors in the one you chose as your favorite. The Philadelphia Museum of Art is close enough to us that we've visited lots of times over the years.
    So many nice photos! Thanks for sharing them. :)

  39. Hope Pumpkin is rescued soon. Love that pic of you and the grands. And what glorious paintings. Don't they just take your breath away?

  40. Keep us posted about the deer. How can she even see? It was very gray here today, and it was VERY foggy. The Westies and I were the only ones walking around the lake this morning.

    Thanks for posting the pics from the museum. I enjoyed them! I love looking at art.

  41. I feel for you about those gray days. We have had them, too, with very wild storms as you know, but since I know that here sooner or later gray days will be replaced by sunny days I don't mind the gray so much. But from living in Germany I remember how depressing it could get. Good thing you were able to escape for a day, and what a wonderful day it turned out to be.

  42. It's very cold here not only outside but indoors too. At least there are signs that life is returning to the gardens I visit and around our area. The art gallery paintings was a great way to spend time on a grey January day.

  43. I agree January is a grey month. Stunning paintings, hard to pick the one I like the best. The stained glass windows too are just gorgeous. Before I came to visit your blog I had just written a post about home phones and cell phones to be published on Saturday!! Home phones are dying out.......

  44. I hope the poor deer gets that darned pumpkin off. I have enjoyed reading your post again Jeanie. The photos are fun and loved the art exhibit, you with your grandkids and Rick taking his baking out of the oven. The phot of the masks and the sign is enlightening. I still keep mine handy and with all the vile respiratory infections I've had over the years, my body thanks me. I haven't had so much as a cold since wearing them, I'm at that age now where I have to be very careful. Funny thing is I remember occasionally seeing people wearing them way before all the hoo-hah and thinking it looked a bit odd, but they all had the last laugh, not that I am laughing about such things. Happy weekend to you all :)

  45. We have had quite a few grey days, although today it was blue sky, sunshine but very cold! Definitely soup weather.

    Your visit to the museum was a good idea, I enjoyed your photographs especially the beautiful stained glass installation by John la Farge.

    Love the boys enjoying the phone :)

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  46. The sun actually came out today, but it is still cold. Not bitter, but cold.

    I was in awe of the two prints about dying that were so different, yet so similar. Great that you werre able ti share both.

    I LOVE those masks. A sign of the times. They are so well done. The finger, which is how most people feel about them, had me laughing. I have learned to put my mask on in the car, then I will not forget to wear it. I find most people have ditched their masks, but there are still a few who wear them.

    The ditch looked icy and cold. Are you glad there is no snow?

    Rick's bread looks tasty.

    Poor Pumpkin. I hope that team can remove that dreaded plastic bucket. A lesson to anyone with animals.

  47. oh no that poor deer. hope they can help it. yes it looks very grey. it is mid summer here of course and usually blue skies and sunshine but today is grey and damp. such weird weather. All that marvellous art. so comforting and uplifting. i do love going to the art gallery when i can.

  48. All this gray is getting to me! Where is the sun? Even snow would brighten things up.

    I love that stained glass piece at the museum. It is so beautiful! I am glad you enjoyed your visit to Detroit!

  49. I hope Pumpkin will be all right. The paintings are lovely. Pizza, soup and bread, delicious hearty winter food, well done Rick :-)

  50. Oh, poor pumpkin! I hope they're able to take that container off. It makes me want to cry thinking about how that poor animal is suffering.
    I was back in NJ for a week, and it was mostly gray there, too. Soup, bread and pizza - I could live on that!

  51. Mask art is interesting. Actually *good* gray-winter-day photos are pretty too, and you picked some good ones.

  52. The grands are growing up so fast. The card games look like fun.
    I'm so glad you enjoyed the museum. I enjoyed the pictures you featured.
    What a story about the deer, Pumpkin! Hope it all works out.
    Hot bread out of the oven sounds fabulous!
    It has been grey here, also. We have had so much rain!
    Happy February!


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